Showing posts with label speed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label speed. Show all posts

Monday, October 08, 2007

At the NCN I won something!!!!!!!! Yeaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!

I went to a convention of caricature artists in the little big town of Reno Nevada. It was a week long, and one of the events was "The Speed Competition." 80 artists from around the world competed to be the fastest on the the planet. We had to draw as many black and white faces as possible in 5 minutes. I completed 19! It was fun to compete with and againest my fiends, and win something.
Well I get to be the 3rd loser for about a year. Its better than 4th place.
Big Kev shot some video of it, if you want to check it out. I'm in the hat. The other guy is some dude named Joe Bluhm.

I also drew a little. Here's the wall where they let me hang my junk.

Can you guess who's who? I can.