Showing posts with label snark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snark. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Well, You Could Sell Them At Sporting Events, I Suppose

"Golf balls, lighters and action figures: Staggering rubbish found in albatross chicks' stomachs."

And, of course, those things not being part of the Albatross's diet, it's killing them. But hey! It might provide employment for some poor woman:

Thursday, December 05, 2013

What Every Single Woman Needs

"Scrotal Sack" handbag.

Married women, of course, already have a similar handbag, courtesy of their husbands.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

How You Know You're In the 21st Century

"Finally, a police robot entered the home and told him to surrender."

How you know you're in the United States of America:

"Then the police robot shot and killed the family dog."*

*Just kidding.

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Seen On Drudge

That's one-upmanship, certainly. In the Gospel of St. John, Peter only denied Jesus three times.

Friday, July 26, 2013

"Goddamnit," He Was Heard To Mutter

Not really.

Ever seen a Pope on a windy day? Looks like this:

Pope Francis Gets Blown In Rio de Janeiro

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Was a Douche Involved, Too?

The pilot of Asiana Flight 214 that crashed in San Francisco is claiming that he was blinded by the light.

Federal crash investigators revealed Wednesday that the pilot flying Asiana Airlines flight 214 told them that he was temporarily blinded by a bright light when 500 feet above the ground.

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Seen On Drudge

Not to put too fine a point on it, but I wonder if the jellyfish have applied for EBT cards and registered to vote as Democrats?

Friday, June 21, 2013

Monday, May 13, 2013

George Will Snarks On Benghazi

Not a movie review:

“This is a very live issue because we now know three things. We know that Mr. [Gregory] Hicks, the night of the attack speaking from Libya, said pretty much what it was: an armed insurrection, not a movie review conducted with rocket-propelled grenades and mortars,” Will said.

“Five days later on this program and on four other Sunday morning programs, the idea of an exceptionally boisterous movie review was still the administration’s position.”

“And then 14 days after the attack, at the U.N., it was the same thing,” Will continued.

“We started out with three arguments. Was security lax in Benghazi? Demonstrably. Could forces have been got there to rescue them? Doubtful. Has the nation been systemically misled? Certainly. Now, we need a select committee in Congress because the State Department’s misnamed accountability review board neglected to interview even the secretary of state.”

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

What You Can Miss By Not Being On Twitter

After Mark Sanford won the SC-1 Congressional district race yesterday evening, Meghan McCain, the daughter of US Senator John McCain, tweeted on the race, and that grandmaster of snark, Iowahawk, noticed:

That right there is the Bikini Atoll Hydrogen Bomb of snark, folks.

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Friday, August 24, 2012

And Yet Another Modest Proposal

Since there are at least 1,544,634 felons in the USA but only 960,000 farmers, I propose that the Future Farmers of America be renamed the Future Felons of America, and instead of the FFA's blue corduroy jacket, that Future Felons be issued orange jailhouse jumpsuits.

Future Felons, instead of going on field trips to farms and ranches, could instead go to the local state prison to learn crime tips first hand - - often from their very own daddies!

And, while I'm thinking about it, might as well rename the Future Homemakers of America, as well. Again, we'll just keep the same initials, and call them the Future Ho's of America.

Jonathan Swift ain't got nothin' on me.

Some Mighty Fine Snark, There

John Lilyea over at This Ain't Hell brings it regarding the Usual Suspects working overtime in Chicago:

General Allen called to tell us that those shootings happened because of Ramadan and the resulting Eid al-Fitr celebration, despite the fact that probably none of the victims or shooters are Muslims. Allen went on to say that folks in Chicago need to drink more water to prevent further shootings. Sgt. Maj. of the Army Raymond F. Chandler III could be heard in the background blaming tattoos for the shootings.

Afghan President Hamad Karzai emailed to tell us that it was probably because of Canadian intelligence officers who have been infiltrating Chicago.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Fear the Fork!

Over at Shermlock's place, he mentions a recent Obama dinner event at which guest's silverware was confiscated for security reasons.

They're not confiscating forks for security reasons; it's 'cause they don't want someone poking Obama with one to see if he's done.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Quote of the Day

Over at Tam's:

Uh, waiter? I ordered the cool Star Trek future and you seem to have brought me the dystopian one from Heinlein's Crazy Years instead...

That's why Tam is the Queen of Snark, folks.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Yer NC LOL of the Day

The Republicans send Valentines to the Obama Administration.

Here's the one for North Carolina:

They're all pretty snarky. Attorney General Holder, of course, professes not to know of any Valentines crossing his desk. Some are a bit "inside Washington," for instance the Dennis Kucinich Valentine: most Americans aren't all that familiar with Kucinich, and don't realize he's not much taller than a hobbit, although he looks more like an Orc, if you're going to speak in Lord of the Rings terms.

Funny stuff.

Via Instapundit.