Showing posts with label Special day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Special day. Show all posts

18 July, 2012

Wordless Wednesday #6 - Wishlist...

...comes true :)
Thank you husband...

Hadiah birthday taun ini versi pilih sendiri, husband bg duit..yeay..skrg berangan aim handbag plak

31 May, 2012

Anniversary : Whiteroom photoshoot at Photolicious

Previous entry dh story sikit2kan? tp xde pics kan?

So for this special entry enjoy the pics!

1st concept - purplelicious (ibu, ayah), bodeklicious (anak2)

My dad is cooler than your dad
Yun nam tolongla rambut Alif segan nk tumbuh..huhu

Me with two little hero

Family in action

Husband pun sporting je..(menyesal xbeli yg Alif pakai kat telinga dia tu masa g cameron)

Posing sama2 boleh kan

I heart this pic..rasa cm muda plak..haha

Yey buli ayah!

Sweet and ball...erm sat no piki nk mana satu?

My mum is a hot blogger mum .Eh nak g school..jom aweks..~~~

Afham : Ha pe teacher?
Alif : Sakit gigi la..makan jari boleh?

2nd concept :, black, jugak dr jeans

Alif : Bang, apa kat kaki ni?
Afham : Itulah kasut
Alif : Ooooo

Afham : Ala shomel shomel shomel, meh cium sikit
Alif : Bang, Alif bizi la...nmpk tak bizi ngan kasut

Alif : Bang, jgn merajuk..meh cium pipi gebus ni
Afham : Ok..siap!

3 hero

Afham plak buli ayah...

This is my best shot.
sape2 nk suh Afham jd model contact ibu, pakej dtg ngan stylist (ayah)

Family in RBW...

Cukuplahkan? banyak2 nanti muak plak..hahah

29 May, 2012

Anniversary : The plan

1. Looking for anniversary idea and I found one interesting idea...every anniversary take a pics at the same in front of ur blhla tgk progress dr tahun ke tahun rumah dh renovate kah..anak bertambah cam susah nk amik gmbr sdiri plakkan?
2. At the same time I saw ilovediscount promo for whiteroom after considering we never had a studio photoshoot, bought two voucher (hmm since one voucher for half an hour)
3. Most of the idea for anniversary, with help mr google
4. Original idea posted However not all turn as planned
5. The good thing about studio photoshoot, u don't reaaly have to bring props...just use what they have
6. Lesson learnt, googlemaps is useful to estimate travelling time but please plus 15-30 min for parking, 15-30 min for "sesi sesat ke mana2"
7. We do not have specific concept..just belasah agak2. 1st session bodeklicious + purplelicious , 2nd session RBW! But everyone dpt baju baru...pening mak carik baju tau!
8. Our photo session start 11.30 am, went out around 1030, then sbb xinclude sesat, parking...smpi almost 12pm
9. Overall photo session was enjoyful...cuma bnyk sgt gmbr Afham..since most of the time he was shy, maka lbh bnyk gmbr dia...
10. We even sang boboiboy theme song, nk bg Afham mood...haha
11. Since we were late we missed out the buffet..buffet start around 1 tp sbb tggu cd siap sume kul 130 br siap
12. Maybe will go next year kot tempat yg nk g mkn tu kot.but only two of us..
13. End up mkn kat kenny rogers..haha pstu mkn ngan anak mcm biasalah x berapa nk aman
14. Husband said its like our family outing not anniversary celebration..hahaha
15. But dlm xjd ke tempat buffet luch tu, we just have new experience...crusing at the mines ( lps tu skrg p mines afham asik request..naik bot, naik bot)
16. Entri bergambar tggu...

24 May, 2012

Afham : Belated birthday

Firstly happy birthday tu myself..huhu xmuda dah, cuma muda di hati boleh :)

Secondly, I should post this huhu masa tak mengijinkan...Well better late than never

Afham's birthday fall on Wednesday. At first husband suggested to celebrate at nursery, just buy a cake and perhaps ada goodies bags distribute to kids at nursery.

But I have to be realistic, as his birthday fall during my month end closing..hmmm I really think it's hard to celebrate it..balik keje penat pastu nk isi goodies bag sume tu, aduyai..pstu nk amik half day during my "rushing time" its impossible

So end up, I thought at first xpelah celebrate weekend..just 4 of us. Makan2 je kat luar, kek pun beli jelah ape yg ada kat kedai. Then on Sunday 4th March tu, my sis texted "kitaorg dtg wiken"

So I just changed the plan. Inform husband that I will order a cake and bolehla ramai2 nyanyi lagu birthday kat Afham

On Monday morning, I smsed Ilot to order a cake (since I consider it as last minute..yelah sabtu nk amik..maka malas nk gogel before that pernah la nmpk kat blog dia ada kek senang keje ibu...lgpun Afham minat sgt BoboiBoy) Just inform cake ad design..then done...

