"This is an OSRIC supplement."
"This volume brings you a selection of some of the most powerful, and most dangerous, artifacts and relics in Zanzia."
"These ancient treasures are priceless. They may also be quite lethal both to the owner and those around them. These rare objects are the subjects of legends sung by bards in taverns all over Zanzia and even beyond. Many of these objects have never been found. Their very existence may just be a legend. No one really knows for sure."
'The Pay What You Want' Malcon's Tome of Artifacts By Joseph Mohr is a thirty six pages of artifacts & magic items of legend & lore. This supplement is jam full of legendary artifacts perfect to inject as a rumors or legends told around a tavern fire.
These items are also perfect to inject at the center of a campaign as goals of quests or as center pieces of adventures. What these do is to add colour and campaign value to an old school or OSR adventure.
Does Malcon's Tome of Artifacts live up to it's time for you as a player or DM to download?! Yes, this tome works very well for an Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edtion or OSRIC rpg style games. Malcon's Tome of Artifacts works very well for other games such as Castles & Crusades rpg. Because let's face it Castles & Crusades can always use a few more artifacts and powerful magic items to inspire OSR campaigns.
The layout and design of Malcon's Tome of Artifacts is veru well done. The font is easy to read & easy on the eyes as well. The artifacts are not too overwhelming if the DM keeps an eye on them. And doesn't over do it adding in powerful and highly dangerous magic items.
Seriously there's some campaign wreckers in this tome. And many of these items are connected to deeper artifact background that can easily be exploited by the dungeon master.
The thing is that Malcon's Tome of Artifacts fits a niche within a campaign and the DM needs to respect that point of his or her campaign.
As a pay what you want title Malcon's Tome of Artifacts By Joseph Mohr is a great little supplement for the DM who needs another supply for artifacts and powerful magic items for thier games!
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