Friday, November 30, 2007
our hot date
Neil comes home late. We eat leftover chicken pot pie and some freshly sliced pineapple.
I bathe Juliet while Neil responds to his email. I bathe Abigail when Neil slumps against the wall holding Juliet.
The girls go to bed. We watch twenty minutes of Rent and eat some homemade salsa and tortilla chips.
Neil kisses me goodbye and heads back to the lab. I slouch down in front of the computer and start another editing project. Every five or ten minutes, we instant message each other when we come across something that amuses us.
We're sure grateful for Sundays, our day of rest, which equates to "our day-long date."
So at dinnertime, when I was encouraging her to eat, I said "Oh, Abigail, this is such yummy food!"
And she responded politely "Thank you, Mommy. I made it all by self."
At least she's really got the manners thing down, if somewhat misguidely. We really try to emphasize please, thank you, you're welcome, thank you for my yummy food, thank you for my blessings (when praying), so it apparently is seeping into her little mind, if in somewhat haphazard fashion.
- abigail dumped very wet potting soil (from her little bean sprout plant that we planted to learn about seeds) all over the dining room carpet and living room carpet. impossible to get out, after several hours of trying. i really should have been keeping an eye on her (I was trying to show a girl in the ward how to design a budget in MS Money), so i can't get too upset--as a matter of fact, it might not even have been abigail, as the other little girl was quite dirty too. then again, they both had dirt around their mouths, signifying an attempt at consumption. why? did the dirt taste good?
- abigail pulled out, snapped, and broke the drawer of my very nicest piece of furniture (a solid cherry end table)
- a certain personal belonging that i loaned to someone was returned a month later broken, without a thank-you note for the loan of the item and the considerable investment of time on my part that also accompanied the item's original service, and without any acknowledgement of the fact that it was rendered completely unusuable and will have to be replaced
it could be a long day. gripe, gripe, gripe. whine, whine, whine.
ok, i'm done now.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
back on the wagon...sort of

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
pictures, part one
Anyway, Rosalind, these are for you, because I love you.
And MB and Ruth, these are for you, because you little weenies went to Park City and played in hot tubs over Thanksgiving, so these are to make you homesick and remember how much you want to come hang out with us cool people in just a few weeks!
And mostly, these are going up because that crazy Neil went back to his lab tonight, and so the computer is free. But I'd rather have you home, honey. :-) I just love you like that.
And lastly, these are in two parts, because Blogger got riled up at the number of pictures I was uploading and started just giving me little x's.
And while I still have your attention, can I tell you that we saw enchanted this weekend and despite those naysayers (like my husband) I think it was an absolute sugar plum of a movie. So fun! So cute! So just fun! Funny! Fun! My favorite part is when Giselle makes herself a dress out of the sort-of-hero's curtains. And then hangs them back up, with dress-shaped pieces cut out of them. You really should go see it.
When we first got to my parents' house, we were all really excited to see each other. We had lots of energy and did cool stuff. As you can see.
My grandfather used to be a little wary about holding babies, which I can certainly understand--they are so wiggly and squirmy and there's nothing to really get a grip on. In recent years, he's become more comfortable with the idea of these squirmy little wigglers, and I really and truly cherish moments and pictures like these. I feel so blessed to live so close!
After Thanksgiving dinner, we did more fun and exciting and energetic things.
At least...some of us did.
I spent a goodly portion of the weekend on the treadmill repenting of my Thanksgiving-dinner sins. Also, my mom makes this really good salad with romaine, bacon, feta, toasted almonds, tomatoes, and cucumbers that just kills any restraint I have. I love it so much that she made it a total of three times throughout the weekend. She left it out on the kitchen island and I was eating it out of the bowl with my hands. I also ate it when everyone else was eating pie. Then I ate a piece of pie. Then I had another serving of salad.
Abigail had such a blast doing the dishes with my grandpa while everyone else lay around on couches and digested. We're lucky to have two such stalwart workers.
And then the Christmas decorations began...
We made Julesie her "very own special blankie," as Abigail called it.
I think this one takes the Heinousness Cake. Elise and a certain prize drawing at a local drive-in are responsible. Fortunately for all concerned, this ornament developed a nastily dangerous crack in its glass surface, relegating it to the rubbish bin (ooh, how delightfully British that sounds).
so. many. pictures. part deux.
I just love this picture. Don't you?
I think my dad could be an Eddie Bauer model. Doesn't he have that rugged handsomeness look down? I'm glad we have such good genes running around in our family. :-)
Since we got out our nativities on Monday, they have become Abigail's best friends. She uses them to enact various dramas. My personal favorite thus far:
At least it'll be better than the first year you were married, when you said to your husband "let's make macaroni angels for the tree!" and he gave you a really dubious look, but acquiesced anyway, and it wasn't until you were all done that you found out he thought you were going to be hanging wet noodles on the tree. That's trust. And newlywedness.
