Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Holy. Smokes!!!
We are alive and well! I promise!
Chloe is growing up so fast it's absolutely ridiculous! In fact, that's one of her favorite words, "ridiculous"! I can't believe she is only 2! This girls vocabulary and sentence structural skills are astronomical! She is constantly keeping me laughing and always keeping me on my toes! She recently just got done with a year of gymnastics. And in that year she has mastered a summer salt, jumping, climbing ladders of all sizes and balancing on the balance beam. We are taking small break for summer but she will back in the fall. She also just finished up swim lessons. By the end of her 8 classes she was swimming like a big girl but has recently reverted back to floaties and prefers the baby pool (spa). Sigh. Maybe next year she will be more independent. She LOVES her baby brother is is constantly reminding me each day she is a big sister. Her hobbies currently are coloring, movie watching, reading books with mommy and daddy, playing with her cousins, helping mommy in the kitchen, swimming, playing "chase" or hide and seek with daddy and being outside! She is growing and developing into a bright and beautiful little lady!
Drake is huge! He has grown so much in the last few months. He started army crawling at 6 months. Soon after he figured out how to crawl on all fours! He recently has become fast. He also thinks he is 2 and wants to keep up with his sister and cousins! He is pulling himself up onto everything! His forehead is full of bruises because he is very daring and his little mind sometimes is more advanced than his bodys abilities. He finally got 2 bottom teeth and ever since has done a much better job at sleeping through the night. I like to think he started this because he is eating more solids throughout the day and i put him on a better day time schedule. You would assume that bc he is getting more food and sleeping he would be much happier. Ha! Wrong. He just cries a lot. Mostly between 4-730. Some days are better than others and the last few days he has been so good and so happy (knock on wood)! He babbles, "gaga" "dada" "baba". He loves his blankie! He stuffs it in his mouth and sucks on it for soothing! We will probably have some serious teeth issues in our future but for now...whatever helps sooth him and help him sleep and relax (he refuses to take a pacifier). He loves the water and being outside. He currently eats handfuls of sand at the beach. I cant get him to stop, it's both funny and gross! He really is so sweet and honestly the cutest little boy! His big blue eyes and huge smile with two adorable dimples! Honestly, he melts me!
So grateful for my children. I love them!
I'm just busy being a mom. My hands are definitley full and I wouldn't want it any other way. This is by far the hardest thing I have done but I find joy through my kids each day...even the hard, miserable, bad days. I admit, there have been too many of those lately! I'm working on being more grateful with what I have been blessed with and bettering myself so I can be a better mom and putting my children first...at all times! It's help quite a bit! Michael is busy busy busy at work! He works so hard to provide for us and we are so grateful! Ther really are no words to express it! Heirs still looking for a job and that is hard and stressful but I know something will come our way! We just saw my little brother, Aaron, get sealed to Mykenna this past Saturday! What a fun and joyous occasion! They are the sweetest, most adorable couple! They R so happy and so in love! It's refreshing!!! I love them both so much and I'm so excited for the future they will have together!
That's all for now! Pics coming soon!
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