Showing posts with label Preparedness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Preparedness. Show all posts

Monday, November 7, 2011

Nationwide Test of the Emergency Alert System

Wednesday, Nov. 9 at 1 pm CST, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) will conduct the first nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS). The EAS test plays a key role in ensuring the nation is prepared for any type of hazard, and that the U.S. public can receive critical and vital information should it ever be needed.

The test will be transmitted via television and radio stations within the U.S., including Alaska, Hawaii, the territories of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and American Samoa. Similar to local emergency alert system tests, an audio message will interrupt television and radio programming indicating: “This is a test,” and when the test is over, regular programming will resume.

For additional information visit the Emergency Alert System FAQs page or check out the video below:

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dredging helps restore Mississippi River channel

Dredge Potter
The St.Louis District is authorized to maintain a minimum 9-foot deep, 300-foot wide navigation channel on 300 miles of the Mississippi River from Saverton, Mo. to Cairo, Ill., the lower 80 miles of the Illinois River and on the lower 36 miles of the Kaskaskia River.

This mission is accomplished in several ways. The channel patrol boat, MV Pathfinder, identifies possible dredging locations by performing channel reconnaissance surveys. MV Pathfinder also assists the Coast Guard with buoy positioning on the navigable waterways within the St. Louis District boundaries.

Another method used by our Engineering Hydraulics Branch is designing and building structures in the river, such as dikes and revetments that maintain sufficient depths in the waterway. Locks and dams also play a vital role in maintaining navigation on the upper Mississippi River.

Water management and dredging round out the tools used to maintain the channel.

Dredging in the St. Louis District is accomplished by using hydraulic pipeline dredges, -- Dredge Potter and Dredge America. A hydraulic dredge mixes large quantities of water with the excavated material (almost always sand in the St. Louis District) to create a slurry which is then pumped out of the navigable channel.

Dredge Potter is a dustpan dredge, a type of dredge specifically designed by the Army Corps of Engineers for work on the Mississippi River. The dustpan is very efficient in excavating sand material from the river bottom.

Dredge America is a cutterhead dredge operated by a contractor. This type of dredge is used to excavate hard material and pump it a long distance.

Dredging is coordinated with other agencies so that our operations are done with as little disruption as possible and in an environmentally sensitive manner.

The combined waters of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers typically assure adequate depths for navigation, except for periods of prolonged drought. Still, much effort is needed to facilitate navigation in the open river, usually in the form of maintenance dredging and regulating works. Maintenance dredging operations involve the repetitive removal of naturally deposited sediment from the navigation channel.

The St. Louis District Applied River Engineering Center uses table-top “micro-models” to develop innovative solutions to various sedimentation problems. More often than not, these solutions are found in what we call “regulating works”. Regulating works are structural designs, such as chevron dikes, bendway weirs, off-bankline revetments, and notched dikes. By necessity, our river engineers seeks to implement structural designs that work in harmony with the natural laws of the river to solve problems involving sedimentation, erosion and biological diversity, all while providing a safe and dependable navigation channel.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Rivers Update - August 10, 2011

As of August 9, 2011, 10:35 a.m.: 

The Upper Mississippi River at Chester, MO is at 25.9 feet.

The Missouri River at St. Charles, MO is at 25.1 feet.

The 5-day forecast calls for up to 1.5" of precipitation in some areas over the St. Louis District area. We will continue to evaluate the impacts of the full-range of forecasts provided by the National Weather Service. For more information, visit:

Public safety remains the Corps top priority. We ask everyone to stay informed of current conditions and remember there is always risk inherent with flooding. Visit our Flood Fight web page for additional information and resources,

Current conditions and National Weather Service forecasts indicate only minor flooding is expected in the St. Louis area. However, there is always risk associated with flooding, and there is a potential for higher water if above normal rain falls in the watershed.

Based on current forecasts, there is no immediate threat of levees overtopping on the Missouri or Mississippi Rivers. A range of possibilities have been looked at based on average rain falling in the Missouri River Basin.

We are tracking this event and will continue to evaluate the impacts of the full-range of forecasts provided by the National Weather Service.

The St Louis District will continue to provide updated information to our partners so that levee districts, emergency managers, local and state officials, residents and businesses can make informed decisions.

For updates of Missouri River conditions in the St. Louis District, visit the following sites:
Flood Fight Webpage:

Monday, August 8, 2011

Rivers Update - August 8, 2011

As of August 7, 2011, 8:23 p.m.: 

The Upper Mississippi River at Chester, MO is at 26.6 feet.

The Missouri River at St. Charles, MO is at 25.2 feet.

The 5-day forecast calls for up to 1-2" of precipitation in some areas over the St. Louis District area. We will continue to evaluate the impacts of the full-range of forecasts provided by the National Weather Service. For more information, visit:

Public safety remains the Corps top priority. We ask everyone to stay informed of current conditions and remember there is always risk inherent with flooding. Visit our Flood Fight web page for additional information and resources,

Current conditions and National Weather Service forecasts indicate only minor flooding is expected in the St. Louis area. However, there is always risk associated with flooding, and there is a potential for higher water if above normal rain falls in the watershed.

Based on current forecasts, there is no immediate threat of levees overtopping on the Missouri or Mississippi Rivers. A range of possibilities have been looked at based on average rain falling in the Missouri River Basin.

We are tracking this event and will continue to evaluate the impacts of the full-range of forecasts provided by the National Weather Service.

The St Louis District will continue to provide updated information to our partners so that levee districts, emergency managers, local and state officials, residents and businesses can make informed decisions.

For updates of Missouri River conditions in the St. Louis District, visit the following sites:
Flood Fight Webpage: