Showing posts with label Monolith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monolith. Show all posts


Awakened Monolith, Part II

Very sorry for the long delay. I had a book come out a week early and it messed up my schedules a bit. There it is over on the side. End shameless plug.

So, the bulk of the Monolith got finished last time. The rest of this is almost all detail work, but it’s kind of key and there is a lot of it. In this version of the model, some of it even ends up being structural.

First off, time to glue the structure so far to a base. The bottom of the Monolith is really wide, especially when you consider it’s a little bigger than it should be. I ended up using a 12” x 12” base. It’s a bit oversized, but odds are this will be one of the major pieces on any table, and it’s big enough for units to actually use as terrain.

Helpful Hint - You can buy cheap vinyl-particle tile squares at most home improvement stores like Home Depot or Osh. They’re only about a dollar each and they’re great for larger bases. My girlfriend got me the Imperial Sector set a few years back and I used these tiles for all the building bases, which gives me great city blocks with curbs. My only word of warning is that they’re a bit soft and will bend over time if you leave part of them hanging ou over an edge. You need room to store them flat.

The tile’s a bit porous, but I hit it with sandpaper to give it a bit more texture for the glue to grab. Then I measured to find the exact center. This let me place the Monolith and line up the corners how I wanted them. I used some superglue on the bottom section, the oversized bastion tabs, and also on the bottom tabs of the front and back doors. A few books on top kept it all in place while it dried.

This is Important - You still don’t want to glue the sides. Leave them as two flaps for now (hinged at the top) so you can reach inside when we’re doing detail work in a bit.

While this was drying Under the Dome, I decided to cut out the rings for the top. Usually I’d save this kind of detail for the end, but once the bastion tops are in place there isn’t going to be as much room to work. I also decided I wouldn’t be doing actual rings but large circles to give it more of a “capstone” look which fit with the idea of an awakened (not active) Monolith . It would also make it easier to position models up there during a game.

This is Important - It wasn’t until this stage that I discovered a major flaw with goyo2303's template (available over at Paperhammer 40K). Somehow, while creating his/her PDF, the images got distorted. If you look carefully at the rings on page 11, you’ll see they’re oval, not circular. It’s a difference of about 1/8” altogether. Because of this, alas, I’d now recommend against trying to build an actual Monolith with this template, as it currently exists. I think the oversized parts and distortions may cause too many issues. If you don't mind a challenge or a somewhat distorted final Monolith (again, Doomsday Monolith), go for it.

I went through the cupboards and found a spice jar with a 1 3/4” lid so I could trace new circles. The four circles were stacked, glued, and trimmed with a hobby knife where needed. Then I cut out four small rectangles (3/16” x 1/4”) to represent the brackets that would normally be holding the Necron power matrix/ big green jewel over the rings. I made the rectangles a bit long so a careful score of 1/16” will let you wrap them around the edges of the ring. These got set around the circle at the cardinal points (the lines on the cutting mat are great for this). Once this was dry, I glued the whole disc on top of the Monolith.

Next was those small bastion tops I just mentioned. Normally these would surround the power matrix. For this scenery piece, they’d be cover for anyone on top and a bit of detail. You’re going to need to add your own tabs to these as well, and space is tight on the template so pick carefully.

Helpful Hint - The top bastions have long oval sections to cut out. On the actual model, green plastic rods would go here. By lucky break, these ovals are almost exactly 1/8” wide. You can take a minute, line up your 1/8” hole punch, and get perfectly rounded ends. Then just use a hobby knife and a straight edge to cut out the section between the two holes. As always, it’ll go much easier if you do this fine detail work before cutting the whole piece out of your sheet of cardstock.

Fitting these together is a bit of a pain, and it’s going to take a lot of holding. Try to put them together just like the larger bastions. Glue and clamp one side. Once that’s done, glue the other edges and use your hands to keep them together and square.

Once these were dry, I glued them in place. Note that they don’t sit in the back corner. Each of these should sit near the center of their respective bastion. Another book went on top to hold these down and make sure they dried solid. Keep in mind, you want to use something lighter than a 1500 page Stephen King opus this time around.

