Letter F story
We were discussing the letter F in preschool and I asked Phoebe what words start with the letter F. She said Fox and Frog, then I said "Fa Fa Fairy!" And she said "Fa Fa Tinkerbell!"
Current Affairs

Good grief, I haven't even looked at this ol blog in forever. Instagram has officially taken over. But had to post these amazing shots that Jill took the other day. I did get attacked by stinging nettle and Phoebe poked my eye pretty straight on, so needless to say I wasn't at my best, yet it didn't even phase the master of photography. She made us look real good :)
In other news, I am 8 months prego and getting humongous. Each day adds another few pounds and inches. But baby girl's gotta grow so its all part of the plan. . .probably shouldn't have eaten those cookies tonight.
Phoebe is an absolute delight. She is full energy all the time and her favorite phrases are:
"Go Disneyland!! Okayy!"
"Where papa go?"
"Carrie, Ham, Pat, Nana's house!"
"Put swimsuit on."
"Help you" (help me)
"I love you too" (I love you)
"Animals bath"
"Go see Belle, Jazzy" (Papa's horses)
"Good nie nights" (when she wakes up in the morning)
Her favorite toys are:
Pony in a Purse
Toy Story toys
Her favorite foods are:
Beans, Rice, and Cheese mixed together
Alphabet cookies
"Dilla" (Quesadilla)
Her favorite shows are:
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Favorite rides at Disneyland:
Little Mermaid and the carousel
Our day pretty much looks the same with a few variations. Phoebs wakes us up at 6:30 am, comes storming into our room and says "Good nie nights!!" "Daddy come on!!" "Cereal!!" Dave then gets her breakfast (cereal) and. . .I stay asleep til 7:30 or so. Then I slowly get out of bed and groggily make Dave a lunch and send him off to work. Phoebs and I do various activities, play group, park, pool, blade, beach or just stay at home and play or clean. She naps at 1 or 2 and I nap also. Wake up and make dinner. Take a bath, read scriptures pray and go to sleep. I work on Wednesdays at Mission and Carrie watches Phoebe, which is a major blessing. I also work on Saturday at the Ritz and Dave has a little play date with her then.
Pregnancy wise, Sunday is growing nicely. She moves a ton. I'm carrying her low, so I got some major pelvic pressure goin on. I sleep alot or just lay down alot. It's the only way my pelvis likes me.
Some things I wonder are: what she'll look like (obvi), how I am going to do 2 kids in 1 room, or just 2 kids period, how phoebe will react to sharing the spotlight, will my hips ever be the same again, and will I love her as much at first as I did phoebe.
This pregnancy has been so different. I forget I'm pregnant all the time (except for the giant pumpkin in front) I feel very disconnected with my body. Only at night when I'm trying to sleep and she's moving around do I remember I'm making a human, and that she's coming in less than 2 months. 2 MONTHS! Can't wait for this lil bundle to get here. I know its going to be a huge adjustment, but I just want to see our family grow and grow. I've been the happiest I've ever been being Phoebe's mom, so I figure more children = more happiness right? At least in the long term. (I am not so naive as to think there will be days I'll wanna pull my hair out, but overall it'll be worth it.) I'm really banking on God's promise of, a quiver full of children = being blessed.
Fall so far.
October was a very up and down month for us. I was sick the first 3/4 of it. But we managed. Towards the last half of the month I started feeling better. I'm now 17 weeks and most of the nausea is gone, {YAY!!!} but I'm already feeling some heavy pelvic pressure and I have an ovarian cyst on my left side that causes pain from time to time {BOO!!!}. I'm just so grateful not to have nausea anymore. That takes the cake on prego woes. And having more energy is a plus.
Moving on, let's chat about Phoebs. She is a classic 2 year old. Full of energy and personality with the occasional/daily tantrum{s}. She loves animals, going on outings with us and family, being outside, and playing with friends. She's obsessed with Zoomar's (our local petting zoo) and has a daily request to go there. It comes in the form of "horsey, train, bunny."
Her word associations are classic. Whenever we get into the car to go somewhere she starts spouting off "horsey, bunny, train, piggy, nana, papa, granma, carrie, pat, hAM, hILLy (Philly), dallin, dane, miley, taylor, friends, trick o treat, park, beach, show, dickey mouse (mickey mouse, aka disneyland)" and then repeats. Sometimes she gets stuck on one thing and repeats it over in various tones. For example: "Horsey, HOooORSeeeee, HORsey, HORSEYY!!!."
We also ventured to the Irvine Regional Park last week. It had all of Phoebe's favorite things, a zoo (she LOVED the snakes), a playground, a train, and mom and dad! We brought the bikes and went for a ride around the park and became part of the cross country finals for several high schools in the area. Nothing like being cheered on, photographed, and video taped by proud parents. Pretty sure we ruined some good footage.
Moving on, let's chat about Phoebs. She is a classic 2 year old. Full of energy and personality with the occasional/daily tantrum{s}. She loves animals, going on outings with us and family, being outside, and playing with friends. She's obsessed with Zoomar's (our local petting zoo) and has a daily request to go there. It comes in the form of "horsey, train, bunny."

For Halloween we were Grecian gods. Phoebe LOVED trick or treating. The concept of going door to door and getting candy was mind-blowing to say the least. Our festivities included going to our ward's trunk or treat and trick or treating with a group of friends in Dane's new neighborhood.
Sweetest little mermaid Quincy
Buzz and Hermes {pre-candy}

We also ventured to the Irvine Regional Park last week. It had all of Phoebe's favorite things, a zoo (she LOVED the snakes), a playground, a train, and mom and dad! We brought the bikes and went for a ride around the park and became part of the cross country finals for several high schools in the area. Nothing like being cheered on, photographed, and video taped by proud parents. Pretty sure we ruined some good footage.
A good watch.
I really hope all who watch this and read this will become organ donors. I still think about Ruby all the time. Watching this I can't help but feel that there are so so many in greater need than ourselves. And I truly believe it is when we serve that we can be lifted from our own trials. I love getting a note in the mail, or a surprise visit from a friend, or phone call, text, house cleaning, babysitting etc. It just makes my day, knowing someone is thinking of little ol me. That's part of the reason why I love doing these things for others. And the other part is that the effects of giving never ceases to amaze me. It blesses the giver and receiver equally, even if it is sometimes hard or inconvenient for the giver. There's been times when I've been asked to do something and I haven't wanted to do it, but once I am there and go with an open heart, a listening ear, and working hands I return home with a fullness I honestly can't get anywhere else. Like a service high, or something. Lately, I have just been praying to be guided to anyone who needs me. And wouldn't you know it, I get little promptings every so often to go visit a certain person, or call a friend, start up a conversation with a stranger, or just randomly smile at someone. It doesn't even have to be a specific prompting, it could just be living your life thinking more about the person your looking at (unless it's a mirror) than yourself. Putting yourself in their shoes may not be enough. You really have to wash away any stereotypes, bias-ness, and prior knowledge about that person or family to be able to really "see" them as God sees them. Even if you have known a person your whole life, I don't think it's possible to really know them like God does, but it's worth a shot to at least try and with that understanding meet their needs the best you can.
Going Private.
Last call for emails!
And yes, Christie I am 12 weeks prego!
Good times are ahead with two right?
And yes, Christie I am 12 weeks prego!
Good times are ahead with two right?
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