Thursday, February 26, 2009

Even little boys have tea parties

Yesterday while I was fixing dinner, I turned around to see Jarom setting his animals carefully around the table. Two minutes later I heard him jabbering in his own little language about something and turned around to see this: He had his dog in one chair, and his bear (who is also his best friend) in the other, as well as three little rubber ducks, a tractor and a truck all lined up around the table. He also had his glass of water sitting there, and he was talking to his bear, as if he was having the most normal dinner conversation. Thayne doesn't believe it was a tea party, (even after I showed him the pictures) he believes Jarom was giving the "what every boy needs to know about being a man" speach to his animals. While Jarom was sick with Pneumonia I became desperate for ways to entertain him so that he would stop crying for a few minutes. I gave in one night and let him have a free for all with the markers one night while I tried to make dinner. I thought the results were rather funny because he had only one or two marks on the paper, and spent the rest of the time just taking the caps on and off. Although the markers are pretty much ruined, it wasn't a completly bad idea because it gave me 45 minutes of uninterrupted silence, which was something that I hadn't experienced in a long time. I also had to include this little video clip of Jarom reading to Taysia. He has actually started to talk a lot better in the last week or two, and his new favorite book, and word is "Dumbo" It is so cute to watch him say it. Every time he does, it makes me laugh.

And speaking of laughing, Taysia started laughing yesterday. Thayne got her going by playing peekaboo, and then she just started giggling at nothing at all. I have to say that I believe a baby's first laugh is the most precious sound in the world. Sorry, no video yet.... it's still too spontaneous.


Jeff & Ashlee Olsen & Family said...

Awh, so cute! Don't worry about the "man thing" Preston still plays with dolls sometimes. It's not a matter of a "man" thing, it's them learning to be good fathers for their daughters! Jeff says as long as he's not 15 playing with dolls, we'll be alright.

Kaylee Hartley said...

Jarom is so cute! He is going to be such a good brother! :)

Jeff & Ashlee Olsen & Family said...

Hey Kiama, will you please send me your address and phone number? Thanks!