Now for the most time-consuming part of the process--the armor plates. On the plus side, goyo2303 included every piece on the templates, so you won’t need to run off a single extra sheet. It may look a bit intimidating at first, but this is actually set out very nice and easy. There are three layers of armor. All the pieces for the first level are marked 1. Once they’re all glued down, move on to the pieces marked 2 (the second layer), and finally the ones marked 3. Take your time and make clean cuts. If your hobby knife’s getting a bit dull, this might be a good time to change the blade so you’re not tearing the edges. When you’re done, you’ll have a very detailed, layered look to your Monolith.

If you peeled off all the templates at this point (like I did), just open the document on your computer and use it as a guide. There are four identical panels, and then the adjoining panel mirrors the others. This means half your plates are going to be flipped over to show the other side of the card if you’re using cereal boxes. You’ll only need to follow the template once and then you should be able to do everything else off that. I’d also suggest assembling the armor on corners, not sides. It’ll be more obvious if things don’t match up at edges, not so much across one of the sides.

Helpful Hint - When you’re doing all the large plates from pages 8 through 10 (and a bit of 7), remember that this scenery piece doesn’t use the bottom section of the Monolith. A lot of these pieces will need to be cut in half at what would normally be crease lines. This is most of the second and third layer. Make sure you throw away the right half (all of the plates are printed right-side-up, for the record).

There’s some details for the back, too. One is the back plate section on page 11, which is pretty straightforward. Alas, the rings for the back are skewed oval, just like the ones for the top. I ended up using a half-dollar coin (1 1/4”) and a quarter (1”) to trace two circles. Again, I’m going for the implication more than actual detail.

The Monolith portal cover normally has some Necron symbols all over it with an elongated skull in the center. There are templates in the set for all the symbols if you want to use them, but I like the idea of the Monolith becoming more detailed as it awakens, as if some of these symbols are rising up to the surface of the living metal. I wanted to imply the skull was only half-formed. I used a disk from a 1/4” hole punch and cut two small triangles out of it. Then I trimmed a tiny bit off one of the pointy edges to give it a slightly more rounded look. I didn’t do it, but if someone felt really daring, you could use a 1/16” punch to put two eyes in it.

Now, an active Monolith has three arches/ buttresses/ arms stretching up to flank the power matrix on each side. These arms are in goyo2303’s templates, but they’re probably the most complex part of the whole model. I decided not to build them because the Monolith is supposed to be more scenery than active. Plus, to be honest, if I couldn’t do them how they were in the game, half folded over, I know I’d get frustrated.

But what to put on the sides? I wanted to imply the arms if nothing else, even if this was supposed to be a barely-awakened Necron structure. So I came up with this...

Cut twelve strips of card, measuring 6 1/2” long by 1/4” wide. Make these as sharp and clean as possible. Measure the height of your sides to your base. Mine came out at about 3 3/4” inches from the top along the side to the base. Take the long strips and score them at 3 3/4” (or whatever yours measured out at). Run these strips down the side and out onto the base as shown in the picture. Once the first six are in place, double them up so each “arm” is two strips thick. There are a few more detail pieces on the template you could add on here if you wanted.

At this point, the model itself was pretty much done. I decided to do some quick patches on a few of the edges where armor plates didn’t line up perfectly. They just helped hide gaps and keep the clean lines of the Monolith.

Helpful Hint-- If you need to do a patch on a paperhammer project, just use white paper. Cut it to size, make any creases you need, and glue it in place with a generous helping of white glue. It’s not structural, but it’s more than sturdy enough for painting and general use.

For a while I considered placing four obelisks around the Monolith, just like in Dawn of War. They’d look cool and they’d be easy to make. In the end, though, I decided they’d be too fragile and easy to break off the base, especially out at the edge where they’d be placed. Instead, I decided to cut down the base a bit. I didn’t want to reshape it drastically, but the solid square base seemed a bit off for what was still an ancient ruin, and an alien one at that.

This is Important - The tile base is resilient and a hobby knife isn’t going to cut it. You need to use an actual tile knife or a matte knife at the very least. On the off chance you’re under twelve and you’re trying this project, ask someone for help with this part. Dad, Mom, or your older brother or sister. This is very tough material and its easy for the knife to slip and hurt you (said as someone whose right thumb has a lot of scar tissue in it). Make three or four shallow passes rather than trying to go through the whole thing at once. If you get halfway through, you can probably even get it to snap off with a clean edge.

