I come home... I should mention at this point that I have been working on some projects at home, a new desk for myself (my desk broke, if you can believe that.) , a new kitchen table and new chairs. I am refinishing them all. So I had just bought a new belt sander because my regular sander wasn't cutting it.
Before I can even get the sander out of the box, the power goes out and it stays off until the middle of the night practically. I had the light of my cell phone and internet access on my cell phone to pacify me through the hours. It was hot and icky and it sucked. I was never so happy to have electricity back...and of course I was upset because 4 of the things from my early trip were ice cream sandwiches, two different kinds of popsicles and drumsticks. Of course, right?
So, the next morning, I am all gung ho. I lost a ton of time yesterday and am convinced if I just push it, I will be sporting a new desk and table at the very least.
But before that, I have to go down into the well for the water. No one has reset it. I hate this...spiders, black widows, petrified mice and lizards. *shiver* But it has to be done so we can have water. I prime the well and get on to business.
I get all the table legs sanded, the drawers to the desk and the table top sanded before I decide I need to step inside. I am literally covered in sawdust and sweating like there's no tomorrow. As I sit down, the power goes out again. At this point, I am livid. I call PNM and they tell me they are aware of it in a very snotty way. I ask if it had anything to do with yesterday's outage and they don't know. Thanks for nothing...#$%^.
So we start to play the waiting game, except this time...this time... I quickly jump in the shower before the water runs out and then I head back out to the store (I did not set off the alarms) where I buy (my card works, yay!) several lanterns and a ton of batteries. I am going to be prepared. This time the outage goes until about 10 pm or so.
So, not happy.
To add insult to injury. We were switching our regular phone service to VoIP. It's cheaper and supposedly better. As I type this, I have no phone. Before that, I had no internet access other than my cell phone. Yesterday, a Qwest worker shows up and says there is a repair order. I tell him I didn't know there was one. I let him on the property. When I go out to check, he's in his truck backing out. He stops and tells me he's fixed it and we are good to go. I come back inside and we now have no dial tone.
I kid you not, 10 minutes later UPS shows up with a connection letter telling us we should be able to connect to the internet after 5 pm that very day. This being yesterday (the 13th). It's 5:15. I run the disc and nothin'. I call customer service and they tell me that they have between 5 and midnight to get it set up and basically not to bother them until after midnight if it is still not working.
Guess where I was at midnight. Customer support. Turns out the problem was my disc was no good. I was having trouble hearing the tech on my cell phone so I asked Hubbins if he could talk to the lady for me. I put my cell on speakerphone for him. The lady was talking to him and he was answering her. One thing I've noticed. As the years go on, Hubbins has gotten slower and slower at answering questions...I guess the woman made an assumption.
She was snotty with Hubbins and told him that he needed to stop doing things on the computer and listen to her. She was very condescending.
Hubbins actually said "FU" to her. I was mortified and proud at the same time. I flew across my bed and grabbed the phone. I told her that she was mistaken. He was disabled, a quadriplegic and that means he has no use of his arms or legs. He wasn't even near a computer.
I guess she didn't understand. She didn't apologize or anything. Personally, having been a tech and a supervisor. She would have been fired by me. Honestly, NIC line??? I know most out there aren't going to know what the heck I am talking about...but she said that to me when were talking wireless and the two don't even go together. She was just talking out of her butt.
I hate that about the qwest techs. They act all holier than thou. I have my degrees in this crap and I know it's been a while but pllllease stop with the blowing of the smoke. You have a script, you are tier 1. If you compare it in the tech world to food service, you are barely taking the orders at Mickey D's...they won't even let you touch the food yet...you know?
I never say anything bad to them, I never tell them I have my degrees in this field or anything like that. I let them do their show. But common courtesy and basic respect is definitely in order.
Anyway, we finally got our internet up and other than her giving us the correct password, we had no use for her after that.
Like I said, I have no phone. I mean, I do but I don't. When I call it just rings and I can't seem to make the connection. *sigh*
I wrote the above the day before yesterday or was it yesterday, anyhow...the days are all running together! I finally got some help...from T-mobile. Turns out I am once again the hostage of qwest. They have to release my line so it can be ported over. They have until the 20th to do it.
T-mobile...excellent service... and of course I am not paid to say any of those things. lol