Happy Wednesday! I hope you're all having a great week. Our move on Saturday went okay (though it was TOUGH on our bodies!) and Sunday we got our tree! I don't have pictures of it yet (well, I have a few on my Instagram), as the tree only has lights right now. We're going to fully decorate it this coming weekend. We decided to go all out and got a tree that almost touches our ceiling in the new house. It's 8' tall! It's so pretty and I LOVE having a real tree each and every year. It' makes the house smell so good and the kitties and puppy love it too!
Before we get into WIPW this week, I have big news to share with all of you today! One reason I haven't gotten a lot of knitting done recently is Candy Skein will now be offered in a LYS store. If you've been following me on Instagram (Candyskein) or Twitter (@candyskein) you've probably been seeing me post LOTS of pictures of Delicious fingering (70% alpaca/20% silk/10% cashmere). It was for an order of 72 skeins in 12 different colorways that will be delivered today (Wednesday) to Yarning for You in San Marcos, CA. If you live in the San Diego (or southern California area) and would love to go see/feel how awesome this yarn is, it will be in the shop starting Thursday morning! I'm SOO excited and so proud of how all the skeins turned out! If you do get a chance to check Yarning for You out, I will say, it's definitely worth the trip. It's an amazing LYS with a great selection and amazing owner/staff. I highly recommend it (even before they were going to carry Candy Skein!)
Not enticing enough? Here's the selection that will be available sitting in my studio ready to be delivered today! Pretty awesome, right? If you click on the picture you'll be able to see it enlarged. :)
Okay, now to WIPW!
Remember these socks I started in November! They're back out and on my needles. This is a surprise Christmas gift for my husband (or I hope it's a surprise and hope I can finish them by Christmas!) As you can see, I just finished the heel flap and am about to turn the heel once I'm finished with this post! I'm using the Candy Skein Yummy fingering November '12 colorway, Pumpkin Pie.
That's it for me today! I hope you have a fabulous rest of the week and I'll see you all on Friday!
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