I painted superglue across the base with a wide toothpick and covered the whole thing with coarse sand. Not special modeling sand, just some sand I found outside that had a nice grit. There were a few small stones in it, too, which just add to the texture. I made sure to get some of the glue up into the corners, as well, as if the sand had drifted there over the eons. If you have a few spare Necron parts (heads, torsos, arms, scarabs), this would be a good place to add them, half-buried in the sand. Depending on what kind of scenery you and your friends have, you might opt for some trees or grass here, instead (although I’d make it withered, brown grass if it was me).

One other option here (which I did not do) would be to hit the whole model with textured paint. You can buy it spray cans for six or seven dollars. It would give the entire thing a very rough, raw look, as if it had been sitting here for so long it was eroding. If you decided to do this, you could probably skip the whole armored plates step and paint it in slightly more natural colors. The result would give you something even more ominous as it would suggest a Monolith rather than clearly showing one.

I primed the model black, using several light coats over one or two heavy ones. Any places that needed it got touched up with Chaos Black. I also used a bit of Dark Angels Green, so you can just catch a hint of color here and there. It’s as if the systems are just starting to power up.

And there you have it. Suitable for any tombworld... or a centerpiece for the unfortunate Imperial colony that chose their site poorly.


Awakened Monolith

I’ve been fielding Necrons on the tabletops of the 41st Millennium for a long time. I had a 1500 point army back when warriors and destroyers were all metal, no one had heard of fancy things like Pariahs, and C’tan was just a type of knife. I still stick by the Necrons, too, and love using them, even though many math-hammer nuts will scoff and say they’re a useless army now.

But that’s a debate for a different forum...

Anyway, as I browsed through the various paperhammer templates I’ve accumulated, there was a pretty nice one for the Necron Monolith. It’s available for download over at the Paperhammer 40K website. Alas, the gent or lady who designed it doesn’t give their name, but there’s a mentioned on the plans. If you know who that is, please let me know so I can give credit where credit is due.

This Is Important - goyo2303 made a pretty good template, but it’s a tiny bit oversized. This Monolith would be about an inch taller than a GW model (a huge difference at this scale). To complicate things there’s a scale bar on the templates that doesn’t seem to match up to anything. Maybe it’s cubits or something. Anyway, I’d say the template needs to be shrunk somewhere around 8-10% if you want to make an “authentic” Monolith. Or just leave it this tiny bit bigger and say it’s a Doomsday Monolith for Apocalypse.

However, I just wasn’t sure I wanted to make a cardstock Monolith. Not until I got distracted from work for a bit by going back to Dawn of War: Dark Crusade, anyway. On the off chance you’re one of the seven or eight Warhammer 40,000 fans who haven’t played the game, the Monolith begins as a mostly-buried ruin. As the action progresses and the Necrons advance up their tech-tree, it awakens, rises up, and restores itself until you have a fully-functional death machine teleporting around the battlefield.

Wouldn’t that make an interesting scenery piece? A partly-restored, awakened Monolith still half-buried in the sand, maybe so ancient it’s coated with dirt and dust.

I thought it would.

So, easy first step. You’ll need to draw some tabs on some of these pieces to make assembly easier. Since so much of this is interior structure, I decided to put as many tabs as possible on interior pieces and leave the exterior sections clean.

The big chunk of the templates are the four corner bastion sections, located on page one and two of the document. Each of these includes what would be the sloped underside of the Monolith. Since this is going to be half-buried, that seemed like a perfect point to cut them.

Helpful Hint - Only cut off one of the two lower sections on each bastion piece. If you look at the template, only one half is marked for armor placement. Cut off the lower half on all four of the blank halves. Now you can bend the remaining lower section back and it’s just become one huge tab to glue this piece onto a base.

You also need to cut off the bottom half of the bastion backing. Just draw a line across, corner to corner, and remove the lower section.

It’s kind of early on, but you need to make a decision before you start gluing. There’s a port at each corner of the Monolith on the bastion front sections where the gauss flux arc projectors would go, that three-barreled gun that hits everything. What should be here on an only-just awakened model? A blank face? An empty port? I decided to go with a recessed armor plate. Cut out the opening as cleanly as you can and make sure you save the piece. Then use it to trace a slightly bigger piece. Glue this to the back/ inside of the bastion, so it’s covering the hole. From the outside, it’ll be a recessed section. When I add on armor plates later, it’ll look even deeper-set.

