Diana Sudyka, Taiga
Today's post was inspired by the chilly northern winds sweeping through Florence,
and by Werner Herzog's documentary Happy People: A Year in the Taiga, about a group
of fearless and resourceful people who really know how to survive in the cold.
Just like these wonderful animals...
Feodor Rojankovsky, Panache l'ecureil, 1939, thanks to The Visual Telling of Stories
T. Kapustin, The first sun, 1987, thanks to polny_shkaf's amazing visual library
Nathalie Lete, Le Jaseur
Kate McLelland, thanks to Kickcan & Conkers
Mikhail Belomlinsky, Wonders under the feet, 1967, thanks to bookvart
Ene Pikk, Kärp, 1981, thanks to vaula
V. Kanevsky, Winter Poems, 1984, via Hanna Rivka
Nikolai Tyrsa, Snezhnaya kniga, 1926
Gwen Keraval, Le fils qui sauva son père
Georgy Nikolsky, Year in the woods, 1978 and
Animalsleepstories, The Old Caribou