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Showing posts with label Boxed Set UWoM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boxed Set UWoM. Show all posts

Friday, February 3, 2012

FebRUary 2nd Update-

The PCs are back to the Marnharnnan 'Megadungeon', a subterranean emergency colony of the Ancients. In the past, an endless stream of Runners (fast zombies) would emerge from a tunnel into the initial site, but since the Orthodox Wodic priests have been brought on site, that problem has been brought under better control.

A new area with worker dwellings, like Japanese 'coffin motels', apparently set up for the folks who used to run the behind the scenes infrastructure was explored and reclaimed, although Runners and Hyenamen are still a bit of an issue. From there, the PCs chose to head into a mall-arcology with apartments above two floors of shops, and two sets of monorail tunnels on either side.

An earlier session saw the PCs visit, and take books from the climate-controlled bookstore, falling back to held territory. Tonight's session went from there, where the first sector, Phoenix Spoonbill, was explored.

Contact with Runners recently dressed out in clothing and gear of the Ancients were engaged and deactivated, and these peculiarities were noted, including monorail tickets punched and worn on leather necklaces, etc. Pressing on, it became clear that folk were selectively removing items from various shops, and using them to outfit the mindless undead.

Moving into Water Badger Sector of the miles long mall, a group of humans were met who first contacted the party through a dog, the native psychic using the critter as the envoy, and peaceful relations established. These Water Badger tribesfolk held the eating establishment closest to the edge of their sector, 'where it is always the end of the work week', and were pleased to offer selections based upon the menu's photos. The Water Badgers' leader, Shaulm, a Khem woman, explained how each sector had its own tribe whose generational duty was to maintain their portion of the arcology. Other tribes included the Golden Egret, Snapping Lungers, Spitting Spinefish, and Jungle Howlers.

'The Walkabout' is the name for the fungal-based undead infection, and the tradition of honouring the dead simply transitioned to those who died of the black fungus. Jungle Howler apparently has the most dealings with the Walking Ancestors, and contact has yet to be established with them or the Spitting Spinefish, who appear to be vassals of the JH. Water Badger warned that Jungle Howler were tricksy and demanded tribute, and that the SpitSpine were prone to ambush.

We held it there.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Cats are Away...-

Concerned with the PCs' lack of direct action, a player prompted that the characters hop aboard a train and travel across the Black Crown, into the Yaeshani Empire, in search of a potential White Sphere to mate with the Black Sphere they found and returned with back in the Skullcrusher Mtn. Campaign.

This journey will take months to reach their initial stop, and an undisclosed amount of time to discern whether said object exists, or can be created. This plan, predicated upon its successful reunion with the Black Sphere they tossed into the plane of Shadow due to its deleterious effects, deprives the colony of Xudorn of its two top generals, its air marshal, and one of its top aeronautics chiefs. Another player voiced concern over Xudorn's vulnerability during this period, as the fledgling republic is under increasing attack by Continental Vrun forces and agents.

Along the way, barely into their trip, the PCs have encountered one of several Western Isles colonies in territory controlled by the Black Crown, essentially isolated now for over 150 years from the Western Isles Crown. Discerning things slightly more complex than at face value, it was discovered that these WI folk have been fighting the Undead for generations. Stymied by lack of official power for the PCs to institute treaties, the instigating player has suggested that they be granted said powers.

I sit back, incredulous at times, but now more confident why later generations never mentioned Xudorn in the history of Marnharnna. This is almost a parable for why the Vrun haven't regained space flight, and it is playing out before my eyes.

We'll see how this turns out.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Google+ Weekly Campaign Update-

Short Form Updates-

* Continental Vrun Contingent Visit
:: Observing Xudorn for themselves, elements of the Vrun National Service, the Hierophantic Church, the Guild Council, and both the Monarchalist aristocracy as well as their foils, the Parlimentarian faction visited the tripartite colony. The two Black Crown destroyers anchored at the mount of Safety Bay, the Western Isles mercenaries, and rumours of Abbekqorru allies helped persuade the Continental Contingent to leave Xudorn to her own devices...for the time being. The Contingent then sailed further north up the coast, visiting other Vrun colonies. News that Ft. Greenpennant (home of the Green Cavaliers) had been bolstered to exceed Xudorn's population was also received.

