Sunday, April 5, 2009

Somebunny Loves Easter...Guess Who?

Another Suzie table and decor. I have had the same stuff for a long time but I still like to get it out. I like to think of a funny time when my mom came to visit me in Alabama and I had alot of country fabric bunnies and baskets throughout my house. My mom ( in her old and honest age) said " I think you need to lose some of these bunnies...have you seen how ugly their faces are". I laughed my head off. I don't have those anymore ...they were in the fire. Good thing. But whenever I get out my Easter stuff and see all my bunnies, I laugh thinking of her. She did teach me to set a fun table and to love entertaining. She loved cooking more than me. She was a fabulous cook and made almost everything from scratch. I just love eating it all . I think the cooking gene skipped a generation and went to Denton...and maybe Lindsay too. I do cook something great once in a long as it doesn't take too long. Patience is not one of my virtues:) Now recognizing good chocolate....that is a virtue I have. Watch out chocolate bunnies....I am after you.


Unknown said...

One day.. I dream of having enough space to be able to even THINK about storing enough stuff to decorate a table every month... one day.
I would like you to do a post on name settings... what is written on the cards... does it change every month.. how do you decide who gets a placement that month... etc.. inquiring minds WANT to know.. :)
Love ya!

Unknown said...

Oh, how rude of me.. Everything looks WONDERFUL! You are truly a talented decorator. I love seeing your table each month!

Heather Payne said...

Your mom's comments made me laugh out loud! I love seeing your seasonal decorations. Your house is like a fun boutique. I always want to go back to see what they have out NOW. I loved your warning to the chocolate bunnies... they know they can't hide over here, either! Hoppy Easter!

Lindsay Marie said...

"...and maybe Lindsay too"

haha, thanks for the vote of confidence.

Suzie Soda said...

Well Lindsay...I just didn't want to assume that you liked cooking everything from scratch...because I don't know if you do. But the things you cook that I have had are awesome. But I do know you like to set a cute table....that gene you got in double doses from me :) xoxoxoxo

Suzie Soda said...

Ana, I change the place settings every month. I usually do a quote and a name..sometimes a little holiday picture. For dinner parties, I put fun questions in the the little frames at each place to keep a fun dinner conversation going. It works especially good for people who are new or who don't know each other.I Keep them in envelopes from year to year to re-use.I make new ones all the time because sometimes Ihave several different groups in a month. I got the frames in a set for this exact purpose...but you can buy little fames at Walmart or whatever and do the same thing. Good Luck. xoxoxo

Sheri said...

Man, I am impressed! That is a ton of work! Christmas is bad enough for me! I love to look at your tables! So fun!

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