Showing posts with label sheffield. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sheffield. Show all posts

Saturday, March 8, 2025

My Birthday

It was my 41st birthday on the 19th of January. I can't believe it's been a whole year since my big parties! Time goes so quickly. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do for the occasion, and as I've said my mum was diagnosed with cancer at the very beginning of January. On the 17th she and I had been to the hospital for a load of info and decisions on what would happen next. She had a surgery date of the 28th of January which was SO soon, which was good. Due to her previous breast cancer, the consultant felt the only option was to perform a full mastectomy. This is what we expected, but it was still awful and stressful. I had an absolutely huge coldsore and did not feel like celebrating my birthday at all. But I had organised for nine of us to meet up in Sheffield, so off we went. 

Lee and I got to Sheffield at about midday and headed to Costa to meet Sam and Jodie. I was properly sad and had a little cry and Sam and Jodie made me feel better. Jacqui arrived and then Sarah did too, and I took the selfie of myself and posted it to instagram because it was just real. I looked a mess and I'd been crying but I was surrounded by love and my friends, so actually, I was fine. 

Just before 1pm we trooped off to Pho in Leopold Square and my mum, stepdad, and my friend Ros arrived very soon after. I opened a bunch of really lovely presents and we ordered food and drinks. I had a spicy margarita which was REALLY spicy to drink! I had summer rolls with peanut sauce, of course, because I always get that Pho. Then I went for the spicy tofu curry which I've only had once before and thought it was a bit too spicy, but this time it was more sweet than anything? I would get it again though. 

One thing I will say is that service was REALLY slow. They could have easily sold us more drinks but there appeared to be only one member of staff on the entire floor. It took them forever to clear our starters and bring out our mains, and then the mains came at different times and Lee's wasn't right so he had to wait even longer. It was really annoying because usually service in there is really good. 

I had bought a cake from M&S that Lee and I had picked up the day before, and to be fair a staff member did bring out plates and spoons for us. So I cut it and we all had a piece or took one home. I had made party bags for my friends - they were just gift bags with sweets and stationery and stuff inside. They were cute though! 

By this time Jac had to rush off for her train and Sarah and Ros needed to get home too. so we said goodbye to them and then Sam, Jodie, my mum, stepdad, Lee and I headed to All Bar One for a drink. Sam and I shared some two for one cocktails which were nice. It was such a nice afternoon out. 

Lee and I got home about 6pm I think. I was wearing my new snowflake tights which were still giving off glitter everywhere. And I was wearing my new dress. Let me tell you about this dress! My mum made it for me for Christmas. The pattern is based on my Sprinkle of Glitter dress that I absolutely love but which I have worn to death. It's breaking apart! So I asked my mum if she could make a pattern of it. I also gave her this fabric that I had picked up at craft club. It turned out to be a duvet cover! I just love the pattern of it. My mum gave me it for Christmas and I was SO surprised because I really wasn't expecting it! She was really proud of the bands around the bottom and the sleeves, and the pattern matching in the pockets! It is so gorgeous and I will wear it a lot over the summer, but I also wanted to wear it on my birthday because it was from my mum and I love her. What do you think about it? 

In the evening Lee and I watched The Godfather. It's one of my favourite films ever but you have to really plan to watch it because it's so long. I really enjoyed it. Plus it was a nice calm ending to my birthday which I really needed. 

Here I am in Costa after being so knackered and after a cry. As I said, I'm surrounded by love and that's amazing

Super spicy cocktail! Sam had two of them!

Summer rolls and peanut sauce to start with

Then since we had soooo much time between the starters and main course, I made us take photos round the table which I haven't done in forever!

Me and Sarah; I love this girl with all of my being

Lee and I, he cannot take a serious picture 

Lee and my stepdad

My mum and stepdad

My mum and Ros. I don't get to see Ros often enough so I'm really glad she was able to come

Jodie and Ros

Jac and Jodie

Sam and Jac, my bestests

And finally Sarah and Sam, a bit awkward across the table

My spicy curry when it finally arrived

My lovely cake, it was really delicious too

Some kind of something I was drinking in All Bar One

Tights and boots - these boots are from Pavers and they're so comfortable and just look really fancy

And finally here's the beautiful dress! I just love it

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Trip to Sheffield Market

In 2023 my mum and I went Christmas shopping in Sheffield and happened to be there while the markets were on and I really liked looking round them. This year, Lee was off work so I suggested that we went. We decided to go one Friday as we didn't think it would be too busy, but busy enough for a bit of atmosphere. I was really looking forward to it as my mum and I had had a bit of a damp squib at Leeds markets, so Lee and I set off about 11am to Sheffield. We parked in the car park that looks a bit like a cheese grater and walked through the peace gardens, where there were plenty of festive decorations so we got photos with them. It wasn't too cold, thankfully. 