* 'Skullcrusher Mountain' / Upthrust
:: The PCs have returned to the complex, studying the technology that empowered the Undead-creating attack upon the Wodic community, discovering that the Lower Planar radiation that remains in the 'reactor' level is still deadly enough to turn a living human into an Undead in a matter of weeks. Also, part of the sensor array of the gun system is receiving ultra-low frequency transmissions from various points on the globe, including Bereme Oykh/The Black Crown to the north.

* Dokirin Community living in the shadow of the Upthrust
:: Reports of a settled clan of Dokirin were confirmed when four PCs visited them, and are set to participate in a sacred dance. They are the Omu Aku Qelli Duuon >Flowing-Water, Plan, wisdom-Imparted, Settlement-on-Water< . Repairs to the clan's sole windmill (used to evenly water marsh-grain paddies), and exchanges of durable goods for grain have been ensured. Sub-Commander Ssu Rosenbrad became the clan's new Wise Woman at the death of the 250+ year-old man she had re-awakened from his visionary existence in Lord Worm's court (as both are Silt-blooded).

* Visit to Mostern Colony
:: Commander Roland Peltier, Sub-Commander Ssu Rosenbrad, and their trusty squad travelled overland to Mostern the 'City of Bricks'-to-be, and with Joe-the-Lawyer's LotFP Grindhouse Edition Specialist-character, Vesper, explored the vast fort colony. It is predicated upon the production of bricks, and has a 6:1 male to female ratio at present. Xudorn Cider (made from salt-marsh crab apples) was a bit hit, and 100 bottles were purchased. Another sale was of one of Xudorn's experimental (and portable) refrigeration units. This has occurred slightly ahead of the standard timeline, allowing for intervening events to transpire, as well as to permit Vesper to participate.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Xudorn layout and Topography-

Xudorn layout and Topography

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

As Pertains to Marnharnnan Exploration-

over at TYWIKIWDBI has an excellent teaser on Westward Migration, and of greater importance to the UWoM Boxed Set/Vanguard campaign, is the degree and duration of Native cooperation and goodwill.

Check it out. :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Shifts in Technology and Mindset: Xudorn-

In my Google+ weekly game, Xudorn (The Sublime Colony) has seen very rapid change in both technology and the Vrun mindset. With the importation of the ornithopter kits came the paradigm-shift of three-dimensional thinking and the resultant drive towards expanding the realm of the known lands. Through these travels, the ground maps have been refined, new peoples have been encountered, and ideas for improving/expanding the overall technological base of the colony have resulted.

Last night's game was mostly dealing with meta-discussions regarding the 16 Elements, their potential exploitation for powering larger aircraft, and the differences between real-world physics and the alchemy of the setting. From these, in one session, 'x-ray' technology, crystal-lattice cultivation, combined dirigible/aeroplane plans, and negative energy induction are in development.

At the same time, political changes are under way as the renown of the colony begins to spread on both the Western Isles, and the Vrun continent, bringing the 'big three' of Vrun society to the distant Marnharnnan shores. The Hierophantic Church, the Guild Council, the Vrun National Service (military), and elements of the Aristocracy are growing (rightly) concerned that the developments in Xudorn have rapidly outpaced all expectations of what had previously been an anonymous point on an ill-known map. Moreover, that foreign influences and ideas have not only taken root, but their fruit is already come to bear (least of which is Lady Hudernm's half-Durn child), with rumours of Alien (Abbekqorru) technology and reports of the conflict with Undead rapidly spreading through well-informed circles at various strata.

To counter the investigative incursion, the tripartite ownership interests of the Xudorn experiment (one each of Vrun, Western Isles, and Black Crown) have moved to protect the fledgling population by positioning Black Crown naval assets at the mouth of Safety Bay, and a small contingent of Western Isles mercenaries are on their way with the afore mentioned owners steaming ahead (on a smokestack paddlewheel schooner) of the Vrun galleons. The Black Crown delegation gifted the PCs with Black Metal daggers, styled in one of 12 of the material Elements, and provided a taste of the sorts of elemental technology the Crown has at its disposal (including a 1/72nd-scale locomotive set).

