Showing posts with label Teresa Collins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teresa Collins. Show all posts

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sweet Valentines!

Every year at work there is a food drive during February. One of the traditions that I and another gal have started is to sell cards with all the money going to the food drive. February is a great month to sell valentines. I had made several (and so had she) but last week people were really buying them! So this weekend, I'm busy cranking out some more for the rush next week! I scrapped with my friends yesterday and finally finished the 2009 calendar and accompanying album for my parents so I spent the rest of the evening doing some valentines. Here they are!

The first one uses Bo Bunny polka dot paper and the other patterned papers are Making Memories Sabrina. I used the quickutz revolution 3-D butterfly (I'm loving this guy!) and the quickutz ticket. The tickets are stamped with Autumn Leaves stamps. The flower is felt cut with a sizzix die.

The 2nd card also uses Making Memories Sabrina with a doily from target. The round stamp is a Teresa Collins and the tag is a quickutz tag, stamped with quickutz sophisticate stamps (I had made several of these tags last year so they will come in handy to make some quick cards this week).

The 3rd and 4th cards also use Making Memories Sabrina. The 3rd one also uses the Teresa Collins Stamp.

The 4th card combines a lot of the elements from the previous cards. Love is cut with a sizzlet and the round circles are quickutz cookie cutters.

My favorite card of this group is the last one. All the patterned paper is Basic Grey Bittersweet. I used that wonderful butterfly again! I told you I loved this butterfly! The oval is cut with a quickutz cookie cutter and the love is a 2 X 2 quickutz.

I made some cool food for my friends yesterday and decided to take some pictures as I still have a dream of making a family recipe book for my sisters and mom that combines our favorite recipes with some scrapbooking so it is a family heirloom! When that will be, I don't know but I am going to start taking pictures when I make something would go into it!

This wonderful creation is a S'Mores Lava Cake. My sister sent me the recipe (see perfect for the book) and it comes from Everday with Rachel Ray. Here is the link:

I made a sausage egg bake and overnight french toast for breakfast. (I could do better on my picture taking!)

And this is one of my favorite lo-cal treats. It is a weight watchers yogurt pie. I made an orange one and it was yummy!

Well, I'm off to make more cards!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

2 Sketches 4 You ~ Week of 1/26/09

This is the last week for the current design team for 2 Sketches 4 You ~ soon there will be a new one. Rae got to do the bonus sketch and it was very cool! She consistently posted comments to everyone's cards all during her term on the design team. I'm going to miss her! I'll start off with showing you my card for her sketch!

I used the Making Memories Sabrina papers. I had seen someone else use them in a sketch and when I saw them at Michael's I had to have them (with a 50% off coupon they were even sweeter!). The stamp in the middle is a Teresa Collins stamp that I got at The little cupid is a quickutz cookie cutter. The black rhinestones are Kaiser. There is a black mesh flower underneath the primas. Scrapperlicious.blogspot has some tips about mesh and I tried it on a card last weekend (see the post underneath this one) and it turned out very cool!

Here is Rae's Sketch!

It was Laura's turn to do the regular sketch and I chose to use Making Memories Sabrina again! I had gotten the cute little journaling cards that went with it and this one was shaped round so it worked very well for the sketch. The B and mine are technique tuesday stamps. The hat pin is also Making Memories but from the valentine paper. I've been wanting to try putting one in a card for awhile. Don't know if it is exactly how it is supposed to be! The heart is cut with the sizzix tipsy heart die and it is on pop dots so it stands out a bit. And here is Laura's Sketch 18:

Hopefully I will have more time to create this week, so stop by again!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

2 Sketches 4 You Design Team Application Cards/Cardalicious 9/Some New Techniques!

I had an awesome time yesterday with my friends, Bonnie and Gail. While I didn't get my calendar finished, it is close! We are talking about getting together in 2 weeks so I could for sure finish it then!

I've made a few cards in the last few days! The first one "I love you every day" was for the bonus of group of the January card challenge at You were supposed to do some techniques from Scrapperlicious' blog under tips and tricks. This is the first time I've tried things like mesh with the flowers (it is underneath the flowers), extreme distressing (you punch holes in stuff), making that little notebook page look torn out. I was really freaking about punching holes in good stuff but now I am really pleased with how it turned out. I used cosmo cricket christmas paper (my sister, Teresa and I both got this free bunch of cosmo cricket on the day after thanksgiving when we went shopping!). The love stamp and the notebook are both Teresa Collins (I love how her stamps stamp well and clean up so nice!), the clock is a Maya Road stamp. I had those cool buttons that I put on the flowers and the fan in my stash (when I was buying tons of buttons and then never used any!). I really branched out on this one and I'm glad I did!

These next 2 cards are ones I did using Laura's design team application sketch at 2 Sketches 4 You. I submitted "my dear." As you can see from an earlier post, I worked on several for this sketch and it was a little hard to make my decision on which one but with the help of my sister, Teresa who does awesome work ( and her friend Donna, I picked the dear card. Donna, if you are out there, THANKS!!! Someday I hope to meet you! The sweetheart card uses doilies that I picked up at Target and Party City, Ribbon from Michael's, Bo Bunny paper from a previous year, and the candy hears are cut with quickutz.

"My Dear" uses October Afternoon patterned paper, the dear is a revolution (borrowed from my friend Jennifer), and the words are with letter stickers. This one also qualifies for Cardalicious 9 which was to use letter stickers, say "for you", and have green on it! I'm just a week late with it! The heart and grass are sizzix originals.

And here is the sketch, which as you can see I am absolutely in love with!

"Thank You Friend" is for Kazan's Design Team Sketch. I thought about this one quite awhile and finally landed on this card! The patterned paper is Me and My Big Ideas. Friend is cut with the cricut Mini-Monograms cartridge, the birds are quickutz revolution. I had gotten the foam/sparkly crowns from Michaels around halloween!

Here is Kazan's Sketch! Does it look like it?

Shaina cut her leg at her dad's today falling off the tree fort onto a chain link fence. She had to get 4 stitches but she is better now. I took pictures of the stitches with my camera phone so her brother could see them! Last weekend she lost her cell phone and some stole it so I had to cut off the service and order a new phone (thank goodness I bought the insurance!). And yesterday, while my parents were visiting my other sister in California, their car got broken into and my mom's purse got stolen! I hope the next week goes better for everyone!