When you start to glue these sections, I’ve found it’s best to first glue the tops down on the bastion fronts. Once the front sections are dry, glue half of the back in place (one edge and the top). You only want to do one half so you can make sure it glues tight. Unless you’ve got some very long clamps, you’re going to have to hold the edge up by that port I just mentioned. Clamp where you can, hold where you can’t, and make sure this side is dry and solid before you move on.

Helpful Hint - Make sure you’ve got a good, deep fold on the front and back sides of the bastions before you start gluing. If you don’t, it’ll pull the bastion out of square and you’ll be wrestling with it forever.

Once all four of these assemblies are dry, glue the other edge. You’re going to have to be pretty hands-on with this step, too. Glue it and use your hands to hold it in place so the seams are clean and tight. You want to check inside and make sure your tabs are down flat, too, and not hanging in the air above most of the glue. Reach inside with a pencil or sculpting tool and press the tabs down if you have to.

So, now you should have all four bastions done. If you push them together they should make a solid pyramid with a flat top (think Aztec Necrons). This is also a nice test to make sure you got everything squared off--just see how well it all fits together.

Time to connect them with the bottom. This piece was cut so it had tabs in each notch where a bastion would fit in. Then I set the bottom flat on the ground and glued it there. The front section is also a bit longer, but don’t worry abut that. This piece is more for stability and structural integrity than anything else. I set a book on top of it while it dried to keep everything square and in place.

Cut out the front, back, and two side pieces. Make sure you leave tabs on the top of all of them, and on the bottoms of the front and back. Remember, this scenery piece is only the top half of the Monolith, so you can ignore the bottom section of the templates for the back and sides.

The front was a major departure, because goyo2303 designed this model to have an opening portal. just like on the GW Monolith. On the templates you’ll see there’s a rectangular piece on page 5 marked “Front Top Half/ Portal Doorway.” It’s got a thin strip in the middle where you’d fold it to create a recessed portal. Cut this piece out, but ignore that rectangle. Then measure and cut so you’ve got a piece just like the sides.

The other part of this is the portal cover. Cut out the rectangular emblem in the center, but make it as clean as possible. Once you’ve got it free, cut along the long “sun” lines. You don’t want to cut the emblem apart, but you want your cuts to be distinctive.

Now cut our the main body of the cover. Trim off the edge pieces that would normally give it depth and let it move. Glue the cover onto the front section, then glue the emblem back in place. The end result should look like a faded bit of carving on the door.

Helpful Hint - When you build full-scale scenery for stage and films, there’s a simple thing called a hog-trough. It’s just two long boards fastened together at a right angle. The right angle forces the long boards to be rigid. You can do the same thing with paperhammer models. Cut a few strips of cardstock an inch or so wide, score them down the middle, and fold them. Then glue them behind a wide surface you think might bow or warp (say, the four sides of the Monolith). Let these sit until they’re completely dry, because if there’s any play in the glue they’ll just pull themselves out of line again.

Cut out the top so it has tabs in each notch where a bastion would fit in, just like the bottom. Then glue the front, back and sides to the top piece. Make sure you’ve got them all in the right positions.

While the top assembly was drying I built a real simple support for the inside of the Monolith. It’s a scenery piece, after all, so at point someone’s going to drop a big chunk of metal on it like a Mega-armored Ork, a Krootbeast, or a Chaos Dreadnaught. I measured the inside height (3 9/16” on my model) and cut a wide card that height. This got cut in half, and then each half got cut halfway down the middle. Slide them together and it’s a nice X-column. I reinforced it with a few quick scabs.

You may also want to mark the inside planes of the bastions so you know the correct height to position the top all around the model. When you glue the top in place, the sides should line up parallel to the outside edges of the bastions. Once this assembly was in position, I set the books back on top of it to keep it square and flat and left the whole thing to dry.

This Is Important -- Do not glue the bottoms of any of the sides yet. If you put glue on them, it’s just going to make a mess of your cutting pad or table or whatever. I'll show you why next time.

As a scenery piece, the bulk of this is done. Next time I’ll do a bunch of detail work, some basing, and paint it.