All of this is coupled with the very recent discovery of Living Ancients who have apparently dwelt in a very ancient fort once visited by the former Vrun occupants of Marnharnna as a historic tourist site. These folk seem to possess not only a very complete overview of the past of the world, but disturbingly accurate knowledge of the past eight decades of contemporary history despite the fact that they have lived in near-total isolation for at least 5,000 years. Their texts even suggest future events, namely a massive invasion by the fearsome and loathed Shorrannin.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Operation Skullcrusher Mountain, and a DnD Toy for You-

Well, Friday the 21st, saw the sixth (or so) session in the offensive against the Undead bastion, and the destruction of the facility's attack ability. The estimated losses on the friendly side is in the low hundreds, with roughly three times that on the Undead.

Technology, both Ancient and arcane, has been secured, and the alliance with the Green Cavaliers (a Vrun Military expedition) and local Abbekqorru has blossomed. This confluence of events should dramatically boost Xudorn's (the commercial colony) strength without dramatically increasing its land-use footprint, as the hydroponics tech found at the site, as well as bio-tech the Abbekqorru utilise should increase the efficiency of the small community (currently roughly 1k pop.) without much slack time in implementation prior to winter. The fact that winter will not reduce agri concerns means that the most prevalent reason for any colony's failure shouldn't be the thing that could do-in Xudorn.

Now, with Ornithopters, small Zeppelins, and the Abbekqorru global map, Xudorn and Ft. Greenpennant (six-days ride to the south) are likely to have a far greater degree of cooperation and 'cultural' exchange. The effect of the Abbekqorru upon the burgeoning Vrun presence on the eastern seaboard also remains to be seen.

---[The Game]---
Provided for players of the grandpappy of RPGs, using d20s in 'to hit' and polyhedral damage dice
* Rifle, Repeating^ d10 | 3 Attacks per Round; 21 Shot Spring Crank Drum
Reload: 1 Combat Round if a loaded drum is used
^ :: Saturation Fire is a 10' W x 20' L rectangle.
Every figure at least 1/2 in the rectangle is subject to individual attack,
although only one Action is consumed in the process.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Yes, another damned game report-

I'd made a promise to limit the campaign posts, but this one seems to be pressing against the walls.

The combined Boxed Set and Vanguard game I am running on Google+ is centred upon Lady Hudernm's Xudorn ('Sublime Colony') upon the east cost of the Marnharnnan Continent, from whence the PCs have set out in their westward exploration of the Sunken Continent's virgin wilderness in search of lost Ancient tech. These meanderings have brought them in contact with one or two Dokirin (indigenous peoples) and an entire community of Abbekqorru (starfaring wolf-bear folk), as well as an intelligent plasma life-form which hunts the moors immediately below the aerie of the Abbekqorru.

The neighbouring Wodic community has grown up into a rather large wild/agri centre and the druid-like folk of the place (I'll not bother you with the difficult name) have become well-enough liked by the Vrun to be considered a sister-town to the commercial interest of Xudorn. Recently, a devastating, Undead-creating attack upon the Wodic community was launched from out of the jungles of the west and the intrepid PCs have since mounted up on their ornithopters and flown out to investigate the area indicated by the Wodics. On their first reconnoitre of the area, they encountered a sigil-filled circle which glowed with unearthly light from the forest floor. This area was surrounded by strange fog banks, rather unlike clouds, at a height which brought one of the craft in contact with them; the immediate effect of loss of lift upon the craft was instrumental in the onrithopter being drawn in by some sort of 'tractor-beam' and forced to land within the circle. A wodic scout dropped down with an incomplete flying-broom to slow her descent and scouted out the area as the craft's pilot was captured by what appeared to be black-lacquered skeletons.

