Showing posts with label hearts-a-bustin'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hearts-a-bustin'. Show all posts

Monday, December 6, 2010

"Heart's done busting"

6 x 8"
Oil painting on linen panel (Ray Mar)

I love the color combination in this one.  That green is one of my favorite colors these days.  The background went quickly and smoothly.  I felt very confident sketching thinly with the yellow ochre before going back in with the thicker paint.  Very enjoyable.

The reference photo was taken on October 16.  I know this is a strange little plant, but I just love it and plan to paint more of them.  In fact, I have a very large black and white acrylic on paper painting of a hearts-a-bustin' I did a while back tacked to my dining room wall. Here's a photo of the large bush on the path leading to the Epimedium Collection.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


6 x 6"
watercolor on aquabord (Ampersand)

Thought I'd post one with more fall colors.  Back to the aquabord, I enjoyed working on the background circles and liked how the thin branches moved through the composition.

Reference photo was taken September 26.  This is one of my favorite blooming fall plants.  It's a bush that lives in shaded forests and has these cool scarlet pods that burst in the fall. Native to North Carolina, I had not seen one until moving back here and discovering them in my backyard.  There are several in the H.L. Blomquist Garden of Native Plants section at Duke Gardens, though the largest one I've ever seen is in the Culberson Asiatic Arboretum along the path leading up from the North Pond.  I'll post one done in oil soon.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!