
Going Private.

Last call for emails!

And yes, Christie I am 12 weeks prego!

Good times are ahead with two right?


{lizzythebotanist} said...

me me me! eazylizzy@gmail.com

congrats on the pregnancy!

K+C=M+K said...

schilling7@gmail.com I wanna be on the list! Are you feeling any better these days?! Poor thing.. I feel your pain!

Chris and Nickels said...

You really are! Wooohooo awesome congrats lady! Put me on :) cngardner@live.com

Kara said...

kcamacho20@gmail.com :)

MA said...

Add me! mabacquah@yahoo.com

MA said...

Its Marilyn Acquah

Michelle Michel said...

I would love to be invited!!


Anonymous said...


Keep me on the list!

Jamie said...

Yay! I'm so excited for you and yes please add me....jamienspencer@gmail.com

Kelli said...

Congrats on the pregnancy!

Put me in there: kelli.lindahl@gmail.com

The Gardner Family said...

Felicidades por estar embarazada! Y puedes practicar tu espanol conmigo cuando quieras!! Congrats girl!

Rockwell5 said...

Congratulations! How exciting! We are very happy for you! I haven't been very good at keeping up with my blog lately, but I'd love to be on your list. just2rocks@hotmail.com :)

Brooke Wilkins said...


KB said...

Coolio! Congrats! I read ur posts thru g.reader so put me in the blogSend address box if theres still room n ill get ur posts emailed :) Karyna.Bouslog @ gmail . com

shira said...

me too =)

abo-bder said...

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