Rather than risk the entire scouting mission, the group pressed on the remaining 10% of the way to a tall upthrust which towered over the wetlands jungle and grassland. From this tower of rock several spires jutted out well into the low cloud cover, and appeared to be part of the weapon-system of the place. A too-near approach by a PC pilot resulted in said craft losing a good portion of its starboard wing, and forcing it down. The PCs managed to get the downed pilot strapped onto another craft and then flew to the rim of the upthrust, which itself held untold depths of clear water some way down out of which the spires arose.

The courageous PCs infiltrated the wall's interior spaces, surprised a few more black lacquered skels, and pressed on in the base. Through great risk to their health and sanity, the party utilised the lift shafts geared to negative energy creatures, with each trip up or down these thought-operated shafts resulting in excruciating pain and accompanying ennui as their positive life-force was siphoned away. One fellow, Roland, was so wicked away by the process as to almost lose the ability to continue, but managed to overcome the effect once he realised a portion was merely illusory. They found Ancient Civil Defence supplies (personal survival kits, hydroponics gear and seed-stock, etc.) and took samples of what they felt they could carry before they were spotted by some sort of centaur-like skel on the far side of the interior. Thinking it best to be gone, the group flew down to the felled craft, effected modifications to another craft, and with the aid of the Wodic scout who had entangled several skels at the jungle floor, returned home to Xudorn.

After a brief rest, the group was re-assembled and tasked with leading a mission to secure the 'airfield' about 10 miles from the upthrust, in case its capabilities to down other craft was greater than previously encountered. This operation involved 24 troopers air-inserted via a combination of immature flying-broom stock, and parasails. An entire reinforced squad (8) either perished in a timing mishap, or were rendered sessile from their injuries. The remaining sixteen or so pressed on and encountered stages of black skels, then the centaur skels, and finally, scaly blue humanoids. Losses were great, and by the time the circle was reached, only about seven troops remained. A loss of a few others from incidental enemy action and mines whittled down the survivors to a paltry five or so before an errant dropped grenade killed another trooper. With the facility opening up to an expansive storage area beneath the surface, the few and demoralised group topside instead called in to be picked-up by their host craft and transported to the base of the upthrust. The remainder of the ground force is still hours away.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

First of Two Parts: Observation and Evasion-



Medium-Sized Figures moving in Open Terrain in Daylight are the base for determining Spotting, as modified by Range (60') and Circumstance (Clear Weather); this number is [08] on 2d12/1d24.

Once Spotted, the figure may be visually tracked and if operating out of a fixed locale, may be Observed. Observation is more than simply keeping one's eye upon the figure. It involves actual thought into the why's and wherefore's of the creature's actions, the pace at which it performs these tasks, and its general gait and bearing. If it is seemingly agitated it may later calm if it feels more at ease. These different States become increasingly more important to discern and codify if contact with it or its kind is to be avoided or approached with caution.

The rules for simulating this process in-game are as follows:

Each Party places a secret Stake in the Intensity of Observation:

Stake- Degree of Observation-
6 - (R) Direct interaction at close range with little to no preparation or actual observation : Apprehending a known thug for questioning

5 - (O) Shadowing the figure and not being subtle about it : Gang members loudly following after visitors to their neighbourhood

4 - (Y) Subtle Tail and casual surveillance : A constable in the area of each locale a person of interest visits

3 - (G) Sophisticated Shadowing, Nested Surveillance, Vanguard Shadowing at locales to be visited, direct observation 24H/Day : Magical scrying and divination

2 - (B) Long-term, intimate relationship with figure, constructed/fabricated friends/family, etc. : Hidden Village or elaborate scheme [the Prisoner TV programme]

1 - (V) Incarceration/Interrogation : Gulag, etc.

