Showing posts with label SWAC-GOP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SWAC-GOP. Show all posts

Monday, July 28, 2008

SWAC-GOP volunteers for summer activities

The SWAC area Republican volunteers have been busy this summer with candidate appearances and events throughout the central Shenandoah Valley. Representing Presidential candidate John McCain, U.S. Senate candidate Jim Gilmore, and local congressmen including Bob Goodlatte, we have distributed yard signs, bumper stickers, information, and answered questions of voters.

4th of July: Alex Davis forwarded the names of those who worked the 4th of July Republican booth in Staunton and the GOP float. Over 50 Republicans were involved from Staunton and Augusta County.

Win the War Signs: In an impromptu sign-up for Win the War signs (because there are none currently available), another 25 people from the community left their names and contact information. The signs were on the GOP float, and two were given to local Army Reservists who had been looking for them. Part of the activity was stirred on by a letter in the Staunton newspaper on July 4th questioning what else those who had Win the War signs and bumper stickers were doing for the soldiers. As most people in this area know, there is much that is being done for our military members and their families.

Churchville Fireman's Parade: At the Churchville Fireman's parade on July 19, Congressman Bob Goodlatte and Del. Chris Saxman were part of the Republican float, and they were joined by 25 others who walked, rode, handed out candy and Goodlatte balloons, and generally showed a great GOP presence in the District.

Bridgewater Fireman's Parade: Again, Congressman Goodlatte and Del. Saxman were on hand for the Bridgewater parade on July 18. A great response from the local Republicans made for a great evening.

McGaheysville Fireman's Parade: Friday's McGaheysville parade had Republicans Bob Goodlatte and Del. Steve Landes as well as GOP volunteers again handing out candy and balloons to the crowd.

The Bergton Lawn Days Festival is later this week with Republican volunteers already lined up to help.

Upcoming events include the Augusta County Fair (Aug. 5-9), Rockingham County Fair (Aug. 11-16), Green County Fair (Aug. 12-16), and fall festivals that will start up in September.

We are looking forward to an exciting and busy August and fall campaign season.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

AFP Rally in Richmond - Part 7: SWAC Delegates

Ben Cline (R-24th House)
Sen. Steve Martin (R-Chesterfield) is interviewed in background for Americans For Prosperity Rally.
Chris Saxman (R-20th House)
Steve Landes (R-25th House)

Ran into the SWAC area delegates in the Capitol and the General Assembly Building. They were all in high spirits ... laughing and talking with constituents and each other.

Delegate Steve Landes (R-25th House) covers the eastern part of Augusta County and Waynesboro.

Delegate Chris Saxman (R-20th House) covers the western part of Augusta County, Staunton, and Stuarts Draft.

Delegate Ben Cline (R-24th House) covers the southern part of Augusta County and Middlebrook.

Thanks to them for their dedication and time.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Supportive words from the SWAC community....

It came tonight ... the email with uplifting words from friends in the community. I had written to thank them for their support. This came back:
Thank you for your kind words to us. We are just standing up for those of you that are working hard to stand up for us. There aren't enough words to thank you and Kurt for giving so much of yourselves and your wallets as you fight on for our principles. Glad we were able to help a little anyway. Stay strong; some of us will always be there to watch your back. ... See you in Richmond.
It made my day.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

SWAC governmental bodies?

At last night's Augusta County Board of Supervisors meeting, Chairman David Beyeler proposed joint dinner meetings with the members of Staunton City Council, Waynesboro City Council, and Augusta County Board of Supervisors so the members of the three governmental bodies could get to know each other better and possibly work regionally for the betterment of the area. It was proposed that they begin with three dates, one each in May, July, and in the Fall.

That is how SWAC-GOP began in this area eight years ago. The Republicans from Staunton, Waynesboro, and Augusta County decided to meet monthly for breakfast so localities could begin to know each other better and, thus, coordinate on Republican issues and events. It has been a resounding success over the years. Hopefully, the SWAC government bodies will have the same success.

Cross-posted at

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Status of SWAC GOP....

Augusta GOP Chairman Kurt Michael's letter to the editor responding to the Staunton newspaper's swipe at the local GOP has elicited the usual critical comments from libs. Dr. Michael responded on by providing evidence that the local Republican Party is alive and well and doing its job.

Friday, January 04, 2008

SWAC GOP is doing well

In their end-of-year wrap-up on December 31, the Staunton newspaper took one last swipe at the local Republican party with these comments:
Local GOP Politics:

Local Republican party politics have been spinning out of control for several years now. Increasingly nasty campaigns have made a mockery of the principles and ethics of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan by embracing the tactics of Republican advertising spinmeister Scott Howell, White House wormtongue Karl Rove and the libertarian guru of slash-and-burn, Grover Norquist.
In response, Dr. Kurt Michael, Chairman of the Augusta County Republican Committee, wrote a letter to the editor which he posted on It has, in typical fashion, been responded to by the trolls that hang out online at the NL.

The SWAC-GOP leaders are planning for an exciting 2008 as we work to elect our candidates and promote Republican principles in the Valley.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Augusta County GOP Chair encouraged by possible Saxman bid for U.S. Senate

Jim Riley over at Virginia Virtucon explored the possibility of Delegate Chris Saxman running for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by John Warner. Saxman (R-Staunton) won election to the 20th House District in 2001 on his conservative principles.

I posed the question to political insiders in SWAC. One of the more interesting conversations was with Augusta County Chairman Dr. Kurt Michael who was encouraged by the fact Chris Saxman was thinking of running for U.S. Senate. Some of the points he mentioned were Saxman's involvement in the Virginia Cost Cutting Caucus and Americans For Prosperity, his support of the Marriage Amendment, and his work to bring about legislation for school choice.

Chairman Michael said Chris Saxman is a rising star in the Republican Party, has shown mature leadership in the Shenandoah Valley, and is someone who works well with both moderates and conservatives while holding to his beliefs.

This is going to be an interesting election cycle. I am sure I will be posting more about these developments.