We walked around a few stalls and got a few bits and then went into the ski bar for a drink. Lee had hot chocolate and I had mulled wine. We walked around a bit more, going into some shops too, and then had lunch. We both had Yorkshire pudding wraps from a stall - mine was vegetarian so it was just stuffing, roast potatoes, vegetables, and gravy. It was delicious though!

After we'd eaten we walked further on to Fargate and kept looking at stuff. I got a crepe with Kinder chocolate and marshmallows - it was so delicious. Lee got churros which were soft and yummy too. We popped into the town hall just to look, as we had never seen it open. Oh and it must have been 1pm because the 1pm siren went off and Lee was shocked by it! I've heard it a few times so am not too shocked! 

We then went into the Alpine lodge and had a drink in there. I had toffee cider or something that time but it wasn't too nice and I wouldn't get it again. We were cold by this time and it was beginning to rain, so we just came home. I was wearing my star top which came from Simply Be a few years ago and which I save for Christmas. On the bottom I wore a very old Scarlett & Jo skirt that I love and wear often. 

I offered to take photos of a cute family by this ornament thing - they looked like grandparents and their little grandchild - so they took one back of us

Isn't it cute? 

Looking at the Alpine lodge which we went into at the end, but also showing you the polar bear decoration

Mulled wine

Yorkshire pudding wrap. I've never had one before and wouldn't go rushing for another, but I did like this one 

Really delicious crepe

The town hall looking all festive and beautiful

At one of the entrances to the markets. Again, we took photos of two people together and they reciprocated. I nearly always offer if I see people who could use a photographer!

Here we are in the Alpine lodge. Another hot chocolate for Lee (he doesn't drink alcohol)

And finally here's my outfit when we got home!

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Lunch with Friends

On the first of December I headed to Sheffield to meet up with Lolly (and Franklin), Georgina, and Becky. We got together a while ago and have been meaning to get together again for a while, so eventually we decided on Tsuki in Sheffield. I've been once before with Georgina and Lolly, but it was a while ago. They do a bottomless sushi brunch thing where you can order sushi and stuff and drinks every fifteen minutes, so you end up getting very drunk and very full of food! 

I got the train from my village and then met Georgina and Becky at the train station and Alfie very kindly gave us a lift up to Tsuki. Lolly and Franklin were already waiting when we arrived, so we went in and got seated. 

I can't even remember what I ate and drank but it was all so nice! I definitely had a lychee mimosa and a strawberry daiquiri. I had a bunch of different sushi and shared some stuff with some of the others too. We swapped little presents and talked nonsense. We got a photo of all five of us before we left. Becky and I ran out at about 4pm because we wanted to catch the tram to go to back to the station. Becky's train was supposed to leave at 4.30 and mine just after that, so we did have to rush a bit but we both managed to get on our trains with no problem! Lee picked me up at the station in my village and I went home and laid down for a bit!

I was wearing this Joe Browns dress which I absolutely love but which is a bit big for me these days. I don't know whether to make it into a skirt or something, instead of it having the top, which gapes. I'll see! I love it, though, I really like the pattern and I think it's very festive. We all looked gorgeous though! 

Standing at the station waiting for my train. I look every single one of my forty years here, but I find that I don't care. Ageing is a privilege. I also really like my lipstick, it's from Avon

The sky was so blue and so beautiful 

Me and Becks and Georgina - I couldn't get all five of us in at once 

Strawberry daiquiri

Some of the many sushi I had!

Georgina took this of me and my lychee mimosa

Here I am in front of the insta-worthy wall in the restaurant. My cardigan is navy blue, nothing exciting

And here are all five of us looking gorgeous!

Monday, December 30, 2024

Lunch Out with Roslyn

On the 3rd of November I went to Sheffield to meet my friend Roslyn for lunch. She wasn't sure what she wanted but fancied noodles so I was suggesting a few places in Sheffield and she chose Pho. So I drove to Middlewood and got on the tram. I was there before Ros so I went in and got a table and waited for her. She had never been before so when she arrived I advised her on what was good. She's vegetarian like me so that was useful for me to have some knowledge. We both went for summer rolls with peanut sauce to begin with, and then Ros went for tofu curry because I said it was very good. I decided to go for something different and had tofu curry noodle soup. It was spicy and delicious and really warming and lovely! 

