

So Dave and I went to an auction in LA to buy a house...and it was CRAZY! I mean look at the guy behind Dave. He clearly meant business. I felt like we went back in time to the 1890s Music Man-type of auction. When we first got there, they did a "mock" auction and the auctioneer spouted out gibberish 100 MPH. Before we knew it the house was bought in less than a minute. I started freaking out a bit because I didn't know if he was going to auction our place without me even knowing. Luckily though there were these strapping young lads in the aisle interpreting what the auctioneer was saying. By the 10th house or so I could understand the auctioneer. Needless to say, we got bought out in like 0.2 seconds, but the experience was one of a kind and if you have the moolah you can really get a smokin' deal. Brand-new 5 bed/5 bath homes in Costa Mesa were selling for $500,000!


K+C=M+K said...

Pretty intense guys! So I take it you guys didn't score an awesome casa for 230 grand? Seems like a pretty good deal to me! Oh, and funny side note- that guy in the video is one of my ex-boyfriends, ha ha!!

terynmendenhall said...

Hey Stephanie,
Yeah, I totally applied and am still waiting to hear back from Tim. I haven't been able to get ahold of him. I don't want to seem too pushy but its starting to get close. I'm afraid that the fact I haven't heard anything is a bad thing..?? What do you gather?

terynmendenhall said...

Shephanie, That auction is a trip! How could you even keep a staight face? I applaud you and dave for bidding. Thanks for emailing Tim. I'm glad I'm still in the running cause I assumed it was all choosen and done. Switzerland needs me this summer!! I would love to come visit cali. Katie is coming in April but I don't know what her plans are? A trip to cali would be swell so I'll see what she's thinkin.