Thursday, August 17, 2006


Just received this letter in the mail:

Dear Parents of Class 5,
Last spring you and your child made the choice of optional subjects/clubs to be taken in class 5. Unfortunately on the forms German language was incorrectly marked as A2-language, when it should have been a language club. Altogether seven pupils from this year's Class 5 had chosen the German language. The minimum number to start a club/an optional subject is 10 pupils, and for this reason German language is not offered in class 5 this year. The final decision on the optional subjects and clubs to be offered in the academic year 2006/2007 was made in the board meeting in June. We apologize for the fact that we failed to inform you about the situation before the start of the school year.

Did I say miffed? I mean pissed off.
This basically means that even if we'd get a few kids to change their minds, it would be useless. The decision has been made and that's that.

Now how do I get Saara to be enthusiastic about reading french when all she's wanted for the past two years is german classes.
I'm so sad for her.

Yes, it is SO UNFAIR.


  1. That's totally unfair -- why is it that when kids make a mistake they are told off and punished but when grown-ups mess up, they "regret" and that's it??!! At least write an angry letter to them and tell them to proof-read their materials.

  2. Anonymous8:09 PM

    i'd be choked too. i'd much rather take german than french too. i hate letters like that. i'd write an angry letter asking how you're supposed to make your grade 5er excited about school when all she's looked forward to all summer is taking german.


Oh do tell :)