Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Floating Music for the Endless Summer Nights

Ooh, I have found music, which I like very much.
Music, which sounds to me like it should be listened to

when running through the fields...

... making a strawberry straw

... or wandering in the garden alone

... near the nightly scent of the Philadelphus

... under the night sky.

Decide yourself: The Dø

Friday, December 21, 2007

Isolationist ambient music

Just when I thought the red line looked like so boring, I found this great Wikipedia Band Name Meme through Patroclus, who found it originally from Miss-Cellany's friend's friend's blog. Anyway, here are the rules:
Go to Wikipedia and click on random article in the left-hand navbar.
The first article title is your band name.
Click random article again and that is your album name.
Click random article yet again and again until you have found enough of album tracks.

Like this way:

Band Name: Lynge

Album Title: Boven-Leeuwen

Album Tracks:
1. Jackson County, Colorado
2. Palatine Chapel in Aachen
3. Arrondissement of Brioude
4. Shirone, Niigata
5. Smoky Hollow (neighborhood)
6. Asadata Dafora
7. WHTI (disambiguation)
8. Eucherius of Lyon
9. James Maxton
10.Siege of Kerak
11. Joomla!

Hmm. I kind of knew it. Total of two records sold.*

* well, given as gifts to cousins, but anyway

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Louder sigh

This is how I might sing, though...

Pipilotti Rist
original work Sip My Ocean

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Big sigh

This is how I would want to sing, if I only could...

Monday, November 26, 2007


In November!

[long baffled silence]

Oh no come with me to Helsinki
Where the streets are wide and so am I
Wide open for love
Any love from anyone

Well, not really, but consider watching this, though...
Italy vs Helsinki by a Swedish band Laakso

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Sumerians didn't have nylon socks

I thought to write about my highly exciting life today.

Dear Blog,
Today I woke up when it was dark. I took lots of photocopies. I tried to choose right kind of paper for a book. I bought a new pair of gloves. I was back at home when it was dark. When the kids went to their beds I watched how the dog ate some tasty rabbit feces.

Well, probably not.
Even the news suddenly sounded too weird to be published in a serious and deeply thoughtful blog like this.
"Illegal alcohol underwater pipeline from Russia to Estonia shut down."
"Santas in Australia have been discouraged from saying "ho, ho, ho" because some feel it could scare children and offend women."*
"Used condoms are being recycled into hair bands in southern China."
"A naked man died after pulling a condom filled with laughing gas over his head."
"Man dies after getting stuck in girlfriend’s cat door."
"A house cat in southern England has a nightly routine of disappearing and awaiting a ride home at the same place 2 miles away every morning."

If I could understand some more Latin than vulpes vulpes, I could probably read the daily news in Latin, as many Finns do. Some of us even sing Elvis in Latin.
Apparently he can sing Blue Suede Shoes in Sumerian as well. "... it was difficult to find Sumerian equivalents for certain modern concepts and words. For example, the Sumerians of course didn't have nylon socks, so I had to improvise and made it "cotton boots," šuhub gu."

Was that deeply thoughtful enough?
Then it's time to watch Indian Thriller.

* Of course everybody knows that real Santa doesn't say "ho,ho,ho". Santa says: "Onkos täällä kilttejä lapsia?"

Monday, October 15, 2007

The weekend revisited, featuring Mole

The youngest member of the fox family started at his new daycare two months ago. Last week was his turn to be The Kid of the Week, which meant lots of fun, like having an interview about the future and looking at his cute baby photos surrounded by giggling girls. Well, things that every five year old boy loves to do.

On Friday the Mole visited us and stayed as a weekend guest. Yes, the famous Eastern European Krtek the Mole. He moved in, having only a flower patterned sleeping bag, a pillow and a diary with him. We were supposed to do things with him and write about it afterwards. I was slightly concerned about the whole thing. You know, I already imagined how it would read:
"The mole looked at how mother sat at the computer. Then he looked at how father sat at the computer. Then he looked at how the boys watched telly. Then the dog ate him."

So avoiding that, we were busy doing things. We ate healthy things like tomato soup. We saw a brilliant play called Detective Knot and the Mystery of the [something. I already forgot what it was... well it is a mystery now, but it had something to do with knots anyway and the bouncing sheep was great, so never mind] at the theater. We tried to clean up. We were at the birthday party and behaved well, even though it was bit boring and I had a feeling we were bunch of ghettoblasters sitting nicely between the Queen of Niederösterreich and a nervously shy Nobel prize winner. Later we looked closely at all the fossiles and bones inside the Geology museum's showcases. When we were driving the car we weren't annoyed at all when the Kid of the Week was constantly shouting "But I want to hear that song where they sing Yee Haw!" and we didn't know what the song was all about and we had to play a short inroduction of every song of every CD we had in our car, before we found out it wasn't a song about a donkey, but Julian Casablancas pronouncing the word here and we all laughed and listened to it thrice and I decided that he won't look at the video until he's 18, but he has to keep on watching his other favourite Honey Bee (Let's Fly to Mars) and he agreed.

