Showing posts with label Rogue Space. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rogue Space. Show all posts

Friday, December 30, 2011

Retro Campaign Solar System For Any Science Fiction Rpg


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A I've received a few emails asking me about what I've been doing about campaign worlds & such why has there been smattering of references to Planet Comics? The truth is that I've been using the worlds of Planet Comics for years. These vintage comics were put out by Fiction House which existed from the 1920s to the 1950s. Planet Comics were a spin off of Planet Stories. From January 1940 to Winter 1953 the comic ran 73 issues. I ran across the below article on Io9 & loved the kitsch cool look of these retro beauties. The science is crap but who cares I'm running science fantasy anyway. I  won't get in trouble because its all in the public domain. I needed instant worlds & whoa here they are. Information on Fiction House can be found Here. Time& again I've needed an instant campaign for a one shot or convention game. This has always done the trick. Over the weekend I'll be doing a retrospective on Planet Comics & some of their heroes for your favorite role playing games. Can't wait? Well go Here  to download the entire run!
If your reading this blog then you know that Planet Comics featured space operatic tales of muscular, heroic space adventurers who were quick with their "ray pistols" and always running into gorgeous females who needed rescuing from bug-eyed space aliens or fiendish interstellar bad guys.Below is the article that inspired some of the great worlds my players have visited ! An enterprising dungeon master might make use of these for something like Spell Jammer or even Planscape or another  world.
Need to know what all of the issues were? Here's an index of issues Here

Big big props to the Atomic Surgery. blog who wrote all of the original material! 

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The planets of the Solar System, according to crazed pulp comics of the 1940s

Back in the Forties, the science fiction rag Planet Comics published the ongoing feature "Life On Other Worlds." This section peppered scientific know-how amongst whatever gonzo shit the writer happened to make up. Here's a tour of our Solar System using old issues of Planet Comics. Did you know that Mars is occupied by gargantuan Romans?
Let's kick it off with Mercury. Notice how the synopsis sputters out many a fact without acknowledging the deadly toucan mutants.
I'm pretty sure the male astronaut knowingly used his female colleague as a lure. The rollicking Forties, everyone.
Finally, this description eschews facts for vague warnings about Mercury's giant caterpillars. And here I was afraid this wouldn't be educational. [Via]
I enjoy how this article on Venus begins with a fairly academic remark that the planet could support life, but then immediately transforms the damn place into Land of the Lost.
But lo! Here's an entirely different interpretation of planetary life on Venus. Do note that the Venusian men are busted as angler fish, but the women are hotter than dugongs.
Also, Venusians love to fist pump, cavort with horned orcas, and live in clams. Venus, you're okay in my book, despite your tentacled horrors of the deep. [Via]
Mars is filled with gladiators who attend summer school. Thanks, Planet Comics! [Via]
According to Planet ComicsJupiter will be rife with pygmy centaurs, giant naked dudes with ankle flagella, and hilariously quaint one-seater rocket tanks to protect astronauts from the crushing pressure. [Via]
Let's take a pit stop to Callisto. This moon is inhabited by depressing anteater people and those omnipresent space dragons. In the 1940s, cosmic dragons were an invasive species on every planet, save Earth. [Via]

Hey, Saturn is filled with robust extraterrestrial bodybuilders too! Astronomy was indescribably sexier in the 1940s.
According to Planet Comics, the Hawkmen of Saturn are a bunch of genial naturists. On my own Personal Taxonomy of Hawkmen, these guys rank above Carter Hall but below those dudes from Flash Gordon. [Via]
Planet Comics really phoned in this snapshot of Uranus (rimshot). All we can really glean is that retrofuture NASA ran out of funding for spacesuits in women's sizes.
Oh, and Uranusians are corpulent and sluggish. I'm never putting a terrarium on my head and riding my asbestos rocket to that slop heap. [Via]
Dinosaurs on Neptune. Duly noted. [Via]
I'm not sure what's going on this tableau of Pluto, so I'm just going to assume that green condor is the Secretary of Agriculture. [Via]
This Plutonian scene is from another issue ofPlanet Comics. This depiction of Pluto seems decidedly more habitable. Also, bike shorts are the planetary uniform. [Via]

Big ups to Atomic Surgery.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Five Psychic Powers That Might Save Your Characters !