Last year I helped host this ginormous nativity thing at our church, and lame mother that I am, I picked up the kids' craft for Abigail but um...forgot to do it until I pulled out the decorations this year. Oh well. She really had fun making it this year, and she probably wouldn't have last year.
This (the ornaments piled inside the hurricane lamp) is my favorite decoration that I "made" this year. Neil thinks it's way better than noodle angels.
And lastly, can you believe how big and just adorable this kid is getting? Love it.
a little beat up, but hey, what's free all about?
i am excited because when i originally called the guy said it was probably gone, but then he called me back a couple hours later and said i could have it if i wanted it.
also today i have been researching treadmills, as neil and i have decided over the last four months that we will buy each other one as our christmas/anniversary/birthday/festivus/valentine's/what-have-you gift for the next however many years. i am excited. let's face it is HARD to work out with a baby who won't go to bed until 10 and then wakes up at 1 am, 3 am. 5:45 am, and 7 am. that crazy kid. she's biting my arm right now. i think that means she's hungry. i better go feed this ravening beast.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
This post has really been rumbling around in my brain for awhile...since it's so late.
And when I thought about that, I remember the time that Ruth was mad at my dad and he said "Oh, go stick your head in the toilet," and she really did, and then she lost her balance and fell in. And she was sixteen or so, I think.
And when I thought about how gorgeous she is with her super-long legs and bright blue eyes and curly blonde hair, I remember how she used to think that my parents had bought her at the grocery store, because she looked so different from the rest of us, and then she was convinced that we were just fattening her up to eat her, and she used to yell things to that effect when we were in public places.
Those all sound sort of scary, but what I mean to say is...Ruth is really funny. (And melodramatic sometimes, but that's what makes her funny. And after all, who am I to call someone melodramatic?)
Some of my favorite "young Ruth" memories:
- insisting on being named "Pancake" whenever we played make-believe games
- running away from our horse (who was really named Pancake) while Pancake tried to eat Ruth's pigtails
- her imaginary friends were named Goo-gah and Gah-gee
- she did this smile called "Barbie lips" whenever anyone told her she was cute, which involved flipping out her bottom lip and then curling her tongue out over her top lip. It was kinda scary.
- she would never sleep on her sheets--instead she slept between her blanket and her comforter--but she would insist on her sheets being washed every week
Cool things about Ruth:

- she loves reading the Wall Street Journal
- she's not afraid to go swimming in glacier lakes
- she landed a stellar job in part because she was the only applicant courteous enough to write a thank-you note after the interview
- she has a really amazing sense of style. really. she has really, really, good-lookin' clothes, and she pulls outfits together beautifully...when she's all fancied up, it's the iconic Audrey Hepburn type of look. Very elegant and beautiful.
- she went skiing the day after my wedding and wound up in the ER and now has a pretty sweet scar on her stomach from sticking a ski into her abdomen
- once she painted a mural on her wall with acrylic paints while my mom was gone. So my mom came home, and there was this random palm tree and sunset mural on Ruth's wall. It actually looked really cool...and it's still there.
- I remember looking around Ruth's room for something and noticing the book she was reading for fun on her nightstand: Anna Karenina. She's cool like that.
- She's really fun in this crazy maniac way. When she was little, she and her best friend Tina used to go buy dollar store Barbies and pull them apart and stick their arms back in the leg holes and vice versa. It sounds a little demented, but it was funny, and she still does funny crazy things that are just funny and crazy because she's Ruth. I can't think of a good example, so Ruth, why don't you leave one in the comments? :-) But basically, if you want to do something really fun at like 2 am or something, you should take Ruth, because she will make it x1000 "funner."
- she really does study in the library every night until midnight. that's some serious work ethic and dedication. way to go, Ruthie!
- and she's so gorgeous that random people just walk up to her and ask her out, cause she's good-lookin' like that. She must take after me, right? ;-)
I love you, Ruthie! Happy (late) birthday!
Monday, November 26, 2007
And Neil, I really should write you one too, seeing as how your birthday is the same day as Ruth's.
But today we're decompressing from the excitement of the weekend...and it may take awhile.
But we love you both!
For all you other readers...did you know that you can melt the mascara on your eyelashes if you peek into a very very hot oven to check on its contents? And did you know that Abigail's grandpa (whose job often involves working with Kellogg) goes to work every day "feeding the tigers?" (aka Tony the Tiger)? Now that's a grandpa to make the other kids envious!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
picture overload
This weekend was so much fun! We really had a good time just all hanging out together.
On Saturday, we got up early to go clean the church, which got us off to a good happy start. Then Neil and Abigail went to go to the campus pool (which unfortunately was closed for a unannounced-on-the-website swim meet, so they ended up at his lab instead, which was where we all ended up Saturday night again--fun fun) while I stayed home to make Neil some surprise birthday food.
