
Showing posts with label screwed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label screwed. Show all posts

Monday, August 10, 2009

Ok, I give, I give...this has to be a bad joke.

Poufy started her period. She is 8.

This can't be right.
Glitter Text Generator

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The electrician who took us for a ride and charged us for it

So, in this post I told you the stupid thing that Hubbins and I had done. 

We called out THE GUY that we trusted to come and do the job, but unfortunately he wasn't licensed for what we needed, so he recommended another guy who wasn't able to work in our city at the moment and who then recommended another guy that said he couldn't come out as far as we live without having to charge us an amount he didn't feel comfortable with. 

Fine. The job was to add a 220 breaker to our existing panel or to add an additional subpanel.  

So, I did a search in google and the first guy I called came out and gave us an estimate. Maybe I should have known better, maybe I was just tired. Maybe, I just didn't care anymore. 

But we were told by the other three techs to expect about $100 to add to the existing panel and any where around $600 for a new pull if a breaker couldn't be added. Um, ok. 

So the guy shows up, first thing he does is complain about the smell of the cats. Well, sorry, they live in the laundry room and I can't exactly control when they have to go potty. I had sprayed the room before he came because you know Murphy's law says your stinkiest cat will take a major dump right before a technician is scheduled to come.  Again, I apologized for the cats.  But what sticks in my head is "We can talk about this, yes?"  Um...what? That one of my cats took a shit in their litter box?  

What exactly do you want to talk about? The litter box is domed and has a door on it for crying out loud.  I used to have an electric one but when I went to replace it, I was not happy with the newer version. Anyhow. 

The next thing that should have been a red flag was the text book he brought and the calculations he took a half hour to do just to tell us he would have to get back to us later. 

I could go on and on but I look dumber if I keep going. Let's just say he gave us an estimate for $655 to install the breaker and the 220 plug within 3 ft of each other. 

When I saw it.  I was like hell no. There was a $1oo charge for going into a "Confind" space. $15 for gloves, etc... (wtf? he doesn't own that stuff already? Do I get to keep the gloves?) But Hubbins had told me he had already agreed to the guy coming out and scheduled it. Which btw, wth was this Hubbins who was ready and roaring and scheduling crap when he was supposed to have been calling THE GUY for over a month? 

So I figured let's just get this crap over with. The more I thought about it, the more it didn't feel right.  I mean, this didn't even include the cost of the inspection or permit. 

How did it go from $100 to $655? 

But wait, it gets better.  The quote was for 5 hours of work. The electrician was supposed to be here by 10. He calls us from the permit place at 11 for information on the house.  He doesn't physically show up until 1 pm.  When he gets here he tells us he forgot about the propane pipe and will need to cut it and cap it. That's $65 more and must be done because it is part of code. Fine! Whatever, I mean looks like he's not going to use all 5 hours anyway. 

Come 3 o'clock, he's done. You would think that is 3 hours of work right? Uh huh. Apparently, we paid for 10-3 his drive to the permit office, whenever that started... lunch probably,etc...  

The grand total was $827 and change.  I just got paid $833 that day for two weeks of work...100 hours (I know, I don't make squat) and just like that it was gone.  Tax, BS, BS, and BS later...I had $5 left. The money we had saved on the range was now gone and then some. 

Boy did I get F$%^#$. 

I guess the work is ok. I mean no one can get ahold of the inspector to come and check it. 


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