Showing posts with label nate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nate. Show all posts

20 April 2011

wordless wednesday...........

More Wordless Wednesday fun here......

28 March 2011

a breakthrough....

So it has been just over 15 weeks since Baby H (yep, 15 weeks) graced us with his presence and I must say that all those people who told me that your second baby would be a better sleeper than the first were right. What they didn't tell me was that the second baby would hate the car and would scream like he was being murdered from the second you put him in the car seat until the time you got him out.......

Yep for the last 15 weeks every car trip has been a nightmare, Baby H has screamed blue murder for the entire time that we have spent in the car. No amounts of loud music, me singing or Master N whinging would drown him out. I knew it was bad the day I turned around to see Master N sittimg in his seat with his fingers stuck in his ears.... So I am not going to bore you the details of what we have done to try stop him from screaming nor am I going to bore you with the stories, like the day when I was driving to Mum and Dad's (2 1/2 hours away) on my own and it took me 4 1/2 hours to get there after the screaming, a number three nappy change and being projectile vomited on, no I defeinetely won't tell you about that.

I will however tell you that something has changed and he has stopped the screaming. Not sure what it was or what we did differently, if anything, but he seems to be happy in the car now so long as we are not stopped for any length of time. This does result in me driving like I am competing in the V8 Supercar Series and doing my best impersonation of Craig Lowndes so as to not be stopped at a red light!

I am feeling a less apprehensive about leaving the house now! Yep, I wouldn't leave the house unless absolutely necessary so that I didn't have to put my little Baby H through something that he quite obviously did not enjoy!

Oh and I have noticed that Master N doesn't seem to have his fingers jammed permanently in his ears during car trips now too!

All I can say is thank goodness! I was starting to get worried that I would turn into a hermit!

23 February 2011

wordless wednesday....

Little helping hands......

Playing along with Faith Hope and a Whole Lotta Love - why don't you join in the fun?

09 February 2011

wordless wednesday....

More Wordless Wednesday fun over here.....

Happy Wednesday!

12 January 2011

wordless wednesday...

More Wordless Wednesday fun here

01 December 2010

wordless wednesday......

More Wordless Wednesday over here

17 November 2010

wordless wednesday.....

Joining in with Faith Hope and a whole lotta Love for Wordless Wednesday...

26 October 2010

let the planning begin.....

I was so excited to receive all the bits and pieces for Nate's 2nd Birthday Party from the very clever Jeniene at Ciaobambino. I got Jeniene to do all the hard work last year too, you can see photos here!

So now I guess I have no excuse to pull my finger out and get cracking on the invitations - although I am cheating and making them very similar to last years but with a bit of a twist!

I think that I am going to attempt a rocket cake to fit in with the Toy Story theme. I saw one on a blog a while back but of course didn't save the link, don't you hate that!

20 October 2010

wordless wednesday.....

Sick and sad little boy.....

More Wordless Wednesdays here.....

06 October 2010

wordless wednesday.......

More Wordless Wednesday here....

29 September 2010

wordless wednesday.......

More Wordless Wednesday here.

Happy Wednesday!

20 September 2010

at my house.....

At my house today we are huddled up inside hiding from the miserable rain outside. We have been so spoilt with fabulous weather for the past week or so that my little one is not happy about not being able to visit the park or be outside on his bike!

At my house today reality has hit and I am now in panic mode about the dwindling time left between now and when Baby Ryder #2 is due to arrive. So many things to fit in before he/she arrives! Eeek!

At my house today I am wondering when is the right time to introduce the Big Boy Bed for Nate. We have just managed to get him sleeping through the night and I don't know if I am ready for a new phase....

At my house today I already have dinner ready! Such an achievement for me!

At my house today Nate has decided to have a sleep, so while he is in sleepy land I am wasting time blogging, what else would one do!

To see what else is happening at other lovely people's places check out Lou's here, that is where I am off to now with a hot cuppa!

16 September 2010

memories of melbourne - part two.....

I will never forget the look of sheer delight on Natey's face when we walked into the Penguin Exhibit at the Melbourne Aquarium....

More great memories......

13 September 2010

point & shoot.....

Definetely not a fabulous photo but definetely a special moment with my little boy! He just melts my heart.

For more Point & Shoot moments head over here.

Happy Monday!

12 September 2010


It was a very quiet and relaxing weekend on the homefront for us, we were blessed with amazing weather after a day of rain on Friday.....

Saturday we headed to the Farmers Market at New Farm Park, a spot of furniture shopping and we finished the day with a visit to feed the ducks and to take Nate on his first official bike ride, Buzz Lightyear helmet and all!!

Today we pottered around the house, repotted some herbs that have been neglected for way too long and am surprised that they have hung on, a trip to Bunnings (seems to be the thing to do on Sunday's), a nap this afternoon and a roast dinner!

Oh and in between there was a bit of creating, not much, but a bit!

Check out what the other lovelies have been up to here.....

06 September 2010

point & shoot.....

We have spent the last five days in Hervey Bay with Husband's family, although a lot of fun activities were enjoyed I managed to take five photos (very unlike me!). So I have five photos of Nate and Ruby the Dog and they are not even good ones!!

To check out more Point & Shoot posts head over to Chantelle's here.

Happy Monday!

16 August 2010

point & shoot.......

I love this photo of my little guy! He had so much fun with the penguins at the Melbourne Aquarium!

You can see more Point and Shoot posts here.

Happy Monday!

02 August 2010

point & shoot.....

Nate is into giving everything a big MWAH! lately, even this lovely fresh fish the neighbours delivered to us after a fishing trip!

Don't forget to check out more Point & Shoot posts here.

Happy Monday....

26 July 2010

point & shoot - an afternoon with the ducks.....

Nate loves going to feed the Ducks! Ducks! Ducks!, so cute when he screams it out! Things didn't start off too well with me finding a nice fresh duck pooh to sit in and husband making me feel better about myself by laughing hysterically at me....

Here is a rare shot of Nate and I.....

Normally it is me behind the camera taking the photos...

Happy Monday and don't forget to check out more Point & Shoot posts here!

19 July 2010

point & shoot.....

I fall in love with my little boy more and more everyday!

The simple things in life are just so sweet!

Here he is trying to blow the dandelion seeds off the stem!

Happy Monday!


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