Each of these investments of Risk are rewarded with a certain processing time and depth of Observation, with High-Risk confrontations possibly yielding the fastest apprehension of a figure (or capture of an animal, restraint of a robotic unit, etc.), but often resulting in the injury or death of one or more persons, including unintended individuals, with the pay-off in speed and the liability in safety. These risks are minimised if this action is the final step in the hierarchy of Observation, from Planning (V) to Direct Interaction (R). A well coordinated Observation launched into Action regarding the target has advantages going for it, not the least of which are the number of personnel brought to bear versus the individual(s) of interest. The Target of the Observation has a base chance to detect the Observation equal to 17 (- PSI or SCP PM + The Observer's Stake) or higher on the roll. If the figure detects the Observation, they may be more prepared in any future contact, with a good rule of thumb being that the length of Observation in time factors (Turns over Rounds, Hours over Turns, Days over Hours, etc.) grant the Observers a +1 to execute their Action.

The Stake in Observation requires an inverse amount of time/expense investment, where (R) is the least and (V) the greatest. If the Observation is merely conducted in the field by scouts/spies, then factors (R-Y) are most likely to be employed, and allow for swifter Action. In urban environs, Stakes (G-V) are more easily possible and likely as the importance of the figure is determined. Simple miscreants are unlikely to be the subject of a sophisticated Observation operation, unless they possess important information or contacts too delicate to risk losing.

Pt. 2 ...soon...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Leadership in RPGs-

Leadership in RPGs (Tactical and Storytelling) is generally relegated to either a Player's speech (if they are 'roleplayers') or a Player's plan, both of which almost invariably involve a die-roll.

The particular rules-set may or may not have a Leadership skill or trait, but few have a deeper treatment of the same sort that wargames and game-friendly militaria possess, and many are perfectly content with that for the obvious reason that if they wanted it they'd craft their own set of rules for their fave RPG, or play a wargame instead.

Indeed, the circumstance of raising or commanding a band of warriors who number more than the fellow PCs and a few hires or henchmen seem few, and perhaps this has been the case throughout the history of the RP Hobby. That could have continued, were it not for the OSR's interest in the origins which greatly expanded and transmitted the core of the Chainmail rules-set (and related) to the plethora of gamers not overly aware of the nuances and peculiarities of that booklet. This was done by some of the stellar notables such as (Aaron of A Paladin in Citadel, and Evan from Swords of Minaria, as two examples).

A Google+ friend and I were recently discussing my games, and the topic of the VANGUARD Squad Control Record and its influences arose. I'm not sure if I got to tell him about Victory Games' AMBUSH!, but that was my first experience with a formalised 'run a squad from 1 sheet' game, although I'd certainly played more than one PC at a time (especially RPing Car Wars with the pedestrian rules from the ADJ), what with Tunnels & Trolls admonition to run a 'stable of characters'.

What I took away from them (esp. A!) was that each player needed to have that level of game-centric investment in the battle for it to have a real impact at the level I wanted in the games I run. At the Strategic scale, I want the Players to be Leaders, you know, 'REMFs', as it were.

How to build that sort of 'zoomable' action into the essential chassis of the game? became the basis of the previous two years of the regular Friday F2F game wherein the PCs were Primary and 2ndary leaders of an island, with considerable might at their disposal.

Interdimensional/extraplanar allies and the telegraphed effects of the PCs' actions untimately resulted in the Players' writing their characters out of history, undoing their considerable achievements, and missing numerous opportunities to advance the timeline's technological base towards the Quest for Ascension -- pursuing petty schemes, failing to think big, and generally futzing around week after week. Their actions and my total sandboxing of the game illustrated that a hands-off approach would benefit neither party of agents: GM or Players. No. I needed something intrinsic to the Vrun experience to resonate with the gamers...

Recently, running a series of short expeditions into entirely unknown territory has proved most effective in getting the players to 'grok' the importance of the scaled-up thought/prep, and as a consequence, better prepared the PCs to act individually as leaders, as well as the party as a military/scout body.

The Urutsk: World of Mystery Boxed Set's basic premise is that the Player is a colony or expedition leader. The primary role for a player in VANGUARD is that of a Squad Leader. The foundational and interconnecting aspect of the Vrun experience is the compulsory military service and the ties of Starship Crew Caste Clans. In sum, the Vrun RP experience is one of regimentation, redundancy, and careful resource management with a proud, Ancient martial history. That seems to create ad hoc Leaders when needed, and it is happening, organically, in game play.

