At first, we thought it might just be the second verse of the Stick House Blues. But, now we're not so sure.
We've been thinking about our timing for this change in lifestyle. We've asked the question before: Is April 2010 soon enough? Today is one of those days where the answer to that question is an enthusiastic and heart-felt "No!"
We're both news junkies from way back. And, the world of journalism lost a couple of shining stars in recent weeks: Tim Russert and Tony Snow. We watched their careers and developed great respect for them as professionals over the years. We were saddened when they were taken far too soon: Tim at 58; Tony at 53. As we sit here at 50, the ages they departed this earth are within shouting distance of where we are today. And, that has us thinking.
"If we could ask Tony Snow," Boris started this morning as we were getting ready for work, "if you had the chance at 50 to go off on the adventure of a lifetime for two or three years, would you do it? What would he say?"
Now, we didn't know Tony Snow or Tim Russert. So, we can't with total certainty say how they would answer that question. But, we can guess. And, we guess the answer would be "YES!"
Add to that today was a particularly challenging day at the office for us both. And, it was not an isolated day. It's a long story not to be detailed here. But, bottom line, we find ourselves asking the question "What are we waiting for?"
You know what? We don't know!
Is it the money? No. Not really. We've done lots of calculations. And, we're very conservative in that department. Truth be told, we have that covered, best we can tell. And, if it turns out we don't, we'll figure something out.
Is it that we have lots to do to get ready? Well, yes that's true. But, will it take us almost two years? We made a move halfway across the country eight years ago in less than six months. Do we really, honestly, need two years? Well, probably not.
Is it that we're not on board with this crazy idea? Oh no! We're both quite on board. We're ready for the adventure. (Heck, we bought a new RV in eight short weeks.) Maybe part of us is thinking this crazy yearning might fade a bit. But, so far, it's shining brighter than ever. No fading in site.
So, what, exactly, are we waiting for?
Boris "vests" in his retirement plan in March. So, we guess we're waiting for that. That's something.
So, what else, exactly?
We may not know. But, we are definitely thinking....