Showing posts with label guacamole. Show all posts
Showing posts with label guacamole. Show all posts

Friday, July 13, 2012


My Husband is from the midwest, the Chicago suburbs to be more specific.  Apparently Mexican food wasn't one of the food genres that his family ate.  It was more of a meat, potato, veg situation.  And the veg did not include avocados (though technically a fruit).  Hubby moved to Southern California to finish out his college years in the late 90's.  A place where you can find an abundence of little taco stands and Mexican restaurants.  We first met during my last semester of college, his second to last.  When I found out that Hubs didn't really do Mexican food, I took it as a personal challenge to introduce him to some of my favorite local Mexican inspired flavors, including guacamole. 

I have a funny story to share that really doesn't have anything to do with guac, but recalling the humble beginnings of Hubs and my relationship reminded me of this.  The first time I met my Hubby's family (including Mom, Dad, sister, aunts, cousins, etc.) was when Hubs and I were graduating from college(even though we finished school a semester apart, they only hold one walking ceremony per year).  His whole family came to town for the graduation and one evening we were planning to have dinner with his Dad. I suggested we go to a steak house.  His Dad with a surprised expression said, "You eat steak?".  With a somewhat puzzled look I said, "Yes, of course!"  He replied something to the effect of, "oh I thought most California girls were vegetarians."  Ha! Stereotypes run the gamut I guess with all us granola crunching, liberal, veg heads in So Cal.  Which couldn't be further from the way I grew up.

But let's get back to stereotyping my Hubs with his midwestern meat and potato ways.  For the record, he doesn't eat that much meat, but he is a total carb junkie, namely pasta and bread.  Over the years, I've gotten Hubs to eat at Mexican restaurants and he always orders the same thing, fajitas.  Okay, it's a start.  He does venture into the occasional burrito if we are more of casual dining place.  But Mexican food is by no means his favorite.

I cannot pinpoin where and when it happened, but my avocado hating husband magically started eating and enjoying guacamole.  First at family events (guac has always been a popular dip).  Then even at restaurants.  He actually asks me to make guacamole.  Which I'm more than happy to do.  But please note, despite is fondness of guac, he still stands strong on not liking avocados that are not mashed up with onions, spices and herbs.  When I tried to serve him an avocado cup salad in place of a side salad for dinner one night, he ate everything off the avocado and handed me his naked avocado.

Small victories though.  Maybe in the next decade he will embrace the avocado in all its creamy rich goodness.  In the meantime, we'll keep eating guac!

As the heat indexes continues to soar across the nation, I wanted to share something requiring no cooking or baking.  This guacamole is easy to make and very tasty.  It's a mild version, so if you like to heat things up add in half (or whole if your're really brave) finely diced jalapeno and/or a few dashes of hot sauce.


from The Ginger Snap Girl

4 ripe medium avocados
1/2 cup finely diced red onion
Juice from 1 1/2 limes
1/2 teaspoon salt (I use fine sea salt)
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
3/4 cup of finely chopped tomato, seeded (I use grape tomatoes and squeeze out the excess juice and seeds)
1 tablespoon of finely chopped cilantro

To cut your avocado, hold the avocado standing on its long end and run your knife through the top middle cutting lengthwise around the pit until you come full circle.  Place the avocado in both hands and twist to reveal two halves.  To remove the pit, hold the avocado pit side up on your cutting board and take the fat end of a chef's knife and give it a little whack it into the dead center of the pit.  Be careful here! You don't want  to lose any digits! Once the knife is in the pit, twist the knife around to release the pit. 

Scoop out avocado with a spoon or peel away the skin.  Place the peeled, pitted, avocado halves in a medium bowl.  Using a fork lightly mash the avocado until you have large chunks.  I like to keep my guac somewhat chunky.  Stir in remaining ingredients and taste for seasoning.  You may need to add more lime juice or salt and pepper depending on your preferece.  Serve immediately with chips or fresh veggies. 

If you want make your guacamole ahead, I recommend doing so the day you want to serve it, a few hours ahead.  Take your finished guacamole and place plastic wrap directly on the surface on the guac, pressing down so that no air is between the plastic and the dip.  Air makes guac turn brown pretty quick.  Place another sheet of plastic over the top of the bowl (or close with a lid if you have one).

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Tacos Family Style

I'll just say it up front. Get the big mystery out of the way. The secret is ketchup. Yep. I said ketchup. My family has been eating tacos this way since my mom was a kid and the tradition has been passed on. My dad adopted the tradition and carried it on even after my parents parted ways. And earlier this week, I was lucky enough to get an invitation to indulge in this delicious, old favorite at Dad's house!

My Dad and step Mom invited Hubby and I over for tacos in exchange for a little computer assistance. It's a no brainer if tacos are involved (nothing personal about your company guys if you are reading this). My step Mom not only fried up fresh corn tortillas for the taco shells, but she also fried up fresh chips. Along with some homemade guacamole that I brought along, and the infamous tacos, it was a pretty darn good meal! Let's just say I didn't leave hungry.

The tacos are simple and so very delicious. A fried corn tortilla filled with ground beef and sauteed onion, lettuce, tomato, freshly grated cheddar cheese good friend Mr. Ketchup.

I see you scrunching up your face and going, "Ewww!". But the question is, have you ever tried it? I totally get that ketchup doesn't fall into the "Mexican" category. I am with you. But this isn't about authentic Mexican food. It's about tasty and heart warming comfort food. So don't knock it till you try it! Ketchup is the essential ingredient to bring a little tangy, sweet tomato-y goodness to the crisp yet chewy fried shell, crumbly ground beef, cool lettuce and tomato and soft, tasty cheddar cheese.

Homemade tacos are an old favorite that will always bring me back to childhood and fond memories of sitting around the table with the family enjoying food and conversation. It's a special treat that I look forward to every once in a while. So Dad, Mom, Grandma? I am available anytime for a taco dinner! Just sayin.