Showing posts with label Lizzie*Kate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lizzie*Kate. Show all posts

Thursday, March 5

Throwback Thursday- Dogs Leave Pawprints

I'm not sure when I picked up this pattern, but I did stitch it during the very brief period I came out of my stitching slump in late 2010/early 2011 (but not enough to actually blog ;) ).

It's called Dogs Leave Pawprints by Lizzie*Kate.   I'm not a huge fan of L*K's stuff because it is more primitive than my usual tastes run, but they have some really cute designs with even more adorable quotes or sayings.  I think I still have 2 or 3 charts left in my stash.

I stitched it on a ginormous piece of lambswool linen (not even kidding, I think I have 5" borders on this puppy), and I think some day I'll finish it into a flat fold or something fun like that.    I still have some of this lambswool stuff left because it is what I bought for Lily Pond Dreams since it has that lined/hazy look..   I'm not sure I really want to spend the time or effort to stitch it, but having it on display would be nice.

I finished it on 3/21/2011, using whatever threads I had on hand (they're overdyed, but the variegation isn't so strong as to be really noticeable).   I do think it's super cute.