Now, I'd like to ask you, the readers, of instances in your games in which the happy balance between PC actions and Battle Events was or wasn't successfully struck, and your thoughts on how best to integrate PC autonomy with their role as war-fighters (and preferably in a leadership role). Would you please share them with us?

Sunday, August 28, 2011

About as personal as I care to get on a blog

Recently, I have had the pleasure of doing a lot of online Urutsk gaming via Google+. We've had folks I know from the blogs, as well as many that I never had any idea were out there. I have met several players that really make me wonder what better sort of games I could have had all these years if I had gamed more outside of Florida (not knocking Fl. gamers). More than a few of the players I've run for this past week happen to be Canadian, and I'm inclined to think that may have something to do with it, but, this was also the case when I gamed with the really groovy Aethervox crew at Jeff 'Chirine baKal' Berry's last/this year over New Year's with C., and both NTRPG cons in which I've had the pleasure of participating.

It is heartening to know.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Last Night's Google+ Hangout Game-

Google+ user Ulek Xek joined C. for the Thursday night game via G+ Hangout on audio only. Sadly, Greg Backus was unable to join us due to computer issues. We'll have to sort those issues out for the next epi.

Here is Ulek Xek's LINK

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Fleshed Out Version of the Fill-in the Blanks Adventure-

Six Vrun ex-Scouts turned bandits.
--Operating out of Turnem's Redoubt on the Soumel isthmus, they control travel along the land-bridge as well as the crossroads to Mellornem Tal, the largest population centre in the sedgy and reedy lakelands area atop a great heath moor. The aerospaceport site is entirely heedless of this, and would have to be persuaded $ to care $.

Holograph Projectors and Light-bending Cloaks allow the four men and two women to appear in greater numbers than actually present. The six are armed with rifles of various grades and tech levels, but each is capable of multiple shots before the former Scouts resort to short swords. Each wears a back and breast vest, and three possess dark-vision goggles.

Menace Rating: 05-25 | 01-03FD+n | 47-81DP | +0Def | -3H ARM | ATK: By Weapon | ATK: Brawling @ V
* Special Abilities: possible, but rare

Old Dill is the blinded 7th member of the rogue Scout group, and alone possesses the knowledge of how to overcome the trials facing would-be thieves of the hoard. He will need to be brought along, or Powers will have to be used to gain the information otherwise.

* RIDDLE: In actuality it is a keypad entry sequence that activates a blast door to open. After the door has been open for 5 Rounds, it begins to close with (BDY 25) strength.

* SEA CAVE: A partially collapsed submarine facility that is now flooded with 1/2 Msnk (less than 3'). The only portions above the waves are the loading piers of flooded and partially collapsed dry dock bays. It is atop the furthest and driest of these piers that the Hag makes her domicile in a heap of boxes and industrial containers, decorated with enticing tools and machine parts, with hints of holographic crystalline computer tech scattered about.

* HAG: The centuries old thing is mad with bitter loneliness and envy. A former lover of the Manthyqir, Tshared, he banished her from his presence but out of pitty, allowed her to guard the entrance to his lair, to receive his scraps, and to listen to Tshared's poetry and singing.

B.YXELNM/'Women Whose Faces Cause Terror', 'Hag'-(M)[4mv]
Menace Rating: 54 | 4FD+4 | 102DP | +1Def | -3 ARM | ATK: Sword | ATK: Bite @ G | ATK: Fists @ B
* Special Abilities: Genius, Native Spells (15 Pt. Effects/3rd Level Spells)
Description: Hags come in a variety of loathsome forms, although early life appears normal. Once the Hag Beetle matures within the host-daughter, the resultant sybiote of the two creatures comes into existence. In time, beetles eat their way out of the host daughter. Once complete, only her Undead skeleton and connective tissues remain, animated by the outer covering of the beetles. Invariably evil towards humanity and other human-framed creatures (Humanoids and such Monstrous Beings as well), they take perverse delight in generating fear, the Hag is a hungry predator. The Native Spells of the Hag Clans are hereditary, although darker secrets of blood alchemy can bypass this.

