Friday, April 18, 2008

Table Talk. . . .

Drew: Can I marry Sammie?
Cole: Our Sammie Lou or grandma Sammie?
D: Our Sammie Lou
Rach: Sure you can say you're going to marry Lou- lou for now.
C: No! You can't marry your sister!
D: Could I marry grandma?
R: Well, no because she's already married.
C: You could only marry grandma if grandpa died and that would me super sad.
D: Well then who should I marry?
R: You will probably marry someone you don't know yet.
C: Just some random person? Was daddy just some random person when you were my age?
R: Yes.
C: Was grandpa just some random person too!
R: Yes.
C: What - that is CRAZY! That means I'm going to marry a RANDOM person.
D: Well I'm still going to marry Sammie Lou.

We were having this conversation in very loud voices because Sammie Lou was being a very noisy cat in her chair.


AnnieB said...

He's not going to marry a RANDOM person! Doesn't he know we've arranged his marriage to Hannah?

will said...

Thinking from Cole's perspective, it is pretty mind-blowing to think that something that important is still that random. It kind of trips me out.

Britt said...

Annie beat me to it...but the proper response is, "Cole, Drew, you have lots of options. Any one of the Callaway girls are OK with me."

Camille said...

Hello jackson? For Hannah, ANNIE!
~summed up our husbands are all random?

Liz said...

That is hilarious! I'm so glad you recorded that conversation before you forgot it. Classic.

millie said...

It's hard to imagine having conversations with Holden. Thanks for sharing this. Your kids are sweet. especially that kitty.