Showing posts with label moles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moles. Show all posts

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Basking in the Light

Žabáček, 1982

The loveliness of the first sunny days of this late-coming Spring inspired me to post some pictures
from the gentle green worlds of Czech artist Jan Kudláček. Born in 1928 in Moravia and living in Prague, 
Kudláček is a painter, graphic artist, and above all an award winning illustrator who since 1963
has published almost a hundred children's books. His distinctive style and brushwork technique 
convey a vibrant and luminous quality to his joyful and poetic illustrations of nature,
 flowers, small animals and fairytale creatures. 

Petruschka, 1970

Holčička a déšt' (A Little Girl and Rain), 1974, thanks to Arthur van Kruining

Svatba v rybníce (Wedding in a pond), 1982, 
all photos thanks to micky the pixel

Svatba v rybníce, 1982

 Zlatý proutek (Golden Wand), 1983

 Jussi ja kalat, 1989

Pohádková lampička (Fairy-tale lamp), 1992

Pohádky pro skřítka Hajaju (Tales for Sprites), 1995 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Little women grow up

This large format illustrated version of Andersen's Thumbelina was published in 1978.
It was created by Nicole Claveloux, a French artist that I am planning to feature again soon
on Animalarium. I love this book for its unusual structure, which alternates pages of text
with spreads packed with sequences of small illustrations that can be visually read in  
a variety of ways.

The illustrations are beautiful and funny, and the abundance of details on each spread
is very appealing to children and visually oriented adults like me.

But I love this version also for its feminist ending, in which Thumbelina refuses to marry the King of Flowers
choosing instead a life of freedom and travels in the company of her swallow friend.

Click on the photos to view them at full size!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday Safari - Pique-Nique

 Alfred Bestall, 1936, from the book Children's book covers

Days are getting shorter, but it's still warm and sunny in Florence.
Let's spend some time outdoors before the cold sets in...

 Molly Brett, thanks to Shelley Davies

 Laurent de Brunhoff, Captain Serafina, 1963, via Curio Books

 Bruno SalamoneDejeuner-sur-l'herbe

Kazuo Iwamura via Children's Illustration

 Jill Barklem, Spring Story - A Birthday Surprise for Wilfred
 Campfire by Pipapiep

Paul Colin, Cinzano

Martina Badstuber, thanks to Maral Sassouni

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunday Safari - Better Homes & Gardens

Else Wenz-Viëtor, illustration from Hochzeit Im Walde, 1921, thanks to Arthur van Kruining

It's September again, a year since I posted Animalarium's first collection of animal houses,
and I am in the mood for more dream homes! I hope you are too...

Felix Lorioux, illustration from Fables De La Fontaine via the Hollywood Animation Archive

Miss Prickles from Bobby Bear's Annual, 1949, thanks to moonflygirl

Maginel Wright, thanks to Japonisme

 Romain Simon, illustration from Bravo tortue1950, thanks to micky the pixel 

Margaret Bloy Graham, illustration from The meanest squirrel I ever met, 1962,

 Garth Williams, illustration from Three little animals, 1956, thanks to Sweet Juniper!

Russell and Lillian Hoban, illustration from The Mole Family's Christmas, 1969,

Adelchi Galloniillustration from La caccia alla tigre, 1975

Jean de Brunhoffillustration from Babar and Zephir, 1937

Doris Smith, two illustrations from House by Mouse, thanks to raincloud and bijou kaleidoscope

Jill Barklemillustration from Spring Story - A Birthday Surprise for Wilfred

Agata Dudekillustration from The Crows of Pearblossom

Daria Tessler at Animal Sleep Stories


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