If slain, her treasures include the tools and parts before mentioned (3d6^2 [9-324] Count-worth), 3 complete sets of Late Summer Era Field Plate in the Guild Combine style of the period (800 Ct each), and a dozen polearms, swords, and shields from that period until the last century (totalling 3d6x36 Ct).

Once the airlock door is found and opened, a ladder down opens into a maintenance corridor with heavy pipes painted red and showing no wear over the unknown centuries. In general, the underwater facility is in remarkably well-preserved condition, and largely devoid of any scattered treasures.

In an open area with four partial walls of lockers and a circle of benches in the centre, opposition to the Party's advance is met in the form of additional toughs in Tshared's employ.
A few will sport minor cybernetic gear, but these are merely replacement parts, and not much better (if at all) than the meat part lost.
These fighters (Human and Humanoid, male and female) are rather taken with their leader and don't take kindly to intruders. They are hard and merciless, but are not robots of Tshared, and can possibly be convinced or tempted away with the right offer well presented, as well as an immediate gear upgrade (better weapons and armour, etc.)

Menace Rating: 05-25 | 01-03FD+n | 47-81DP | +0Def | -3ARM | ATK: By Weapon | ATK: Brawling @ V
* Special Abilities: possible, but rare

If things begin to go badly for them, Tshared will literally fly into combat with the chiefest of offenders and kill them as quickly as possible, for he cares for his wards.

Tshared the Manthyqir-(VL)[5mv Ground, 15mv Air]
Menace Rating: 117 | 9FD+9 | 300DP | +1Def | -3ARM | ATK: Bite @ G | ATK: Rake @ B | ATK: Quill @ V
* Special Abilities: Flight, Genius, Ranged Attack (Quills as Coil Pistol), Tech Savvy
Description: A wagon-sized leonine figure with a humanish face, obvious bat-like wings, and a great fleshy pod at the end of its python-like tail. It is from this bio-factory that the glassy quills are launched in its air skirmishes. Wise enough after these many decades to avoid Close Combat, Tshared is nevertheless a powerful fighter willing to finish the fight once started. His exceptional reasoning, senses, and memory should all play towards a trap-laden encounter where rushing to attack him will only bring about the doom of the fools. Tshared will attempt to parley with his attackers and offer them his protection in exchange for loyalty. He is honourable.

If given the opportunity to show his hospitality, he will treat those he senses are truthful in their allegiance to him to the best he has, as his army enjoy. Those, however who play him false, Tshared will kill and devour before the others as a lesson.

It is unlikely the adventure will end with the PCs joining up, so, in the eventuality that combat ensues anew, and Tsared is either slain or more likely, driven off, the hoard of treasure includes:

* A green-gilt sword
:: Legend Lore: A century or more ago, was held by knight with lady fair. The knight fell in battle with a pinioned, quilled beast not well depicted in the flashbacks, and lost in battle, the sword came to rest within the cave beneath.

* five small sacks, and two more large of gold
* copper there is plenty
* silver coins whose mint, unknown, shows the figure of a winged thing with scorpion tail in the foreground, and a rocket in the background.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

URUTSK: World of Mystery Boxed Set: Preview-

Featured Artwork

Six Turns with three Phases each are played to advance the calendar one Month. Each Turn is to be understood as Simultaneous and Concurrent with the others, and the sum is the total activity of the Community or Group in that span.

Each Player operating a Group or Community decides which Turns they will field their Workforce in the hopes of producing Yield in the respective spheres of activity each Turn governs. Each Workforce so employed taxes resources (initially strong as supplies brought over from the Vrun Continent), and unless it is an exceptionally well-funded undertaking, will require at least foraging/hunting to supplement the needs of the workers.
--Only 3:5 of the population of a proposed colony are Workers. The rest represent young children, women with child, or the elderly/injured. All require sustenance, but workers more so for their efforts.

Turn 1: If no catastrophe at sea has quashed the hopes of the expedition, the first task is to disembark and make preparations. Since the area has hopefully already been scouted (or more likely, selected on the 'chart'), one hopefully has a reasonable chance of being prepared for the sort of terrain encountered, and that no hostiles ruin the moving-in party.

