Wednesday, April 30, 2008


No new news about the mountain lion, but Cole's class did get to go on a field trip to In-n-out. It was AWESOME. We got to tour the kitchen, make our own fries and eat free burgers at the end! For those of you who don't already know In-n-out is a family owned restaurant, that serves only burgers, fries, soda and milkshakes. It's the BEST burger around. They pride themselves on cleanliness and using all their own meat and cheese and other products.

This is Cole and the potato guy! They have a machine that peels all the potatoes but then it's this guys job to cut out all the brown spots. They said all those bags of potatoes would all be used by the end of the day! The next photo is Cole putting his potato through the cutter, which slices them into fry shape.

These floor to ceiling black crates are filled with buns. There is enough here for 2 days of business! There are 2 more stacks behind the ones you see.  Also notice the complex filtration system on the back wall.  That is why their diet coke is always so good!

Can I take your order please?

I'm not sure who had more fun, the kids or the moms who chaperoned!


Karen S said...

Now that's my kind of field trip!

will said...

I haven't had an In-N-Out burger, in a long, long time. I'm glad I'll be in CA this summer. Is there an In-N-Out in Berkeley close to campus?

Britt said...

Wow. Can I come next time? mmmmm. animal stylie!

Anna said...

We are headed to So. Cal next week...hmmm, maybe we will have to drop by in-n-out.

AnnieB said...

Mmmm! I'm suddenly hungry!

mamasuisse said...

Hearing that they "pride themselves on cleanliness" makes me want to eat there every day - like I didn't already want that. What a fun fieldtrip.

Camille said...

mouth salivating!

Anonymous said...

Okay - here I am. I'm checking out your life and getting inspired to start my own blog. Wasn't this a great field trip? I especially enjoyed my free burger at 9:30 in the morning!