Showing posts with label 6"x8"oil painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 6"x8"oil painting. Show all posts

Sunday, April 24, 2011

"Standing True"

6" x 8"
oil on linen panel (by Ray Mar)

Happy Easter, all!   First I need to apologize for the photo quality on this one.  The colors are a bit washed out.  I had the hardest time getting the colors correct.  The blue sky is not as cyan as shown here and the lavender flowers at the bottom have more magenta in them - a deeper purple.  When I get those colors correct the red in the tulip becomes way too saturated.  I don't know why my Canon could not get the colors even.  As for the painting, I probably fussed too much in the details, so it took longer than it should have.  I think I need to start timing myself, so I get more spontaneous brush work.  I wanted to soften the edges in the background, though, to give that out-of-focus effect.  

Reference photo was taken on April 13.  The clouds were so lovely that day, I just had to back up and show them off.  Loved the unique color of these tulips as well. 

Friday, April 15, 2011

"Ruby Awakening"

6" x 8"
oil on linen panel (Ray Mar)
I was searching for good contrasts to paint and decided on this ruby tulip.  I really like the reflected light on the bottom of the petals.  It's tough to get those colors right.  I feel this was was quite successful.

Reference photo April 10, 2010.  Admittedly this was shot a year ago, but the weather and my schedule were not cooperating.  I knew the tulips were up and anxious to get to the gardens to take many photos.  Luckily I was able to a couple of days ago and got some great shots.  Get ready to see many tulip paintings coming up.  They are just lovely right now.

Monday, March 21, 2011

"Cheerful Return"

6 x 8" 
Oil on linen panel (Ray Mar)

I am so happy to be back posting a painting again.  I am long overdue.  What a crazy month it's been.  I attempted to post last weekend, but did not complete the painting to my liking.  It was my first "wiper" as Carol Marine would say.  I think the problem was that I attempted a subject with too much small detail (a Japanese flowering apricot bloom).  It would be much better suited to my detailed watercolors.  The oils should have bolder, larger brushstrokes.  So, I started again with a bolder, larger subject with this daffodil or jonquil.  My friend, Hunter, called all daffodil's jonquils.  I'm not sure I know the difference.  Anyone?  Or is that just another way Virginians like to set themselves apart from the rest of the Union?

Reference photo was taken on March 13.  It was such a warm Sunday afternoon.  The gardens were full.  This particular daffodil was enjoying the day with her buddies on the terrace under a gorgeous blooming saucer magnolia.  Look for that painting soon.

Monday, February 7, 2011

"Face It"

6 x 8"
Oil on linen panel (Ray Mar)

My goal in this one was to use fewer brush strokes and to be sure I got it complete in one session.  I accomplished both, though it was harder to stay loose with the smaller strokes in the more detailed middle of the flower.  I found it near impossible to get the true pinks I wanted with these oils.  The lighter pink became more opaque than I wanted.  I need to figure out how to mix a good fuschia.  Not sure it's possible.  Still, you get the idea of the bright light hitting those petals.

Reference photo was taken on January 23, 2011. It was a beautiful and warmer day, so I was hoping to find more camellia's opening up.  Could not find any fully open that also had good lighting on them. This one was near the President's Bridge as you are walking on the path towards Azalea Court.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"Patient Camellia"

6 x 8"
Oil on linen panel (Ray Mar)

Thank goodness for snow days!  I got this one done in one sitting. Hopefully I can get more done like that.  I'm particularly pleased with the shadows on the snow.  

Reference photo was taken on December 27.  It was a fun day to be stomping through the snow with my sister-in-law and young niece.  This Camellia bush is located up behind the newly renovated fish pond. I took a "winter wonderland" photo of the terrace:

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"Feel the light"

6 x 8"
oil on linen panel (Ray Mar)

I don't know whether or not this one was fun to paint because it was easy or easy because it was fun.  In any event, it went smoothly and quickly.  No frustration here.  I got new paints, linseed oil and brushes, so that might have helped some, as well.  I love the light in this one.  Just that hint of cobalt blue at the top lets you feel the light coming from above.  The photo really is not doing it justice.  I think I need to fix my set up to get rid of the glare on the dark backgrounds.

Reference photo was taken on October 16.  I got very close to these tiny little yellow blooms.  Wish I knew what they are.  They were on the terrace.  Here's a photo:

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


6 x 8"
oil on linen panel (Ray Mar)

First, I want to apologize for the quality of this photo.  It has a little more glare on it than I like.  The weather has not been cooperating in giving me the optimal painting photographing light. This image presented some real challenges.  The morning sun was casting that blue shadow onto the stones.  I also saw blue in the shadows of the yellow rose.  What I saw and what my brain was telling me I should be seeing where not the same.  Who to listen to?  It was a bit tricky.  Nice result, but I'll want to try a similar one to see if I can capture it with more ease.

Reference photo was taken on October 16.  It was that bright morning of rose photos.  I love how this one shows the steps leading down to the rose circle.  I also like seeing that cobalt blue shade. 

Friday, December 10, 2010


6 x 8"
oil on linen panel (Ray Mar)

I got bright and active with this painting.  I worried at first that there might be too much going on in the background that takes away from the primary peppers, but I think the droplets added enough sharp interest to keep the focus on the main five.

Reference photo was taken on October 16 which was the same day that I took the "Droplet" photo.  I was initially attracted to these bright little ornamental pepper plants in September when I took the photo below, but I did not feel the lighting was right for a painting.  The early morning sun helped bring out the highlights.  These were on the terrace as well.  