Turn 2: If hostilities are initiated by the Player or by circumstance, then that is played out, with each Phase representing one-(8-day-)week, and the Workforce, the fighters. If no hostilities occur on a Player's Turn, no expenditures are accrued.

Movement and Exploration are the stuff of Turn 3, and where the map board and scale ruler are used to plot a course for the scouts to explore through. Each Terrain type depicted upon the map is a general type, and as explorers move into the terrain, individual features are determined (randomly, via a written Scenario, or a combination of the two). These features are reported by the scouts, and upon these findings, possible future sites are demarcated.

An extensive Innovation and Invention system is presented, allowing Communities to build upon existing technologies and create new applications or even uses for by-products. Subterfuge, too, takes place in Turn 4.

Turn 5 is Commerce, and allows for the buying, selling, and trading of Production Yields in Turns 1 and 4. Paying workers from affiliated communities/groups, also takes place in the 5th Turn.

Turn 6 is the most random, and the effects a Player can generate, least present. The changes in social customs, issues regarding marriages and inheritances, and the inclusion of newcomers are all matters dealt with, as are increases or decreases in population (thus affecting Workforce).

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Pt. 2 of 2 Hill Cantons Interview link-

This is the second of two parts of the Hill Cantons Interview Series he conducted with me.

In reply to this comment by DaveL:

1). The Group or Community has the potential to grow into the hundreds, thousands, or more, and the Player(s) controlling that Community are making the decisions as to what to work or build, whom to attack, where to explore, what to research, what where and with whom to trade, and how to react to unexpected events, including changes in the constituency of one's population/Workforce. These choices are not drawn from a finite list (but for one-off play it could be), but noted in a record, along with Yield, Waste, and Mishap notes. Areas initially settled may prove inhospitable or filled with foes, and even if the first spot now provides enough to sustain one's burgeoning population, it will not provide enough by itself in a short while, or in case of natural disaster, or to trade/lend to others. etc.

2). The entire game of the Boxed Set is playable as a Solo gaming experience, and one that can continue unabated -- provided one's fortunes abide. All the Community-building, hexploration, stocking of sites of interest, etc., can be Solo gamed, and if the process is honest, these solo realms could also be Campaign realms that interact on a once a fortnight face-to-face game, or in some fashion via the www, or snail mail.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Kills and Disruption Points: A VANGUARD sneak-peek-

I have been as sensitive to the basic HP dichotomy (blood versus luck) as long as others, and I finally did something about it for Urutsk.
--Be forewarned, though, it isn't meant to model Conan so much as it is designed to model Solomon Kane.

In VANGUARD and the Boxed Set, figures can survive a number of Kills equal to their Fight Dice, or they can be whittled down to Unconsciousness or Death, or some combination of the two -- and each level of wound has its own effects (the so called 'death-spiral' -- as if that weren't actually the case in thoracic trauma).

Attacks that penetrate the target's armour (a D&D 'Hit') inflict a Kill. Commoners are 0 Fight Die combatants, meaning that 1 Kill incapacitates. But, that same commoner could be bitten by a poisonous animal, tumble a bit down a cliff, and pull herself to town after two days of no water -- and yet live.
--More powerful fighters (higher FD) can do all of that, and still be dispatched with one good shot, even at max DP. Heroic stuff.

On top of all of that, there is very little book keeping, due to each condition level being pre-calculated (it doesn't increase often, and then a minute or two to re-figure), the Wound Step. If the figure has taken more than x, it is at the condition level for y, until it exceeds that, then it is at z, etc.

...but, it does use funny dice, so y'all best heat up the blogging-irons and set to bitchin' ;D

Naturally, Alternate Reality Games will be supplying both the dice, and 'conversion tables' (lol) for the unconvinced to use their standard d6s:

6 = Violet, 5 = Blue, 4 = Green, 3 = Yellow, 2 = Orange, 1 = Red

I'm rough on you folks, I know... But, I'm certain you'll see the benefits of speed and flexibility in play.