So enjoy the below pics

Kek posing..
American choc cake with choc & cream cheese filing plus edible BoboiBoy
Order kat Ilot's kitchen

Kek BoboiBoy

Suprise waiting

Kek..kek..pstu Afham pi kuis tangan dia kat kek

Happy je kan..dah nyanyi lagu blhla ptg kek

Makan time..(erk dia makan krim je kot)

BoboiBoy yang comot tp maintain cute...~hahaha

It was a simple celebration..Alif pun tdo masa Afham potong kek atok, cikde, pak ngah, ibu dan ayah je nyanyi tu Afham

Maybe next year klu ada rezeki blhla celebrate kat nursery kot..lps tu celebrate kat rumah..Insya Allah

14 March, 2012

Wordless Wednesday #5 - Happy Anniversary


gambaq tggu photoshoot ...

Happy 3rd anniversary abg!

For those yg celebrate anniversary today, happy anniversary to you too!

07 March, 2012

Wordless Wednesday #4 - 2 yrs (Afham + motherhood)

Happy 2nd birthday Afham!

At the same time 2 yrs motherhood journey with 2 lil ones

Another week, our 3rd anniversary!

26 January, 2012

Proposal : Celebrating 3 years of anniversary

Dear husband,

Less than 2 months we will celebrate our 3rd anniversary. So I’m thinking to have a celebration for this year.

We do not celebrate 1st year as we just get our lil Afham, 2nd year plak I’m in pregnancy mood.

So I just think this is the perfect year to celebrate, at least we have some moments to be remembered later. I knew I'm not good in giving surprise so on, so I hope you don’t mind with this arrangement (nak wat cmner...terigin nk bg suprise tp klu beli barang naik kereta sure la gak nmpk barang...)

At first I thought to have just two of us having our dating time on the anniversary day itself, but after considering that I need to pump my milk at least twice (plus beg susu with all those ice packs...) hmm lecehla I hope you don’t mind if we celebrate it together with Afham & Alif

Below are the proposal plan:
1. Take a day leave on 14.3.2012 Wednesday
2. Have our family photoshoot @ whiteroom for one hour session
3. Eat, buffet lunch at XYZ
4. Jalan2
5. Balik

I do not disclose further details here, but please read ur email (it’s the same except the email have more details with draft plan (with estimated travelling time))

I hope you will agree with this proposal. I knew that you will read my blog, but afraid you’ll overlook email. So to be safe I post here and send the email as well.

Oh ya, the arrangement will be done by me (plus the bill!). No surprise thingy, but all arrangement purely done with love.

Any disagreement (or to change tempat makan) kindly inform ASAP

Your wife

14 November, 2011

4 years...

....and its four of us (now I wonder how many kids we have if we met earlier =p)

Do you remember the moment/ the very first time you know ur husband? My husband sometimes asked me like this "Yang, kita dh kenal berapa lama ye?" and since I am not super romantic to remember all those important that, my answer always like agak2...

So while looking back to previous entries here and here, it really helps to remind me the first moment we say hi to each other (even tho its thru YM)

Oh on top of that husband also always asked hong long we have been married...the recent one like this

Husband : Kita dh kawen brapa lama?
Me : Dua taun lebih la
Husband : Ye ke? apesal br sekali jek celebrate anniversary?
Me : Lah..dh yg 1st tu afham baru seminggu dlm pantang, nk celebrate cmne?

So I'm really glad this online diary reminds me almost everything! Thanks to all those tickers also

While writing this I notice few things
14/ 11/ 07 - first time say hi
14/ 3/ 09 - our big day
and last but not least the gap between 14 /11/07 to 14/ 3 / 09 is 16months..which about 1 year and 4 months

Does it look like 14 is our lucky number or perhaps just a nice coincidences?

24 May, 2011

Twenty nine plus one lah!

Today I'm officially in 3 series...erk it just a figure

Plus this is the first time birthday in booo-lat version...lg sebulan +- nk berjuang di labour room

And I am happy because McD offering something to celebrate my birthday! Hahaha ape kes dan kaitannya?

meh celebrate my sila byr sendirik...hihi

Anyway at 12pm last night, encik suami gave me a sweet suprise! Yes its really a suprise for me...sbb myself mmg sah2 sudah tido, while he wait until 12 tgh malam semata2 nk wish and also bg present..Tenkiu abang..I love u!

matching wallet and handbag...

mata separuh terbukak mlm td sehingga kaler handbag pun xnmpk, disuruh bukak lampu, but I afraid karang Afham bangun plak...thehehe pagi ni br la nmpk

For the rest, I have no mood to write..personal achievement most likely in career - few things still not achieved. But most likely it is stuck because sibuk menambah bilangan anak..thehehe...Never mind maybe my luck and rezeki after 2nd one. Insya Allah

14 March, 2011

Happy 2nd anniversary

1st anniversary - Just a week turns to new status as parent
2nd anniversary - I am 25 weeks preganant
3rd anniversary - No idea..itu next year

2 years anniversary I am in a "good shape" *hi hi all related to pregnancy and post pregnancy* Just hope next year in real shape...

