Showing posts with label Floral. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Floral. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Floral Re-Do

When a clients has cats and little children 
Sometimes the things that you don't want them to play with
 is the very things they can't seem to stay away from.
Somewhere there is a toy desperately seeking his bottom half.
I found it as I was tearing down the arrangement.
Anyway this is the reason why this arrangement  that
 I made and sold over a year ago came back to me for a re-do.
For me a re-do implies using the same material and
 just to fix the damage done by the cats and the little child.
The Interior Designer had an additional request.
Not to make it so "plastic-y" and  
to add something that was "butter-scotchy" in color.
My head is saying, "What!"
I don't make the materials. I just assemble them.
I purchase things that have the most realistic look 
and feel when possible.
She knew that when she purchased it a year ago for her client.
I found her request odd to say the least.
And yes I was irritated.
It took me 4 days to even feel like approaching the project. 
Not to mention I was busy with other commitments.
For me it was no longer a re-do but a redesign. 
To now incorporate some "butter-scotchy" looking plants.
Perhaps I'm limited in my thinking
but the original tropical mix didn't call for this addition.
But what the Designer/customer wants the Designer/customer gets.
Here is the new arrangement.
Photo taken in my floral workshop.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

June Flower Challenge

The Piece By Piece June Flower challenge
 was for us to make a unique 
trio of flowers with trim, lace or fabric! 
Here is what I'm submitting for this challenge. 
The Lollipop style fabric flowers we cut out using my 
Sizzix circle die.
Stacked and sewn together. and using the 
flame of a candle melted the edges.
What makes these flowers unique is that 
the fabric is from dropped designer fabric books.
allowing only enough fabric for 
one flower per fabric sample.
Thus making each flower a one of a kind.
I have added to my Lollipop style flowers 
a few of the 
Websters page's vintage looking buttons 
with rhinestone centers, some silk leaves,  feathers, 
copper sequin trim and gold bead trim.
Thanks for looking.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Florals for a Beautiful Wedding

Stephanie & Pat Marchionda
Photo by Deb Abel
Steven and Debra Abel's daughter got married this past Saturday.
I am sure Deb (It's All Good) will be blogging about the wedding.
As soon as she recooperates.
So I will just share the portion that I had in contributing to the Brides vision.
 I was given the honor of doing the floral arrangements.
40 centerpieces, as well as 11 boutonnieres, 4 corsages.
We....Steph, Deb and I started last fall collecting just the right colors and types of silk flowers for the brides vision. Stephanie likes carnations, peonies, gerber daisies, hydrangeas and ranunculus. Good thing that we didn't procrastinate. Because nothing that is now currently available would have fit the bill. She wanted a soft antique feel with the accent color being a soft teal blue. Some of the flowers were too white. But a little tea dyeing took care of that.

I needed to get these done before I went in for surgery. This was a good thing in more ways than one. Stress is a big factor with any event and the more that is completed to everyone's satisfaction... One less item to stress over for me and the bride. And it was really important for me that she was happy with the work I did for her. Communication is key and I think we did very well in that area.
There was no way I could of done this after I got home from the hospital. Good thing too being that I had a few health set backs after my surgery with my back going out, to breaking out in hives (as much as I tried to keep my stress level down), toping it off by catching a head cold the week of the wedding. Nothing like having cement head. Which kind of explains me forgetting my camera the day of the wedding. I was really upset with myself for that one. I had to let it go.... nothing I could do about it. So here are some photos I did happen to take along the way.
The Brides maids bouquets stems were wrapped in the ivory ribbon and
then criss crossed in the teal ribbon.
The Bride's bouquet stems were wrapped in ivory ribbon as well but 
Stephanie had some teal satin fabric left over from her dress sash.
So she suggested that her stems be covered with it to match her dress perfectly.
Fab Idea! I added an accent of rhinestones near the bottom.
Totally forgot to take photos of that.

You can see the beautiful hankie and poem that
Deb made as favors.
Head table arrangement
These were taken the day before the reception
during the set up.
Thank You for giving me the privilage to be
a part of your joyous occassion.

Friday, May 1, 2009

All Done And Ready To Go.

I just completed making the corsages and boutonnieres
I was asked to make for the gathering we'll be going to
later this month. I did these at no charge.
Today I decided the boutonniers needed to be wrapped with ribbon. So I did that. Then I thought it might be nice if they were personally labeled and bagged with an accent of ribbon. I started to think of how would I carry them in. Then I thought they might look nice if they were presented in this gold basket wrapped with the same ribbon that
I have accented the packages with.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Little Memento

I'll be busy making 18 corsages 7 boutonnieres for a gathering that is planned for May 17th to honor the elderly for their faithful service in the congregation that I attend. Should be a wonderful luncheon with skits and good food. This is my proto type that I came up with. This way they can keep it as a little memento.
So I had to make sure I had enough supplies. Divided up what I got for this project in to separate baggies. That should help me keep organized. I needed it.
Do you think I should cut the "stems" even or should I leave them at their varying lenghts? I 'm leaning toward cutting them. Perhaps on an angle?