
Showing posts with the label March goals

March Goals

I love lists. It's genetic--I got it from my mother. At her funeral, the minister read the passage about the virtuous wife which says that "she rises before dawn" to which I mentally added "and makes a list." My brother-in-law swears that he once saw "make list" as the first item on mom's things to do. Anyway, I generally write down a few things I'd like to accomplish each month. For a long time, I used to do this for my needlework and then sometime last year I stopped as I realized I wasn't getting most of the things done. But with the weather improving in southeastern PA, I'm getting more energized and inspired. So here's my list of stitching related things I hope to do this month: 1. Finish stitching Petit Sampling Etui (need to finish Panel 5 and stitch Panel 6) 2. Finish Lights of Advent ornament #4 3. Finish candle ornament (canvas) 4. Assemble Fall Frolic quilt top, sew backing and cut binding 5. Finish comfort...