The loveliness of the first sunny days of this late-coming Spring inspired me to post some pictures
from the gentle green worlds of Czech artist Jan Kudláček. Born in 1928 in Moravia and living in Prague,
Kudláček is a painter, graphic artist, and above all an award winning illustrator who since 1963
has published almost a hundred children's books. His distinctive style and brushwork technique
convey a vibrant and luminous quality to his joyful and poetic illustrations of nature,
flowers, small animals and fairytale creatures.
Petruschka, 1970
Svatba v rybníce (Wedding in a pond), 1982,
all photos thanks to micky the pixel
Zlatý proutek (Golden Wand), 1983
Jussi ja kalat, 1989
Pohádky pro skřítka Hajaju (Tales for Sprites), 1995