On Sunday evening I wrote everything down. "How are you today, my dear friend Mole? Did you have a jolly good sleep?, asked A Fox (5)", I wrote and thought how nice it all sounded, indeed. Then I remembered I didn't have a clue what happened on Friday when I was still at work.
T Fox: What did you do with Kretk the Mole on Friday?
Mr Fox: We went to the shopping center.
T Fox: Oh, that's nice. What did you buy?
Mr Fox: A bottle of red wine.
T Fox: Oh.
Mr Fox: The mole carried it inside his sleeping bag. I took a photo of it for the diary.
T Fox: Great.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Few flights and couple of blokes called Leinonen.

I don't particularly fancy flying. Even less now when I have booked flights from KLM. I read their website which proudly announced: "You can choose from the following special meals:
* Vegetarian
* Fruit
* Asian vegetarian
* Strict vegetarian
* Babies
* Children
* Diabetes mellitus
* Cardiovascular disease or elevated cholesterol
* High blood pressure
* Gluten free
* Lactose free
* Muslim
* Kosher
* Hindu "

What I apparently couldn't understand was the word intercontinental, so I booked the flights and only later found out that they serve only basic catering meals on European flights. I seriously thought if I really should get a flight to USA and back on my way to Italy, but then I remembered this beautifully creepy sight and decided that I probably wouldn't like the taste of Diabetes mellitus anyway.

Well, later that day I was delighted about the shade of the skies.

If you visit Helsinki when I'm away, you should visit Taidetuunaamo by an artist Leinonen.
The words "Katso tuunausvideot" means "look at the tuning videos".

Also, later that day I was invited to a secret party, ate a secret cake, drank a secret coffee, didn't taste the ingredients of a secret bottle, but saw a secret singer called Leinonen.

Here is he singing about something small and warm [pieni ja lämpöinen]. You can learn the lyrics whilst I'm swimming in Laguna Veneta.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Kuril-Kamchatka Trench in the Internet, where I was

So, I visited You Tube trying to see Loituma video. I found it, but what an earth was that supposed to be, I wondered. A girl with a leek? I wasn't the only one pondering what was this chick doing with that a huge onion? A flashmob with leeks? I soon found out why there was a leek, although it still was a mystery to me. As big as my surprise when I realised how had this odd Finnish song spread through the Internet.

Do we really need any song contests at all? Why not just look at a Mexican guy singing pefectly spelled Finnish? Japanese man with a guitar? Holly Dolly? A Dane with a tuba? Why not to learn how to play it with keyboard? Hungarian politicians? Pygmies dancing Loituma? Italians dancing? Russian making some wonder is this how grunge died? El mundo es de los frikis?
Buli az asztalosnal? Jim Carrey? Greek soap? I've seen this man in this blog, but never heard this with a flute. How did the name suddenly turn into Yak Tsup Tsop? And finally something * which made him to seek a bottle and me to seek for the big red button.

*this is particularly for you Opc

Ps. Do you want to know what the words really mean? Look at the comments.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Neurovision Bong Contest

Yesterday I kicked a few blogposts around my mind. The ice-cream kiosks were opened and the seagulls were shitting around again. Should I write about it I wondered, but there wasn't much else exciting to scribble about.

Also there was the fact bothering me, that I have knowingly skated around the slippery sweep called the Eurovision Song Contest.
If I would be a normal Finnish citizen I should have gone over and over and over and over on that subject here, whilst wearing a chirpy hat with two overhanging fabric hands carrying national flags.

I thought about it hard. The only thing I wanted to say was the fact that I kind of hoped that the visual image and the ambience of the show would be as hilarious as the moment when a post- soviet wooden doll meets the electric hedge trimmer, mainly because Mr Fox knows well some private parts of one designer designing the face of the upcoming hullaballoo, so there wasn't much to tell you about that.

So, there I sat, staring at the blank computer screen when I heard it again.
Loituma and their fabulous song Ieva's Polka (Classic), which I had thought about introducing you much earlier, but forgot. I tried to find out their space on their My Space and here it is. I listened to it. I moved on. Three hours later I was still listening to it. Eventually the quiet waters of that innocent song sucked me somewhere so deep that if there is a Kuril-Kamchatka Trench in the Internet, I was there.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Fox searches for self and drops an earplug in a martini

Start wearing purple shouts a bearded skinny man and Taiga Fox avoids the hitting fist of a tranced dancer boy.
She wears black and listens to the angry man singing furiously Love is unkind Love is unkind Love is unkind It don't like nobody It don't got no friends.
A naked rubber doll flies through the air.
A young boy wears a pink t-shirt with a text Youth against sudoku.

The old cable hall is filled with sweaty teens, sweaty wanna-be-teens and hundreds of black clad people smoking. Taiga Fox wants a drink.
Mr Fox: What do you want to drink?
Taiga Fox: A dry lingon cider without ice.
Mr Fox: I suppose it's going to be a lager.
Taiga Fox: Have you got any cash?
Mr Fox: Nope. Why? Have you?
Taiga Fox: Do you think they accept plastic?

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Ooh-hu 2

I was spending my evening with ?
a) Lee Ranaldo and Leah Singer at AvantoFestival
b) Nick Cave at Finlandia Hall
c) A Fox and the Chickenbox on the motorway

Monday, August 28, 2006

When others get tired, the Finns go on complaining. Even 4 times longer than the other nations.

Helsinki Complaints Choir

This is the week I'm going to start a new job (in a place pictured also in the video).
So whine, whine, whine and so on.

My future motto:
"Now aiming for at least one post a week. Ish"
Occasional Poster of Comments