Showing posts with label My Thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Thoughts. Show all posts

Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Conversation...

A simple conversation.
That is how the other light heart-ed post below 
about "I'm this and He's that "started.
And that is how this one started too.
A simple conversation between me and my hubby.
Today we had to go up north.
About an hour and a half from our house.
During the drive my husband was reminded 
of a place in Pleasant Lake.
He said," There was nothing to do but sit on a dock 
and dip your toes in water."
You could hear the boredom in his voice.
Photo from Super Stock
I find this amusing that he was bored. 
Especially coming from him. 
Since I've known him over these 12 plus years. 
Outdoor man that he is. He goes to the same 
State park every other day if not daily.
He was doing that before he met me.
I just asked him when did he start going to that park?
Answer: 1979.
If I thought 12 years of going to the same place was odd
try 33 I said I was amused at his being bored.
It's his thing. He still always finds it refreshing
and has plenty to do there.
But then I thought of the stark contrast 
of the young children around the world.
Which is not amusing at all.
Images found through a 5 minute Google search
That it would be a welcomed pleasure for them
 to be able to say,
 "There is nothing to do but to sit on a dock
and dip our toes in the water."