For those of you who do not know, we relocated from Japan to Alaska in July. I had always heard about how gorgeous this state was. Its natural beauty is something you really cannot appreciate unless you have spent a fair amount of time here. The geography, wildlife and free light shows courtesy of the Northern Lights are amazing to say the least.
I have been fortunate enough to witness the Northern Lights on several occasions, but none was comparable to the show we saw last night! There was a solar event on the 8th which resulted in a lot of activity in our skies.
I am NOT a photographer by any stretch of the imagination, but I was able to pick these up with my DSLR (manual/bulb, ISO1800, f/3.5). The bands of light are in constant movement, kind of like fireworks. In some cases they were moving rapidly changing from green to white with tips of pink and at other times they were more a quiet, vibrant green.
When they were really vivid and more light green to white, the whole sky was lit up and it was noticeably lighter outside! These pictures were all taken around 11:00pm on the 9th. This is what makes -40 degree temperatures in the winter worth it...well, almost! ;)
I hope you enjoy a little taste of my skies! I wish you could see the Northern Lights in real life...they are truly a wonder of the world!