Savage Memories Level 1 - The user is able to unhook their consciousness from the mortal frame they now wear. They are drawn down the coil of unconsciousness by the blood,thunder, & dreams of their savage ancestors. They will become their ancestors for 1d4 days of dream time actually 1d20 hours.They will  appear as if in a trace.  During these savage vision quests they may be killed or damaged which will be adventuring. They may role play to gain wisdom, life lessons, even increase attributes. They may gain a +1 or even up to a +2 on an attribute. This is up to the dungeon master however. Those that come out of this state may still be under the savage primal instincts of the past. They may enter a beserk state for 1d4 rounds after they emerge & only with a saving throw may avoid this state. 
There are those who grow so accustom to using this power that they summon this primal state when entering combat. All damage is done with a +1. Over time this primal state will erode the social attributes Charisma, etc. will go down by - 1 every 1d4 months of game time.
Summon the Space Worms Level 2 The user is able to reach through his mind into the reaches of the Outer Darkness & summon 1d4 space worms that reside there. These 1d3 hit dice creatures are under his control but will leave after 1d6 rounds. They're attacks do 1d6 points of damage & wounds made by them will not heal right unless spells or expensive powers are used!

 Communicate with The Dream Stream Level 3 - The psychic is able to reach through the darkness of his own mind to call out to the dreams & nightmares of others. They will whisper ancient secrets & deadly threats of the mortal mind. Over time the creatures will invade the users mind & increase intelligence & wisdom by +1 to +2 . However they may also manifest in the form of 1 or 2 hit dice monsters given glowing ectoplasmic form by the summoner from his orifices.

Project The Horror Level 4 - The user has total control of the ectoplasmic manifestations occurring around them as this power is put into practice. They may project it, make physical attacks, etc. The stuff is +1 on all damage as it crawls, oozes, & moves like a living thing. Those using this power for more then three times a day will begin to lose intelligence, wisdom, etc at a rate of -1 point ever three days. The strain on the humanoid mind is incredible. 
Summon Myths of The Others Level 5 - The user calls out to the realms of  epic myths & legends told around the camp fires of countless worlds. Monsters or myth or legend will heed the user's call. The person's mind acts as a gate way for these lost & way ward monsters. The person will take 1d6 points of physical damage as their essence is used in the operation of this power. The monster will not attack the person when they manifest in 1d4 rounds but they will not be friendly to his companions either. This power may only be used twice per day. The monster may depart or stay as they will. What is summoned is up to the dungeon master 

Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Terr'eruusa -The Tissue Farmers

One the otherside of the Hierbstein galaxy is a very small tranquil world of human colonists descended from a long line of  cloning & genetic experts. They seed worlds with captured colonists from the Outer Rim worlds & allow their farm planets to do their work.They've several worlds, worlds in very primitives states. These worlds are teeming with dinosaurs planted by the Atlans & many others

 They weed the weak & only the strong survive.
The strong make excellent breeding, slave, & food stock!
 The Terr'eruusa are also avowed cannibals! 

Those who remain alive are taken to the Terr'eruusa's home worlds for processing, their tissues, organs, & all are cloned, rendered down, & finally put into circulation as products.
Parties of Terr'eruusa will be 2nd level fighters led by a 5th level warrior chief

The Terr'eruusa also use traditional hunting & capture techniques they also use a variety of biological plant creations to aid within the capture of their prey/product.

Collector plant 

No. Enc.: 1
Alignment: Neutral (Inimical)
Move: 120'(40’)
Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 6
Attacks: 3 
Damage: 1d8 (plus special)
Morale: 9
These plants will try to take a victim alive & will "eat" them by absorbing the creature into its mouth like membranes. The victim will be stabilized once inside the monster enabling it to then send out a radio signal to its masters. The creatures will put the victim into an artificial coma if necessary for retrieval. These monsters have an uncanny habit of picking the strongest member of a party. Each of these monsters will hold 1d10 victims. 

