Showing posts with label Rend Lake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rend Lake. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Extend your Christmas tree's life; help create habitats for fish

Volunteers gather uses Christmas trees to create fish
habitats at St. Louis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Don't let your Christmas tree go to waste this year after the holidays. The St. Louis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is encouraging local citizens to participate in the annual Christmas tree recycling program.

Donated Christmas trees are bundled together in small groups and submerged in lakes at select locations in Missouri and Illinois. These shelters provide fish with breeding areas and escape cover, proving invaluable to not only the fisheries but to anglers as well.

Artificial or flocked trees (with artificial snow) cannot be accepted. Please remove all tinsel, decorations, stands and plastic bags from the tree before delivering it to the designated collection sites.

St. Louis District drop-of location information:

Mark Twain Lake: Christmas trees can be brought to a collection site at John Spalding Boat Ramp. Christmas trees will be accepted at this location until January 31, 2011.

Structures will be placed in Mark Twain Lake in mid-March by Corps of Engineers employees, and volunteers. Anyone wishing to volunteer or wanting more information should contact Brad Stamp at the Mark Twain Lake Project Office at (573) 735-4097.

Lake Shelbyville: Trees will be collected in Shelbyville and Sullivan again this year. The designated collection site in Sullivan is at the corner of Water and Main Streets, at the recycling lot across from the Library. Trees can be dropped off inside the snow fence area on the North side of the lot. (PLEASE, DO NOT PLACE TREES ON THE PARKING LOT).

In Shelbyville, the designated collection site is the Johnstowne Mall on the West side of Shelbyville. Please place trees inside snow fence area on the grass at the Northwest corner of the parking area (PLEASE, DO NOT PLACE TREES ON THE PARKING LOT). Trees will be collected at both sites from December 26, 2011 through February 1, 2012.

A tentative date for the placement of the trees into the lake is March 10, 2012. Volunteers are needed to help bundle and place the trees in the lake. For more information on this fish habitat project, contact Ken Pierson at (217) 774-3951, ext 4 or Mike Mounce at (217) 345-2420.

Rend Lake: Christmas trees can be dropped off at any of the following three boat ramps or parking lots locations: Sugar Creek Parking Lot, located at the intersection of Licata and Mine 24 Roads; Dam West Boat Ramp, located on the west end of the main dam; or Jackie Branch Boat Ramp located north of Rt. 154 across from the Barren Township building. Christmas trees will be accepted at these locations until January 16, 2012.

Volunteers with boats and/or fishing and outdoor organizations are encouraged to assist with placement of the trees. To volunteer or for more information contact Molly Rawlinson at the Rend Lake Project Office at 618-724-2493.

Wappapello Lake: Christmas trees can be brought to a collection site at Chaonia Landing and Redman Creek boat ramps. Each drop-off location will be marked with a sign. Christmas trees will be accepted at this location from December 26, 2011, through January 15, 2012.

If you would like more information or have questions about Christmas tree shelters or placing fish shelters in the lake, please contact Park Ranger Jeremy Jackson at the Wappapello Lake Project Office at (573) 222-8562.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Army Corps of Engineers waives day-use fees for troops, veterans on Veterans Day

Gentleman fishing at Lake Shelbyville.
(U.S. Army Corps of Engineers photo ) 
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced it will waive day-use fees for veterans, active and reserve component service members, and their families at the more than 2,400 Corps-operated recreation areas nationwide on Veterans Day, Nov. 11. The fee waiver includes the St. Louis District’s five multi-purpose reservoirs in Illinois and Missouri: Carlyle Lake, Rend Lake, Lake Shelbyville, Wappapello Lake and Mark Twain Lake, and all Corps of Engineers day-use areas nation-wide where visitors would normally be charged a fee.

"This Veterans Day we will honor our veterans, active and reserve service members, and their families with an invitation to visit one of the thousands of Corps recreation sites nationwide, free of charge. As an active participant of the administration's America's Great Outdoors initiative, we hope that you will join us," said Jo-Ellen Darcy, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works.

The day-use fee waiver requires only verbal confirmation of service. This waiver covers boat launch ramp and swim beach fees. The waiver does not apply to camping and camping-related services, or fees for specialized facilities such as group picnic shelters. Other agencies that manage recreation areas on Corps lands are encouraged, but not required, to offer the Veterans Day waiver of fees in the areas that they manage.

"We began this initiative in 2006 to support and honor the men and women who have served our nation and the armed forces, and to encourage them and their families to visit and enjoy one of our many recreation sites,” said Mike Ensch, Chief of Operations for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

With more than 370 million visits annually to 422 lake and river projects, the Corps is the largest federal provider of outdoor and water-based recreation in the nation. The more than 2,400 Corps-operated recreation areas nationwide provide a diverse range of outdoor activities to people of all ages, and the Corps estimates that 90 percent of its recreation projects are within 50 miles of metropolitan areas. To discover the St. Louis District Corps recreation site nearest you, please visit: or for Corps-wide visit:

Thursday, September 22, 2011

St. Louis District supports National Public Lands Day, Sept. 24

Hundreds of volunteers from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District lakes and recreational sites prepare to participate in the 18th annual National Public Lands Day, Sept. 24. National Public Lands Day is the largest, single-day volunteer event for public lands in the country. Nationwide, thousands of volunteers from coast to coast will come together to improve and restore lands and facilities Americans use for recreation, education, exercise and enjoyment.

