"Art is my vehicle through life; may we share the ride together." Ron Wickersham
Showing posts with label paper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paper. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

12 Days of Ornaments - Days 9-12

I've neglected posting the cute remaining ornaments from the LBH 12 Days of Ornaments, so here's a catch-up of the last four days.

Day 9

Pretty Paper Ornaments
Designed by me!

Day 10

Chalkboard Block Ornaments
Designed by Dee Dee Roe

Day 11

Snowman Shutter Ornament
Designed by Tracy Pounds

Day 12

Santa and Angel Altered Paintbrush Ornaments
Designed by Lynette Chiles

Have you enjoyed this year's ornaments? They certainly fill our little tree at the Little Blue House and look so festive!

A full tutorial for each ornament is posted on The Little Blue House blog so be sure to check them out. Component kits for several of the ornaments are also available at the store.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone - enjoy your families and great food tomorrow and give thanks for all your blessings!

Friday, November 13, 2015

"12 Days of Ornaments" Blog Feature coming tomorrow!

Join us on the LBH blog for the next 12 days for a different ornament tutorial each day! 

And, I'm first up! So meet me here as well as on the LBH blog tomorrow to see what I have created!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Mixed Media Art Quilt Workshop

Join me for my Mixed Media Art Quilt Workshop at the LBH


You will create a lovely mixed media art quilt using your favorite photo and an easy image transfer as the focal point. Each quilt will be unique as you choose from a variety of fabrics, laces, papers and embellishments I will provide to showcase your image. Machine or hand sewing is optional.

(Note: I used a contemporary photo of my two baby grandsons but you could also use a vintage photo, or a wedding photo, family photo or portrait.)

Friday September 25th 10am-2pm 
Saturday October 24th 10am-2pm 
Cost: $55.00

More information is available at www.thelittlebluehouseonline.com  

Make plans to join us! Please stop by, call, or message, the LBH to reserve your seat.  
(817) 431-7930 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Paper Organization

We are on our fourth week of our organizing series at The Little Blue House and focusing on paper - solid cardstock, printed papers and scraps!  Check out the two posts  on our blog HERE (scroll down to Thursday and Monday's posts) to learn more about getting your paper under control.  I can't add much to those discussions, but I wanted to share my successful and very efficient system for my cardstock scraps.

I use a hanging file system in a file drawer that is just to the left of my work chair so it is easily accessible. I found file folders in most of the usual colors and use them for corralling the scraps.

Let me explain my scraps.  Whenever I have used a portion of a whole piece of paper, I cut the remainder this way.  First, I try to get a 5.5 x 8.5 piece out of it (good for card bases); then I try for approximately 4.25 x 5.5 (card fronts); if I still have room, I try to cut one or more 2.5 x 3.5 pieces (ATCs).  After that, if there is still a scrap that is useable for punches or maybe a long border I will save it; otherwise the remainder is thrown away.

The card bases, card fronts and ATCs are stored separate from the scraps.  The scraps go in the file drawer in the appropriate color section.  When working on a project, I have trained myself to go first to this scrap drawer. If I can't find the right color or size needed, then (and only then) will I cut into a new piece.  This works really well for me and I do use my scraps!