Showing posts with label design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label design. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

It's spring!

It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring!... [bling]
I want these wallstickers! [/bling]... It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hopefully the frames aren't from Ikea

Few weeks ago I was asking on Facebook: "Denmark or Croatia?" Nobody answered and I decided Denmark it will be then. Actually I didn't, but the boys want to see Legoland and I think seeing Fyn and West-Jutland wouldn't harm me either. I have no idea where is Köge, which would probably make all Danish people very annoyed. Well, at least Ikea made them annoyed, naming their doormats after Danish villages and cities. Some Danes claimed that the Swedish names are reserved for the better products and that even Norwegian names can be found at least from the bed department, but the lesser products bear Danish names. "The stuff that goes on the floor is about as low as it gets."

Oh really?

a) Viren
b) Virén

Well, he won the four Olympic gold medals the year when I was born and it is quite a long time ago...
That wasn't really the reason why I started Pilates again this week, but I think this would suit me better or what do you think?

ILLOIHA fitness club

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Have you seen Futuro?

I've been ill for three days now and stayed at home, doing much nothing. What is worst in flu, is that you can't really go out or do anything you'd just like to do. Like having a long bicycle ride to the neighbouring city. Tomorrow, when I could probably do it, I might not be interested anymore. [Ok, remove the might.] Also, what is terrible in flu, is that you really can't see any people, even if you'd finally have time for it. I tried to call few friends, but apparently all my friends had a shopping day yesterday. I knew there is Buy Nothing Day , but why didn't anybody tell me if there was also an annual world wide Let's All Go Shopping Except That One With The Flu Day?

So I stayed inside the house and did a shopping list called To Buy When Having a Completely Different Style.

1 Screw Table by Eero Aarnio

1 Sven Lundh's Eyeball

1 Mae West Lips Sofa

Some Polka Jam Orkestra Clothes

1 Futuro Home

But where to find that? I have seen one in late 70s. It was an Ufo Café in a small village called Luumäki (translates as Bonehill). Have you seen any?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Yesterday it was a roller coaster, today a giant bunny-dress, tomorrow...

Yesterday it was a roller coaster, today a giant bunny-dress, tomorrow...oh, I wrote it already. Well, today I was sitting in a pocket of a Red Dress, listening to a banjo-playing bunny. Tomorrow I'm busy. Just like for the whole summer probably, so I will start a blog-holiday now. I will post something if I'm not editing a book, drinking bubbly drinks at the openings, potting plants, just being without Internet, being in Germany or just sleeping and not seeing the Midnight Sun.

I'm not going to leave the Fox earth though, so I hope to see you, all my friends and all you silent readers, here soon.


Thursday, April 12, 2007

I have a craving for a plate

I want I want I want I want I want I want I want I want I want I want I want I want I want I want I want I want I want I want I'm dying for I want I want I want I want I want I want!

These. Taika (Magic) plates and stuff from Iittala.

Designed by Klaus Haapaniemi
A Finn living currently in London

doing things for
blah blah blah

for Cacharel

for Givy

bustier detail

bra detail
Warning, the link above shows Nick Cave-influenced black lingerie with foxes,
whatever that is.

Nego Monogatari

Electronic cash card, 7-eleven Taiwan

I have a strange craving for a plate.
I'm having a pay day tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

T Fox meets Com-pa-ny

Today I had a pleasure to meet two brilliant young designers: Aamu Song and Johan Olin.
All I saw was so delightful, funny and witty that I'm still bit lost for words. That's why I'm doing something I haven't much done; borrowing photos and words straight from their web site.

Lazy Taiga presents: Com-pa-ny.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

For anyone who wanted to have a beard.
Specially made for the northern countries where men don't grow much beard.

Material: Cotton.

FootHill Shoes
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Made in Germany summer 2006 World Cup time. For a fancier playing, or something..
Hand-re-made by Johan Olin

Mobile Shoes
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Kimi und Schumi.
Handmade by Toni Engelberger

Safety Skirt
Available in White, pink and sky blue


Chairman is a good man.
Chairman is little bit lazy.
Chairman appears in sunny street when it's between +15'c and +20'c.

Material: Plastic stool from Thailand, industrial felt,
rubber thread in gold and white, used Rukka windbreaker jumper suit
Click the chairman, please.

Takkiainen (a combination word that ties together the meanings of two Finnish words: takki, a coat, and takiainen, a bur )is a jacket for lonely or bored people. It is designed to help the wearer to get in contact with others.

Since we brush against each other every day as we move around in the city, we can use our clothes as a medium for meeting people and communicating with them.

The jacket is made out of Velcro strips of different widths that have been sewn together side by side to form alternating hook and pile stripes.When these materials touch each other, they grab onto each other. The lonely user can be happily connected with other loners simply by walking around in the jacket. Even babies can be attached to their parents.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Purity Rant

Whilst the New Superlon boils and bubbles, I have time for a purity rant.

For an entire week I have been somewhat slightly confused about my imaginary image of the blogosphere. I've been blue-eyed* thinking of an idealistic equality and the freedom of speech, but obviously how wrong have I been. I have noticed some certain hints about discrimination, contempt and naive schoolgirlish/-boyish bullying, but that has never happened to me before, or possibly I have just been blindfolded.

I have been reading one blog, not so regularly, but from time to time, because my friend links to it. I had never commented anything, because I constantly have this underlying fear of my flimsy capability of English speaking. Last Thursday I made a decision to comment and so I did. You might not believe, but it was a very ordinary and short comment. Nothing hasty and nonsensical like I usually scribble. Later I made another visit and saw that the owner of the blog had deleted my comment without saying anything. Hmph.

Actually that wasn't a rant. Yesterday I participated a demonstration, which was nice, civilized, quiet, arty and aesthetical. Hmph.

Speaking of purity, I want this, please. I can't afford it. Hmph.

* blue-eyed [sinisilmäinen] in Finnish means naiveness