What a glorious day! We were up early with -- what was that? --
sunshine pouring in the windows. With yesterday's snow a distant memory, we readied ourselves for an action-packed day.
The first item on our agenda: Buy a camera. For those of you who read our recent rant, you'll be happy to know we had the polar opposite experience in customer service at Best Buy. Yesterday, Paul found the camera of our dreams at BestBuy.com and ordered it online for pickup at the closest store that had it in stock. And, that would be Idaho Falls, some 95 miles away. The online ordering was followed by instant email confirmation and additional instructions.
We love Best Buy!
We piled into the Jeep early and headed south. The trip was the reverse of the one we made nearly two weeks ago. The big difference was the clear blue sky. We could see for miles, which meant one big deal: We could see the Grand Tetons. Even from some 50-plus miles away, this is one magnificent mountain range, and my personal favorite! That view alone was worth the trip.
Ninety minutes later we arrived in Idaho Falls with two stops in mind. First, Walmart. After spending nearly two weeks in remote but scenic Idaho, I gotta tell ya, we were just a wee bit deprived of civilization. A quick cruise around the Walmart gave us a healthy dose. Here, we reconnected with society!
With Rocky filled with vital essentials, we headed for stop number two: Best Buy. Here, in Idaho Falls, we found the friendliest Best Buy ever! We walked in and received the requisite greeting and a question. "How can we help you?" the cheerful greeter inquired.
"We here to pick up an online order," I replied.
"What did ya get?" he asked. Surprised by his question, we looked at each other and I gave a quick answer. "A camera," I replied.
"Cool!" was his answer, and he pointed us to the place to pick up our purchase.
After a minute or two at the pickup place the nifty new Nikon was ours. Then, of course, we had to buy a few accessories. We stepped into the digital camera accessories aisle and were greeted by yet another smiling face.
"How can I help you two," he said.
Holy cow! We've been in many a Best Buy over the years and have never felt so welcome. "We just picked up a camera and need to get a couple of UV filters and a memory card," we chimed.
Done and done. In an instant. Cool!
We've come a long way from emails with India.
Less than 15 minutes after we pulled into the lot at Best Buy we were back on the road and heading north. With the sun shining and the temperatures rising we were ready for a great geocaching adventure.
Shortly after our return to Red Rock, Gordon, Juanita, Paul and I piled into the Jeep for an afternoon of geocaching. Our first mission was a hilltop cache overlooking Henry's Lake. We put Rocky through his paces, climbing the steep hill and safely making the decent. In between we enjoyed some breathtaking views of the lake, surrounding mountains and our cozy little park nestled in between. It was a shame our nifty new camera was at home getting its first battery charge.
We found every cache we set out to find, except one. And, of course, it was the last cache of the day. We will be back to find that elusive cache. Mark our words!
Back at Red Rock, the early Friday evening was in full swing. Our quiet little park had filled during the afternoon. It feels like it's the first night of everybody's two-week summer vacation. There are two or three family reunions settling in for the weekend, and there are kids everywhere. None of the newbies know or care that just 24 hours ago this place was a winter wonderland. There just all so happy to be in this wonderful park enjoying the pleasant Summer weather.
Gordon skillfully assembled an early evening campfire, around which the four of us gathered with our favorite adult beverages. Campfires can be a people magnet, and such was the case this evening. We had a fun conversation with one of the family reunionites from Arkansas, and our next door neighbors stopped by with tales of their geocaching adventure yesterday where their Jeep got stuck in the mud.
The laughter subsided with the setting sun, and our appetites all told us it was time for dinner. Gordon and Juanita headed off to their rolling home, and Paul put some chicken on the grill.
A camera, a few caches, a campfire and some tasty chicken.
Cheers to one damn fine day.