To encik suami
Selamat ulang tahun perkahwinan...

21 December, 2010

One lucky night...

I should consider 11.12.10 as my lucky day..because I won this from co. annual dinner


Its IXUS 130
complete with charger, 4G sd card, warranty ward

At first Im a lil bit not sure to attend the dinner. Because I know I cannot bring my lil one...and to find somebody to take care him on weekend - malam plak tu...Then encik suami said OK, just go and he will take care Afham

So I went alone. Before that encik suami already have some talk and he said he want me to win lucky draw specifically GPS...and we know the grand prize will be LCD TV..

Encik suami send me (bawa anak la sekali..dah bini tak reti2 nk drive sdiri! asik renew and gantung lesen)..then he drove back safely...While I enjoyed the food...makan sehingga puas! and of course waiting patiently if Im the lucky one!

Then at no belas2 ke 20 something, I heard "the winner is Zu"...and one of tablemate said "eyh you menang"....and guess what org lain (ni sbb emcee ni je pggl dia Zu pdhal org lain sume pggl nama lain) of course praying I can better lucky draw

Makan. duduk.makan. duduk...waiting patiently until no 5...brla nama naik. Sengihla sorg sbb pertama kali dlm sejarah bekerja dpt lucky draw paling top..(before this pernah dpt gak tp kurang gempak)

Went home happily, but on the way home Afham muntah (satu kereta bau..nasib hadiah dh letak elok2..xle kena ape2)..rupa2nya nak start demam

Pls ignore my not-so-follow-theme and also extra fat

Oh ya the night theme was retro 60' 70' and we got this Ogawa S-300 Hand-held Massanger as door gift...Partner pun dpt door gift gak Kimizen 3 in 1 Mini Massanger (encik suami xdtg xdptla..sob)

Rega both kat luar? sdiri mau ingat!

On top of this, it means I have two camera. The one I have is IXUS 80...hmm wonder if I want to sell this IXUS 80, will be anyone interedted to buy it from me?

25 August, 2010

Hello Kitty, FT and Happy Birthday

Ini entri basi...since my sis already posted it here

I am a big fan of Hello Kitty, but now not really big fan..[hehe ayat apakah ini???]. Esp during uni time I have a collection of Hello Kitty...even there was one time I have received birthday present almost everything adalah barang Hello Kitty..magnet, clip, watch...Some of the things still exist, some of it gone with the wind..[ekeke bkn pe ada yg terjatuh kat tempat susah nk amik, ada yg dh terpatah and so on]

So the only Hello Kitty items that still in my hand maybe fridge magnet...But for a month plus almost 2 months (sigh..see i'm updating entri basi), I have added my new collection and it is a Hello Kitty handbag

Drum please....My sis gave it as a present...[encik suami amat jeles sbb rega bag itu adalah mahal...sbb bini dia pun xpernah beli handbag lebih 3ratus]

Its Hello Kitty Che Che handbag

she also gave this key chain

And how am I suppose to pose with this limited edition bag?

Macam inikah? Pic taken from here

Ada iras2 mcm atas tak?
Please ignore part2 yg masih xberjaya disusutkan

The fact that I still dun believe how my sis willingly to give it as a present. tp dh bg terima ajelah kan? Encik suami keep asking what I will give to my sis (its her birthday today!)...the idea, maybe later (abg, wife anda sudah sponser lobang2 hutang unexpected blom ada ada ongkos mau beli present..)

Owh not only me received a present, encik suami also received something (I manage to gave lil suprise, I put it inside the car, while myself sibuk tuup2 lampu, kunci rumah)

It is FT's new album
(haha kata new sbb both xsedar bila album ni keluar)

Isteri kedekut belanja berhemah?
(belated anniversary, belated father's day, advance birthday)

Last but not least Happy Birthday to my sis...

Cikde..epi bestday!!! Apam mimpi cikde suap kek..yummie2 tapi xsuap kat apam sbb tu apam muncung merajuk...

Ibu kata dia bg e-gift jelah....Forever Beauty Case by Paris Hilton

13 August, 2010

Jelajah Blog Ramadhan 1431

Happy fasting month for all Muslim

How is it for past 2 days? Having a good food for breaking fast? Already have a long list of craving foods or maybe long list of pasar ramadan to be visited?