Volunteers at St. Louis District sites will take part in trail maintenance, boardwalk construction, flowerbed maintenance, weeds removal and river, shoreline and roadways clean-up. Participating in National Public Lands Day is an opportunity to answer President Barrack Obama’s call to service in supporting America’s Great Outdoors initiative.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is the nation’s leading federal provider of outdoor and water-based recreation. The St. Louis District is home to seven lake and river projects in Missouri and Illinois.

Activities around the St. Louis District will take place on September 24 at the following locations:
11981 Rend City Road 
Benton, Illinois 62812
Clean up the roadways and shoreline. Lunch is provided.
Contact: Dawn Kovarik
(618) 724-2493 
10992 Highway T 
Wappapello, Missouri 63966
Litter removal along designated roadways and shoreline.
Contact: Andrew Jefferson
(573) 222-8562  
RR 4 Box 128B 
Shelbyville, Illinois 62565
Flowerbeds maintenance and removal of weeds and debris.
Contact: Annie Hickman
(217) 774-3951 x2
301 Riverlands Way 
West Alton, Missouri 63386
Trail maintenance, boardwalk, construction and river clean-up.
Contact: Charles Deutsch
(636) 899-0082 

20642 Highway J
Monroe City, MO 63456 
Weeds and leaves removal and bush planting.
Contact: Benjamin Sapp

Monday, August 22, 2011

Public Meetings to Be Held Concerning Rend Lake Water Control Manual Update

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Rend Lake will be hosting follow up meetings from the March 2011 series of meetings with the public.   The purpose of these meetings is for Corps of Engineers representatives to present information/findings from the previous round of meetings. The meetings will be held on the following dates, in the listed locations.  Meetings will begin at 6:30 p.m. at each of the locations.
Meeting dates and locations will be as follows:
·         Tuesday, August 30, 2011, Rolland W. Lewis Community Building, South Room, Veteran’s Park, 800 S. 27th Street, Mt. Vernon, IL
·         Wednesday, August 31, 2011, Rend Lake Project Office and Visitor Center, 11981 Rend City Road, Benton, IL 
·         Thursday, September 1, 2011, Williamson County Pavilion, 1602 Sioux Drive, Marion, IL
Interested parties are invited to attend one of these meetings. Public comments and questions will be addressed following each presentation.
For further information contact Joan Stemler with the U. S.Army Corps of Engineers at 314-331-8334.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Army Corps stresses water safety when recreating

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St.Louis District continues to concentrate on water safety outreach at Rend Lake after the second of two fatalities in 10 days.  On Saturday, July 9, 2011, Terry Abernathy died while swimming in the designated beach area at South Sandusky recreation area.  After performing an autopsy, the county coroner considered it an accidental drowning.

As of May 31, 57 people have died on Corps-owned property this year, compared to 39 at this time last year – a more than 32 percent increase. Most of these fatalities were from drowning. Corps officials report that more than 90 percent of drowning victims at USACE parks were not wearing a life jacket. Such was the case at Rend Lake where neither drowning victims were wearing a life jacket.

“Public safety is our number one priority,” said Maj. Gen. Merdith W.B. Temple, acting Chief of Engineers for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. “The increase in deaths at USACE parks this year is of great concern to us. We want to do everything we can to make people aware of potential risks when they visit one of our recreation areas, and how to make good decisions that will improve safety for themselves, families and friends.”

The staff at Rend Lake continuously monitors the safety of all visitors to the lake.  Throughout the recreation season, park rangers conduct water safety demonstrations at the beach areas and boat ramps and are on the lookout for visitors who may need assistance.  Loaner lifejackets are also available at boat ramps and beach areas for visitor use.  Signs, banners, billboards, public service announcements and social media outlets are just a few of the ways that Rend Lake and the Corps stresses the importance of water safety.

"We have what is called a 'Tree of Life', it has a pole and a ring-buoy on it. And we do water safety programs three times a day on Saturday and Sundays during the recreation season. We encourage kids and parents to learn how to use those devices," said Dawn Kovarik, Park Ranger at Rend Lake.

Corps officials encourage visitors to check local water and weather conditions and pay attention to recreation warnings. It’s also stressed that the single most important item a person can do on the water to reduce risk is to wear a life jacket. The Corps will continue its efforts to promote boating and water safety and with the public's support we will work to reduce the risk and save lives.

USACE is the nation’s largest federal provider of outdoor recreation, hosting more than 370 million visits per year at 422 recreation parks in 43 states. 

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