
Showing posts with the label OMG-August

Another Monthly Goal Accomplished

My One Monthly Goal for August was to complete a block-of-the-month quilt.  I started this is 2015 and then work on it stopped when I decided it wasn't going to the originally planned recipients.  My nephew got married in a small ceremony in July, 2016 right before I had surgery on my shoulder.  I'm slowly getting back on track completing larger quilts and thought this would be a good gift for the (somewhat) newlyweds.  When I put the finished top on my bed, I was tempted to keep it.  I even showed the picture to my sister to confirm whether or not her son and daughter-in-law would like it and was more than a little disappointed when she said they would love it.  But I know this will go to people who appreciate it, and it's perfect for their home on the coast of California. I'm linking up with Elm Street Quilts .  It's always fun to see what others accomplish during the month.

One Step At a Time

My new sewing room furniture was delivered last Monday afternoon.  I was itching to get everything back into the room and organized, but we left Tuesday morning for a quick trip to see our daughter in upstate New York.  We got home late Thursday and I was booked on Friday.  So the room is not quite ready for pictures, but it's slowly coming together. While we were in New York, we took a trip to Glens Falls to see the Hyde Museum.  The most interesting part to us was the former home of Louis Hyde and his wife.  They were art collectors who had a Rembrandt hanging in the library and Renoirs in the bedrooms.  I was delighted to see this embroidered panel from Germany in the 19th century.  It was done with silk and metallic threads on linen. The day was capped off with a concert by the fabulous Philadelphia Orchestra and fireworks at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center in Saratoga Springs. One of the things that I discovered when putting things aw...