In conjuntion of this Ramadhan, I decided to do something new..joining Jelajah Blog Ramadhan (that's why ada gambar lelaki di atas yg bkn gmbr Afham ataupun encik suami =p). Its good to join because from there I get to know others Malaysia-Iron-Chefs (kitchen bakal cun melecun harusla masak macam2 kan), plus by bloghopping to other bloggers will help me to decide what the menu for breaking fast (balik karang dh mcm roadrunner nk kejar erl, nak make sure smpi dpn nursery b4 at least tgk2 blog lain leh la bg idea in advance nk mkn xle amik masa panjang nk beli juadah..hihihi)...Ececeh panjang plak mengarut

For all Muslim readers and bloggers wishing you Selamat Berpuasa. Semoga Ramadhan ini lebih baik dari yg terdahulu. Marilah kita penuhi dengan amalan2 mulia (bkn bulan ini sahaja,tetapi teruskan di bulan2 lain juga). Bersederhana dalam segala segi baik berbuka puasa mahupun persiapan menjelang raya (ekeke perempuan biasalah dh sibuk tempah kuih raya, beli baju siap, langsir..dsb). Fadilat Solat Terawih boleh baca kat sini.

And before I pen off, some yummylicious-famous dessert as a treat....(upah baca blog hari ni)...Please scroll down
Tepung Pelita
hehe dh nama blog pun kuih ni haruslah jamu kuih ni jugak
(Recipe can get here - one fine day I must try since I think the recipe is easy to folo )

Hehe...Apa kes pagi2 sudah telan air liur? (tgk gmbaq pun leh telan air liur tau) Sabaq...simpan tepung pelita ni dalam peti ais..kang buka bolehla makan puas2...

Since we have few hours to break fast (pagi lg nih kan), I have something for you....It is beautiful songket from here. You can wear it for Hari Raya, or maybe for guys you can give it as Hari Raya present for you special one.

Have a nice weekend also...bolehla jelajah pasar ramadan..

20 June, 2010

Happy Father's Day

untuk encik suami dan ayah (ayah x baca blog maka tggu Along tepon)

Untk encik suami, sorry no suprise or present...simpan tuk birthday k (ibu udah sengkek soping online...nasib ujung bln ni dpt duit kutu)

24 May, 2010

This year is my last year celebrating 2 series...



Allah selamatkan kamu....Allah selamatkan kamu

Today I'm suppose to start to work after long maternity leave. However,since 1st day work adalah hari ketuaan jadi maka dgn ijin boss sy minta extend cuti *sigh..actually ada 2 reason satu sbb ari jadi, lg satu sbb kureng gembira dgn increment tujuh-puloh-nam ringgit aje..tolak epf, tax..xde effect kat gaji. Nvm, at least ada increment walau ciput*

Next year will be 3 series. I should be more focus on everything. Should I have birthday resolution? my heart I'm always think I'm young..To the extend when my sis gave me SimplySiti trial pack I was thinking why she bought me aging series? It took me several minutes to think...OMG, its because all the wrinkle-proses ketuaan akan menjelma..ihik

Personally, I have so many things to think [and also do...fikir banyak tp klu tak buat tak guna jugakkan?]

N'way Alhamdulliah with Allah blessings, I should be happy with all the things that I have now - husband, a son, a house, a car [walau hnya co pilot], stable job, some saving, 2 memberships [one is on d way...yeay after this by law I am chartered accountant] and so on. The rest? Kena kerja keras lagi ya kan?

Happy birthday to myself!!! And happy birthday also to Eric Cantona and the rest whom celebrate it today :)

11 May, 2010

Seprais hari ibu

Harus cepat, pantas, speed trap...

This year is my first time become ibu...and I do not expect anything special from encik suami

No plan. Even we went to Tesco for some express shopping [ok2 Afham dh selamat jejak soping complex bg can ibu dia meroyan nk soping...wakaka]

However Tesco also jammed to the extend trolley pun we just have express shopping at nearby mini supermarket.

Since we have heavy breakfast, lunch will be light..which jemput2. Encik suami said he need to went out again to go bank to withdraw some money...I was still not in mood to fry jemput2, since concentrate on doing filing work. Plus still not super hungry.

After encik suami come back I still not finished my filing...To my suprise ala2 mcm cerita kt tv yg suami tiba2 datang peluk dr belakang sekuntum munge and Hepi Mother's Day wish...


Kembang kuncup plak...isk2

Then another suprise, jeng2....

Zoom in dekat sikit..kot2 ada bling2..

Ok. No diamond ring or any jewelry from him.Poket sudah koyak kocek bayar bil hospital dan terpaksa tukar tayar kereta..jgn mare ye bang

Encik suami, thank you very much for the suprise! Surely I will remember the first time mother's day in my life.

So no jemput2 instead choc cake for lunch....hihi

Note : End of this month ada suprise lg ke?