Neil's birthday is the 23rd, so I always feel bad because he gets Thanskgiving instead of a birthday. Which really isn't bad at all, but I feel like I should make a little extra effort since it sort of gets lost in the hubbub of Thanksgiving.
So here is what Neil wanted for dinner for his birthday, so that his birthday wouldn't get lost in Thanksgiving: turkey, pumpkin pie, salad, sweet potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and homemade bread.
Yeah. Glad it's not getting confused or anything.
Since we didn't have 27 candles, my brilliant husband decided to put 3 raised to the 3rd candles on his pie, equaling 27.
And Abigail had a really hard time waiting until dinner was over...
I think this is one of my very favorite pictures, ever.
One of the perks of a king-size bed: everyone can cuddle up comfortably together for a nap (while poor Neil does his homework). Most days Abigail comes into bed with us in the mornings before our alarm goes off, and we all snuggle together for awhile. It's lovely.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
keeping us laughing
- "No Dad no! I no want to go on the alligator!" (refusing to ride the elevator at Neil's lab)
- "Hey look! I licking some cookie off the floor!" (flat on her face licking up pumpkin pie filling I had spilled)
- "My turkey all gone, Mom. I share yours, okay?"
- "Hey look! I fold up my lap!" (after finally managing to sit Indian-style)
- "Look! Baby Juliet a animal boat!" (after lining up all of Juliet's stuffed animals on Juliet's back)
- "Hey Dad, is your birthday! What you want? Want some cookies, huh? Yeah, want some cookies!"
- "Mom, you cutting Dad's hair? Why? So he look so so pretty? Oh yeah, he going look so so pretty. Dad, you look so so pretty. Mom, he put on him dress, and den he look so so so bew-ful! Ok, Dad? Put on him dress and so pretty hair dat Mom cut!" (note...Neil and Abigail followed this up with a long discussion about how "Dad not wear him dress he is a boy not wear him dress, just Mom and Abigail and Baby Zul-yet wear dresses and are so so bew-ful").
A bazillion pictures are forthcoming--I took so many today that I wore out the batteries!
Friday, November 16, 2007
i am the luckiest
But I'm not, because I am lucky and blessed and I love my family (isn't it nice to hear me say that for a change?) Really, though, I feel pretty blessed with my lot in life.
Our enrichment turned out beautifully (my personal part of it (making 4 crib quilts that were then tied during the service project portion) went without a hitch), Jules only woke up once last night, I had a lovely visit with a visiting teachee this morning, we had an uneventful grocery store jaunt, i have a washing machine churning all the yuckies away, my children continue to delight and amuse me and squeeze my heart by saying things like "Oh Mom, I just want to sit in your lap and snuggle...let's not go to friend's house, I just want to snuggle you, " one of my best friends just posted her wedding pictures, we're babysitting tonight, which means 3 of my friends get to have a date with their husbands, and I got the sweetest card from my ever-thoughtful grandparents. Life just is lovely.
Oh, and did I mention there's a bag of tortilla chips and half a dozen pint jars of homemade salsa waiting for me in the pantry? Little buddies. And in three days I get to see six of my favorite people in the whole world. As Abigail confided me in this morning while we were getting Julesie dressed, "Mom, I just wuv going to Papa's house and see all my families!" That pretty much sums it up.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Now I'm wondering if I should give pseudonyms to my family.
Taking it a bit far? I don't know. What I do know is that I don't want my blog to be password protected, because I like making new blogging friends, but I do want to preserve my family's safety. I've been surprised by how many people read my blog who I don't know personally--I love it, because I'm an unabashed reading-other-people's-blogs-person, but at the same time, it does occasion some reflection on the matter.
What do you think? Do you worry about this with your own blog?
On another note, I love Juliet (and Abigail too). She just woke up and I went in to cuddle her back to sleep, and can I tell you--there's nothing sweeter than a chubby little baby whose toothless little gums split into a huge wide grin at the sight of you and her little fat hands wave at you and clutch your shirt and just make you feel so loved, and when you set her back down in her crib she giggles rapturously and kicks her feet up in the air and you just have to go back and kiss her a million times because she's so cute and darling. I love babies. When they're happy like that, I think daringly about someday having another one. Someday. When this one starts sleeping.
a letter to neil
Today Mommy said I was driving her crazy.
She said I needed "an outlet for my excess energy."
So since we really like you...
and your birthday is next week...
we had a party for you.
We just wish you could have been here to have fun with us.
We made cool hats, like this:
and then we made brownies in the shape of cupcakes, topped with cream cheese frosting and plenty of sprinkles.
We even made a special hat for you. You will probably think it's dorky, but guess what? You have to wear it anyway.
The brownie-cakes were pretty tasty.
If you hurry home soon, then there might be some for you.
But you might have to hurry kind of fast.