Weapons & tools of the the Terr'eruusa are multiple use  these  scapels are laser sharped  & act as +2 knives . 

This ornate tissue saw is capable of doing 1d6 points of damage to those who  wield  it  & it is often used for  slicing  limbs & appendages off.
The Terr'eruusa World Random Encounter Table Roll 1d10 
  1. Carnosaurs 1d10 consult appropriate  matrix 
  2. Lizard men 1d20 armed with axes 20% of advanced weapons or 10% of energy rays 
  3. Collector plants 1d6 with relics from previous victims around to attract attention 
  4. Escapees let go so that they might lure more victims for the hunters 
  5. Flying reptiles attracted by the scent of blood 
  6. Terr'eruusa warrior party armed with energy weapons & advanced melee weapons 
  7. A herd of 1d10 plant eating dinosaurs 40% likely to be startled & stampede 
  8. Terr'eruusa pyramid structures each will act as a sleep trap for victims 
  9. 1d20 giant insects very hungry 
  10. Space pirates lost, desperate, & very violent! 
Scattered throughout the jungles of these worlds are tele electronic monoliths which deaden high technology by focusing pseudo chaotic planar forces. All electronic gear must make a saving throw each day or break when such a throw fails!
 The Terr'eruusa History 
It is believed that the Terr'eruusa are the product of Krell or Atlan breeding programs millions of years ago. They are completely alien to the human race as we are to insects. They have very little resembling any type of moral code, civilization, society, or any touch stone that we might be familiar with.
They're civilization has more in common with social insects then it does mankind. They communicate with several types of telepathic implant, chemical glands, & complete sensor arrays.
These creatures gain a +2 on any saving throws for any type of mental domination because their mode of thought is so alien.

The Terr'eruusa Bio Saucers
Weight : 30 Tons
Drive : Mag -Planar shift organ
Communications : Telepathic universal sensing & receiving organ 4 light year range
Weapon systems: Veiso orgone energy cannons Range 1 light year Damage 1d10 per blast with radiation poisoning lingering unless a saving throw is made
Computer system: Cloned mammal brain systems coupled with human clone tissue -Telepathic rapture with pilot & crew
Telekinesis VOTL systems for  atmosphere flight & attaining planetary orbit
Cargo Sleep System capable of holding 12 persons for a 3 year period. Capable of growing more compartments for holding 50 tons or more of cargo.
Takes 1d20 days to grow extra space

Slave Encounters  & Wares File:Boulanger Gustave Clarence Rudolphe The Slave Market.jpg

Those taken by The Terr'eruusa who are deemed intelligent are often used as agents & or slaves by the aliens. These slaves sell their bio ware & clones at markets though out the universe. These schemes are not for profit but it seems act as a scientific control for their diabolical experiments.
Some of the products seen & seized by Space Police officers have included :
Cherubs - Children with the faces of angels & the computing capacity of a million computers. These creatures however a often programmed with forbidden knowledge & dangerous ideals. They will betray their masters & do much harm to those around them.
Pleasure sheets - Living sheets of tissue that conform telepathically to the user's sexual orientation & desire. Also double as assassin weapons for their masters. 

Miracle organs- These organs are used to replace missing limbs, tissues, etc. They may also act as secondary spies & double as back up information gathering drive systems 
Organe blaster - Living weapons that replace the user' s hand. These energy weapons never need reloading as they gather their energy from around the user. They are only a 4 shot weapon & do 1d6 damage to targets at a range of  100 yards. These weapons will turn on their users at the telepathic commands of their masters 
Bio Clone Pleasure Slaves - These creatures serve the whims of their owner. They are perfect companion reading their masters wants & needs through body language, pharmone content etc. They can alter their sex at will become male or female, changing facial features, hair color etc. It is believed that these creatures are in fact prisoners of the Terr'eruusa. Those who have displeased them & now are trapped within their own bodies transformed to live out their days as these creatures. They are the ultimate spies & assassins of the Terr'eruusa.
All items of the Terr'eruusa are bought on alien markets. These things cost merely the buyers desires & dreams which the Terr'eruusa will record within psycho organe crystals. It is unknown what these aliens do with them. They have been known to reclaim their property after a time span or two.

