
Showing posts with label holiday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holiday. Show all posts

Feb 20, 2014

i love london

for more photos, follow my instagram account - @ezzanyusop
PHOTO BY : Ezzan Yusop

Dec 24, 2012

jonker walk, malacca

Jan 19, 2012

London : Football Madness

saya seorang kaki bola. walaupun tak reti main bola. but i know football. and i am a loyal supporter of Liverpool. "You'll Never Walk Alone!!", been supported the club since i was a teenager. don't really care what other team supporters are bad mouthing about Liverpool. eh tetiba emo. haha. anyway, since we were spending the holiday in London, awal-awal dah beritahu parents yang saya nak pergi Anfield Stadium in Liverpool. tapi...apakan daya, masa telah banyak diisi dengan bershopping. jadi tak cukup masa nak pergi Liverpool sana. lagipun naik train nak ke sana lebih kurang 3 to 4 hours. so last-last, we decided to pergi stadium-stadium yang dekat area London je lah which is Chelsea and Arsenal. Fulham pun dekat tapi tak sempat lak survey kat area mana. huhu.

pegang tangan dengan Fernando Torres. walaupun masih tak maafkan dia sebab left Liverpool!
Stamford Bridge
Adikku over. Sebab dia memang peminat Chelsea pun. Suka lattewww...
The Stadium

Original jersey yang murah. Murah dari yang jual kat Malaysia.
Sesiapa yang nak pergi Arsenal, boleh straight stop dekat Arsenal's station. on Piccadily Line if i'm not mistaken.
The Highbury House Shop
Hujan lebat sesangat masa ni. Freezing at the same time. Oh takde game jugak that day.

PHOTO BY : Ezzan Yusop

Jan 17, 2012

London : The City Part 2

The Tower Bridge. FYI, the white thingy on the lense is not the snow. It is the rain.
Buckingham Palace - That famous balcony where Will & Kate kissed!
Arch of Wellington, near Hyde Park Corner
Thames River
Canary Wharf
Near Cahir Street - where we stayed for a week ++
Eye Of London
The busy street of London
Wharf apetah
Piccadily Circus
London Bridge Underground Station

PHOTO BY : Ezzan Yusop

Jan 16, 2012

London : The City Part 1

....and so i'm back to the country. well, hello hello dear readers. nak wish new year rasa macam dah belated sangat dah kan. haha. anyway, i've been back for about 2 weeks dah but been down with fever and flu right after i got back. perubahan cuaca maybe. malas nak merepek meraban, i'm just gonna post few photos from my london trip. tapi i'll post it in batches lah kan. banyak noo. sampai rasa malas nak upload baik kat facebook or sini. sebab kena resize kan. hehe. if you want to know more about my trip, you can visit my personal blog. cerita-cerita banyak kat sana. 


The Big Ben
London Taxi
Canary Wharf
Again, Canary Wharf
Harrods - SALE pun tetap rasa mahal jugak!
Jalur Gemilang di Trafalgar Square
House of Parliament

PHOTO BY : Ezzan Yusop

Dec 24, 2011

winter holiday!

hello friends. dah last week of 2011 dah kan. cepat je masa berlalu. tak sedar dah 358 hari berlalu. 358 hari tu kalau korang baca ni pada 24 Disember lah kan. anyway, while you guys are reading this entry, i'm already out of the country. yup, i'm on my holiday trip with the family! lama dah tak holiday satu family. the last time was like 4 years ago. kot. maleh nak kira betul-betul. heh. kitorang ni susah sebenarnya nak holiday 1 family. sama ada tak dapat cuti or tak cukup duit. yang sentiasa tak cukup duit tu dah tentulah saya ni kan. cuti tu anytime boleh amik. bos lulus tak lulus, hada haku kesah. haha. anyway, ke mana lah pulak cik tipah kita ni nak pergi kan kali ni? well well, let the picture kat bawah ni do the talking ye...





yeayyyy, it's London baby!!!! lama sangat sangat tak pergi London. the last time masa umur 12 tahun. dah 14 tahun kot. tah ayah ingat jalan lagi ke tak. haha. mintak-mintaklah terserempak dengan Kate Middleton ke or artis hollywood ke kan. tak pun english footballer ke. hamboi over kau maria. boleh pulak wish camtu kan. haha.

so, i'll be gone for a week! tahun depan baru balik. kerlasss kau jemah macam lama noo pergi kan, padahal 7 hari jerr. insyaAllah sampai Malaysia balik on first day of 2012. new year dalam flight. doakan semoga kitorang selamat pergi dan selamat kembali. oh boleh juga kalau korang nak doakan saya bertemu jodoh dengan hot British guy. ececeh.

till then, have a blast holiday untuk yang berholiday macam yours truly ni ye...


Jul 6, 2011

sunrise in malacca

PHOTO BY : Ezzan Yusop