Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Taysia's blessing

For some reason I have been really slow about everything lately. I was meaning to post pictures of Taysia the day after she was blessed, and here it is a week and a half later, and I am finally getting around to it. The blessing was very special, and made me realize how blessed I am with two wonderful children, and an amazing husband who holds the priesthood, and can give these wonderful blessings to our children. I take so much for granted some days, not realizing how blessed I truly am.

Most of Thayne's brothers and sisters were able to come to the blessing, so we had a fun little lunch/dinner after church. Taysia was beautiful. She has such bright sparkly eyes, she smiles so cute, and her dress was perfect! As bad as I feel about blessing her so late (she is nearly 3 months old) it is also kind of fun to get some pictures of her smiling while she was wearing the dress. I wasn't able to get those shots with Jarom.

Taysia is growing too fast I've decided. It seems to have all happened so fast, I have hardly had time to think. She hates being on her tummy, but holds her head up so well when she is. Her favorite thing to do is lay on her back with her feet straight up in the air. It is so cute to see those tiny feet kicking around.

Jarom is such a character! He keeps us laughing non-stop some days. He has learned to talk so well over the last couple of weeks, it is amazing. He is starting to pick up on the things that we say in our everyday conversations. Of course the words are at random, but yesterday when Thayne was complaining about his teacher's 165 page reading assignment, and called it "dumb", we heard a little echo saying "dumb! dumb! dumb!" for about five minutes afterwards. I guess that means we need to be more careful about what we say.

I also keep hearing a lot of people saying Jarom has OCD which makes me laugh. He loves lining anything and everything up in perfect lines on the floor. It seems like I come across a line of something at least five times a day, whether it is his shoes that he has lined up at the foot of his bed, all his farm animals, his cars and trucks, or, my personal favorite, all my little bottles of fingernail polish in a perfect row. He may have OCD, but I like to think of him as simply being precisely organized.

Thayne is doing really well in all of his classes, and I am extremely proud of him because I know that i would not be able to do even half the load that he is doing, and still find time to balance out things like family time and church. He is so dedicated, and determined to get straight A's. I admire that about him! Once he commits himself to something, he doesn't just finish it, but puts forth 100% and finishes it way above and beyond anything that is required of him. He has been doing really well in all of his classes, but it came to the point that we couldn't put off buying a laptop any longer, so this weekend we made the big purchase (thank goodness for our tax return) and bought a nice one. I hope it works for a very long time!!!!!


Dawson Family said...

She is beautiful. I like the pictures. Nice laptop! Hope it lasts forever!!!! I just love you guys!

Kelly and Whitney said...

AWWW she looks so precious, You take great pictures. I Jerom is growing up so fast!! you have such a cute family!!