Note: The Terr'eruusa  have been written for Human Space Empires, Terminal Space, &  Rogue Space . They may easily be converted to most old school clones as well. Enjoy

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A World For Space Marines & Rogue Space

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Inquisitor Tugorgorgith waited in front of the inner door  The Dark Thunder. The semi mechanical slave one of his bounties looked at him  with a sweep of his  multi lensed eyes.  The scan was complete & right now back on Terra his presence was being noted among the stacks of information in the inner vaults.
"They shall be cleansed" croaked out the servitor unit.
"With in the Emporor's  name!" 
Tugorgorgith shot back  as he entered. 
A World in red laser  hologram floated in the center of the room. 
"The Emperor's name be praised"
A mechanical voice began to spell out the history of a very troubled world 

 Phantom Dragon member whose gene seed is lost & a chapter long vanished within the 
Ophiuchus 43 was the home to the Phantom Dragons a space marine chapter that defended itself to the last man during the days of the Horus Hersey. The world was taken by the warp & its inhabitants were taken by the greatest of planar demons. Once chaos had tired of this world it was cast aside in time & space as its randomness dictates. The world falls through time. For a time a colony of Slann settled on the world & built many mighty cities within its jungles for a time it was good. Then the world drifted on. 
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For a time Eldar Traders used the temperate section world as a staging ground for their operations but then they abandon it as the world's weird characteristics became apparent. The world drifted even farther back in time! 
The human hive cities lay abandon until the world arrives in the time & era of the Human Empire.

A very advanced scout of the Atlans comes across the world & its siren planar call. He was a third man & an 8th level astronaut. This individual was part of a super mind.This Atlan  supermind; a consciousness composed of many telepathically-linked individuals was searching for a world such as this! The third men have been described as such-  Scarcely more than half the stature of their predecessors, these beings were proportionally slight and lithe. Their skin was of a sunny brown, covered with a luminous halo of red-gold hairs... golden eyes... faces were compact as a cat's muzzle, their lips full, but subtle at the corners. Their ears, objects of personal pride and of sexual admiration, were extremely variable both in individuals and in races. ... But the most distinctive feature of the Third Men was their great lean hands, on which were six versatile fingers, six antennae of living steel." Deeply interested in music and in the design of living organisms
 For over 2 years he lay in telepathic negotiations with the Slann still living there. Finally he called the rest of the Atlans to him & they moved into the abandon hive cities.

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Many humans came to the thriving world to trade & settle. For a time it was good. There was a siren call into the jungles however.
They have not been seen since. There are rumors of a Slann colony still deep within the jungles. Where they remain & plot. They watch & wait. There are strange rumors of pyramid ships descending & ascending from the jungle floor.
Several ruins of the former inhabitants hive cities are still out there. Several Slann artifacts have turned up from time to time.
The jungles are not to be trusted!

The Hive Cities that are still spread across the world are set  up thus.
1. The level of the Third Men - These are the rulers above all. They're powers are extremely advanced. Their dictates aren't questioned. They are a law unto themselves.

2. The Atlan refugees level - These are the very best that humanoid life has to offer. These are still a very scary & alien people. They trade from time to time with the planets inhabitants but are mostly an alien & mysterious bunch

3. Programmers & Machines level - This is where most of the day to day life & the machines that keep the place going are kept.

4. The cities - These are the day to day cities where aliens,humans, & many others interact. They are places that are open 48 hours a day. Many space pirates & the like use these cities as ports. There are millions swarming its streets everyday.

5 Shipping & Commerce - Ships of all strips move through this level. This is a place of manufacturing & life ever turning.

The Pits - These are the lowest levels where the real deals go down. Here pirates can make their way into the rest of the city. Monsters from the very depths of mutation & chaos can be found picking off the pitiable inhabitants. The robot guards of Atlans pick off anything that makes its way to the city's entrances.

 This world is under Alpha Code in the 40K universe as it drifts in & out of the warp. There are  rumors of dark rites given to heathen gods & other darker sinister things in the jungles!

You can down load Rogue Space Here