...comes true :)
Thank you husband...
My dad is cooler than your dad
Yun nam tolongla rambut Alif segan nk tumbuh..huhu
Me with two little hero
Kek posing..
American choc cake with choc & cream cheese filing plus edible BoboiBoy
Order kat Ilot's kitchen http://ilotskitchen.blogspot.com/
meh celebrate my birthday..tp sila byr sendirik...hihi
matching wallet and handbag...
mata separuh terbukak mlm td sehingga kaler handbag pun xnmpk, disuruh bukak lampu, but I afraid karang Afham bangun plak...thehehe pagi ni br la nmpk
Its IXUS 130
complete with charger, 4G sd card, warranty ward
Pls ignore my not-so-follow-theme and also extra fat
Oh ya the night theme was retro 60' 70' and we got this Ogawa S-300 Hand-held Massanger as door gift...Partner pun dpt door gift gak Kimizen 3 in 1 Mini Massanger (encik suami xdtg xdptla..sob)
Rega both kat luar? sdiri mau ingat!
she also gave this key chain
Macam inikah? Pic taken from here
Ada iras2 mcm atas tak?
Please ignore part2 yg masih xberjaya disusutkan
The fact that I still dun believe how my sis willingly to give it as a present. tp dh bg terima ajelah kan? Encik suami keep asking what I will give to my sis (its her birthday today!)...the answer...no idea, maybe later (abg, wife anda sudah sponser lobang2 hutang unexpected expenses...so blom ada ada ongkos mau beli present..)
Owh not only me received a present, encik suami also received something (I manage to gave lil suprise, I put it inside the car, while myself sibuk tuup2 lampu, kunci rumah)
Isteri kedekut belanja berhemah?
(belated anniversary, belated father's day, advance birthday)
Last but not least Happy Birthday to my sis...
Cikde..epi bestday!!! Apam mimpi cikde suap kek..yummie2 tapi xsuap kat apam sbb tu apam muncung merajuk...
Ibu kata dia bg e-gift jelah....Forever Beauty Case by Paris Hilton
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