2009 promised to be a year of significant change for us. And, it did not disappoint. In a nutshell, we readied our house for a very swift and very profitable sale in the worst real estate market in decades; readied our cats, ourselves, our moose and squirrel for fulltime rv travel; both got laid off on one of the happiest days of our lives, which provided the last catalyst to make our fulltiming dream a reality.
This was the year that we did it. We became fulltimers. It's a year we will always remember. And, it's a year that, in other ways, we are eager to forget. Though we were emotionally detached from our work, the first four months of this year were perhaps the most difficult and challenging of our careers. It was tough. And, it's over. It's time to let it go.
As proud as we are of having successfully made the transition from career workaholics to newbie fulltimers this year, it's also time celebrate what it was and let it go, too. That monumental task is behind us, thank God. Now, we are on to better and brighter things. So, cheers to us for making it all happen. (And many thanks to those who helped us along the way!) And, with that, we happily let it go.
With our transition year behind us, we look forward to 2010 and what we hope will be our first full year as fulltimers. Last year this night we asked ourselves "Where will we be next New Year's Eve?" Little did we know the answer would be "Weatherford, Texas." And, we're so glad we're here. It makes us wonder where in the world we will be next New Year's Eve. We'll see!
As the clock strikes midnight tonight, our travel weary bodies will be snoozing away. But, in our slumber we will celebrate a most memorable year of change, preparation, explorations, adventures, new friendships, a new moose, and many happy and trouble-free miles on the road.
And when we awake sometime tomorrow to the new year, we we happily say, "Bring it on!"
Happy New Year!