Friday, June 17, 2011


Back in early May I took Mads over to meet my friend L. As you may remember, it did not go well.  In fact, it was so bad that I should sell it as a skit to Saturday Night Live.  Lesbian couple with no kids, Mads getting hungry and needing to be nursed, breastfeeding not going well, Mads acting like wild coyote and flailing around, my shirt coming off, milk everywhere, the loss of a breast pad...  OMG.

L and her partner just got back from a vacation in a romantic country in Europe.  Despite the shenanigans of our last visit Mads and I were invited over to see photos.  The date was set for today, June 16th at 2pm.

I seriously strategized this one as I wanted to see if we could make a better impression this time around.  The thoroughly thought-out plan began at 8:00am when Mads woke up and wanted to play.

We played, I kept her up until 10am.  I fed her, she napped for an hour while I showered.  We played until12:15pm when I fed her again and she, luckily, fell asleep again.  She started stirring at 1:30pm and I sort-of woke her up, nursed her (even though she wasn't really hungry and milk started leaking out her nose while she was still suckling... I did not even know that was possible), changed the diaper and we were off.

We arrived at 2:07pm for our 2pm date with flowers from our backyard in hand, we even had a ribbon tied around the vase.  Nothing quite like trying to look like we had our act together!

The weather was beautiful so we sat out back on their deck and drank lemonade.

Mads was an angel, an angel I tell you.  She smiled big smiles when spoken too, sat on my lap and looked around very cutely most of the time.  She got a smidge antsy but was satisfied when I lifted her up so she could look over my shoulder.  She then cooed at the flowers behind me in a super cute but not too loud voice for a little while.  We then went inside to look at pictures from L's trip. 

Mads was not too happy with the opera music to which the slideshow was set but she wasn't too loud about her opinion.  In fact, the dog that luckily appears not to have choked to death on the MIA breast pad was more of a nuisance than Mads while watching the slideshow -- he rested his head on the keyboard and caused a minor glitch in the presentation.  As the slideshow came to an end M started to hit that point where I knew she might break into a more vociferous need for a change of scenery.  That was exactly when L commented on what an angel M is, at which point I said, "and it's probably time for us to go before she gets out of her angelic mode."

Nice segue, yes? 

We were back in our car at exactly 3:07pm.  That was when M decided that it was time to be a bit more upfront about her displeasure.  But, by then she was getting back into her car seat and was far from L and her partner's ears, and only moments away from being lulled to sleep by the moving car.

We did it!!! 

Please note that I do realize that this little outburst of mothering confidence will mean that our next outing will be another SNL skit, possibly involving Sarah Palin and maybe even Eddie Murphy or Steve Martin.


  1. Yay for Mads!

    Although I admit that my amazement and impressed-ness was already complete by the point at which you said that she woke up at 8:00!!! Wow-- what a good sleeper!

  2. Yay Mads!!! You made your mommy look good and when she looks good, you look good. :) It's a win-win, welcome to Corporate America. Oh wait, not yet?! :/

    Glad you had a pleasant outting....hoping for many more :)

  3. That's awesome!
    Sounds like The visit went beautifully, although I like reading about the last one better because it makes me feel better about when we have the sh**show outings.
    I liken going out with the baby to traveling with a ticking time bomb -- you know that it is going to blow and you just need to make sure that you are far away from innocent bystanders when it happens,
    Also, am jealous if what seems to be wesome sleep from miss mads. Seriously awesome.

  4. jesus I can still recall those days, packing like it was a two week trip, timing everything around naps and eating. OMG i swear to you it gets easier (and you can eventually leave the kids at home when visiting people who are not kid friendly)
