Showing posts with label why god why. Show all posts
Showing posts with label why god why. Show all posts

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Another WWII Veteran Murdered... the Usual Suspects™:

Four teenagers are being charged with capital murder in the fatal mugging of 87-year-old Lawrence E. 'Shine' Thornton of Greenville, Mississippi.

‘Shine’ was a World War II veteran and a famous personality in the Delta region for his hot tamales. They were known as ‘Maria’s Famous Hot Tamales’, named after his wife Mary. He was crowned king of the 2012 Delta Hot Tamale Festival.

According to Greenville police, Thornton was killed after being accosted in his own driveway on Oct. 18. He was pushed down and his wallet stolen.

He passed away from his injuries two days later at the University Of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson.

Gotta get paid. Fucking animals.

Here's a video of the old fellow talking about how he began cooking tamales:

Saturday, October 19, 2013

They Aren't Babies, They Aren't Fetuses...

...they're just targets in sick game.

Is this the most sickening image of the war in Syria so far? Snipers 'target unborn children in chilling competition to win cigarettes.'


Jesus wept.

h/t Gateway Pundit.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Well, He Just HAD To Test It

A man from Bellingham, Washington, severed his arm with a home-made guillotine.

He's no longer one of the 99%, it's more like 98.00000194%.

Guess he couldn't afford a piece of salami to test it on. Or was too stupid (or drunk) to think of that.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Now That He's Killed Jesus...

...maybe he'll finally see some serious prison time.

Here in North Carolina, like all too many jurisdictions throughout the US, a drunk can get away with DUI almost indefinitely, as long as he doesn't kill anyone. The drunkard Kevin O'Hagan his finally killed someone.

*shakes head sadly*

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Oh, Cool. Pinhead's GF



There's also a whole bunch of women with clown-mouth lipstick:

These designers really do hate women, don't they?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Kill The Wabbit

A drunken UK girl (redundancy alert) killed a pet rabbit by smashing it against a wall, and filmed its death with her cell phone.

Are there any good children left in UK at all, or are we in a Lord of the Flies scenario in which they really just need to be written off as bad rubbish?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

You Know Your Dog Loves You...

...when it stays by your decomposing corpse for 6 weeks, starving, and doesn't do what any wild creature would do.

I tend to prefer cats myself, but there's something very noble about the simple love that a dog has for a deserving owner or, sadly, even an undeserving owner. And I have to wonder that an owner would love his dog so little that he would put it through this scenario.

Jesus wept...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Don't Try This At Home

Bari, Italy - The death in Italy of a two-year old boy following a botched circumcision lead Wednesday to the arrest of a Nigerian man on manslaughter and illegal medical practice charges.

The boy, identified in news reports only with the name Johnson, died Tuesday of a haemorrhage several hours after the circumcision took place, authorities in the southern port city of Bari said.

Police arrested 28-year-old Eraboremi Eghanghe who they said has admitted to carrying out the circumcision with a 'barber's razor- blade and some palm oil.' However, he has denied being responsible for the boy's death.

Boy's name was Johnson.

That is all.

Greater Love Has No Man...

...that a man lay down his life...for his dog?

And leave your daughters, who witnessed your death, orphans?

Jesus wept.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

If You Wish To Prove Remorse In A Courtroom...'s best not to publish photos in FaceBook or MySpace that indicate otherwise.

Why, God, Why...

...don't we have a crime called criminal stupidity included in most state law codes? Is it because it would be too easy to prosecute and involve too much of the populace?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008