Monday, December 6, 2010

"Heart's done busting"

6 x 8"
Oil painting on linen panel (Ray Mar)

I love the color combination in this one.  That green is one of my favorite colors these days.  The background went quickly and smoothly.  I felt very confident sketching thinly with the yellow ochre before going back in with the thicker paint.  Very enjoyable.

The reference photo was taken on October 16.  I know this is a strange little plant, but I just love it and plan to paint more of them.  In fact, I have a very large black and white acrylic on paper painting of a hearts-a-bustin' I did a while back tacked to my dining room wall. Here's a photo of the large bush on the path leading to the Epimedium Collection.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"The New Kid"

 6 x 8"
oil on linen panel (Ray Mar)

I struggled a bit with this one and ended up re-doing the flower because it had gotten too tight.  I'm trying to keep the brushwork loose.  The background, however, came easily and I'm very pleased with my circles.  The softness is a nice contrast.  This new kid would be a great match for "Longing."

The reference photo was taken on September 26.  It was a great day for roses.  Please note that I've added some share buttons to each posting.  Use them to spread the word and share with friends and family.  That would really help me out.  Thanks!

Friday, November 26, 2010

"Here's Looking at You"

6 x 8"
oil on linen panel (Ray Mar)

I know I should be painting another fall flower, but here I am with a honeysuckle.  Sorry. I was attracted to the orange and the contrast.  I'm very pleased with the painterly quality of the brush work on this one.  My goal is to stay loose.  So, the tiny details in the two flowers drove me a bit crazy.

Reference photo was taken on April 10. I don't know how I jumped so far back. I'll try to stay more seasonal. This vine was right before the pergola on the path down from the rose circle.

Monday, November 22, 2010


6 x 8" 
oil on linen panel (Ray Mar)

This one went fairly quickly.  I started by putting down a sepia ground and then rubbing out the lightest shapes with a cloth.  Then I sketched with a brush using a dark alizarin crimson.  After the shapes were how I wanted them, I painted the darkest colors and background, keeping it soft.  The next day I completed the flower.  The highlights worked out very well.  This one will be hard to part with.

The reference photo was taken on August 8.  It was the day of the rose path.  With so many beautiful subjects, the trick was to find pleasing compositions.  I liked how the background flowers look ghostly. 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

"Rose Path" 6x8" oil


This one went quicker than many of the others.  Maybe I'm gaining a little more confidence with these oils. I'm not as fussy and tentative.  I really like how the sky turned out.  It has a plein air feel.  So does the path. 

Reference photo was taken on April 10.  It was nice to pull back a little.  Those who are familiar with the gardens can place yourselves on the circular rose path.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"Coming Up" 8x6in oil


I'm carrying over the focus on the background circles from the last painting in a big way in this one.  I wanted to paint them loose and thin at first, and then add thicker brushstrokes.  They definitely became prominent.  The vertical worked well as the bud is coming up.  Can you hear that little bud singing to Diana Ross's "I'm coming out?" (of course replacing "out" with "up").  

The reference photo was taken on August 29.  There were so many beautiful blooming roses it was easy to take many photos.  The trick was finding ones with a little more interest either with composition or light. 

Friday, November 12, 2010

"Bubble Yum Field" 6x8" oil

I know the title is a bit goofy, but the colors just reminded me of Bubble Yum bubble gum colors. Do they still make that gum? Anyway, I had fun with this one.

The reference photo was taken on July 25.  The terrace was just full of colors.  I love how they layer the plants so that you are bombarded with complimenting colors.  Always breathtaking.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010



I focused on contrast in this painting not only in the bright yellow versus the dark background, but also in softening the edges of the background flowers versus the foreground daisy. I'm pleased that it made the flower pop.

The reference photo was taken on July 25, 2010.  I was struck by these little yellow daisies shinning through from under the dark purple spider grass (? - not sure exactly the name.  I promise to get better at identifying what I'm painting).  So, maybe not shinning bright, but attempting to shine.  I was also listening to David Gray's "Shine" while painting.  Click and have a listen.  Great song.

Monday, November 8, 2010

"Hi ya"


This is the last of the tulips for a while.  I had fun with the composition on this one.  I felt like the little one was saying "hi" to the larger one - thus the title.  I was also pleased with the contrast of the bright red against the black shaded stone wall.

The reference photo was from that same gorgeous day of the tulips - March 31, 2010. Seeing the stone terrace wall gives you a better sense that this was taken at Duke Gardens.  I may on occasion back away from my intimate moments to give a wider scope of the gardens.  Something to think about for future paintings.

Thursday, November 4, 2010



Tulips are so cheerful.  (I know Meg Ryan says daisies are so cheerful in "You've Got Mail," but tulips are a close second.) The luscious oils make it easy to keep things bright, though I had to be careful not to overwork the strokes otherwise it could get muddy fast.  Getting the color right on the shaded yellow of the petals was a bit tricky, but I'm pleased with the result.

The reference photo was taken on March 31.  You really should try to make it to Duke Gardens in the early spring when the bulb flowers come up.  It's lovely.  I even enjoyed it as a child with my sister, Missy.  See the photo on the sidebar.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"Returning Tulips"


This is the first oil I've done in a number of years and I have to say that it was a lot of fun, but a bit frustrating too.  I have been so used to painting with watercolor or encaustic - both of which dry very fast - that it took a bit of fiddling to get these oils to do what I wanted.  Still it was good to smell the linseed oil and mineral spirits in the studio again.

The reference photo for this was taken on April 4.  The historic terraces at Duke Gardens are just covered with tulips that time of year.  So cheerful.  Hope it warms your cool day.