After we had eaten we went into a few shops, nothing too exciting but I did start my Christmas shopping in TK Maxx which was good. It was getting on for 3.30pm by this point so we decided to go and get a drink and ended up in a brownie/donut place. I had a brownie and some pop, it was fine but nothing too special and I didn't bother taking a photo! I got home about 5pm and got a photo of my dress. It is a Joe Brown's one and I got it a few months ago but haven't worn it much because I think it's more of an autumn/winter dress. I wore it with black footless tights. 

As it was near to Bonfire Night there were tons of fireworks in the evening so I watched a few from my attic window. 

Summer rolls with peanut sauce, Ros had never had summer rolls before but liked them

Tofu curry noodle soup, you can't see the noodles here but there were loads in the bottom of the bowl. I would have it again

Lovely orangey dress when I got home

And finally some pretty fireworks

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Lunch with Philippa

Towards the end of October I went to Sheffield to meet Philippa for lunch. She suggested we go to Aesthete in Walkley; we've been before but it was in the summer so we sat outside. This time it was much too cold for that! But I agreed as the food had been nice. I had to park on what is practically a vertical hill but I did very good parallel parking and then made my way inside to where Philippa already was. 

It was really busy but she had managed to get a table. I went for poached eggs on a muffin with cubed potatoes, tomatoes, and mushrooms. It tasted really nice but I think the portion was a bit little. I also had a vegan caramel shortbread which was lovely. 

As we were leaving I got a photo of us because I always forget and didn't want to. As you can see I was wearing the jumper that I made - it's lovely and warm without being too big or bulky, so I will probably wear it a lot over the winter. 

Breakfast muffin

Lovely cake for dessert; I had coffee too 

And finally a lovely photo of Pippa and me!

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Lunch in Sheffield with Lolly

At the end of September I went to Sheffield to meet Lolly for lunch. Chloe wasn't available so the two of us organised to meet up for lunch and go to Pho. Which isn't unusual to be honest! I parked at Middlewood and got the tram to City Hall, and then walked through to Pho in Leopold Square where Lolly was already outside. We sat where we always sit, haha, and I had what I always have. It's not my fault, it's just so delicious! I had summer rolls with peanut sauce, and tofu and vegetable curry. It was lovely as always. 

Afterwards we walked into Orchard Square because we wanted to look at the Halloween stuff in TK Maxx. I got a candle which is Candy Apple scented and it's been really nice to burn. A bargain at £8.99! We went into Waterstones but I didn't buy anything. Then we went into Costa and got a coffee and sat there for ages just chatting. It was nice! 

I got home about 4.30 I think. I had been wearing my rainbow Topsy Curvy dress because it's just so much fun and sunny. One of the baristas in Costa complimented it! I realised I forgot to get a picture of Lolly and I which was annoying, but it was as nice as always to see her.

Summer rolls and peanut sauce

Tofu and veg curry

Rainbow dress, it's so sparkly and lovely

And this lovely candle that I bought

Thursday, October 17, 2024

A Friday at the End of August

On the last Friday of August I had a busy day. I had arranged to see my friend Philippa for lunch. She lives in Sheffield so we generally meet up there, and take it in turns to choose where we'll eat. I had a hankering for sushi so I suggested Mr Miyagi's on Division Street. However, it's in the pedestrianised area of Division Street which makes it difficult to get to and hard to park near. Philippa and I both struggle with access, and I hate parking round there. So we decided I would park at hers and we would get a taxi together to very close to Mr Miyagi's. So that's what we did. The restaurant doesn't have tons of tables, but there was one free so we managed to get in.

I've only been there once before but I had the Korean barbecue mock chicken so I wanted that again, but they didn't have any. So I went for muck duck bao buns instead. I also got a vegetarian sushi platter because it was sushi I wanted! It was really good food and the atmosphere was pretty good inside. I need to go back more often! 

We then walked next door to the Frog and Parrot and sat on the pavement and had a drink and I had a chocolate brownie and ice cream for pudding. We were under a parasol and it was lovely and sunny so we sat chatting for ages before getting a taxi back to Philippa's. 

I got home and relaxed for a bit before just after 6pm when Lee and I set off to Chesterfield to go to his friend Brian's house. Brian has built a bar in a summer house in his garden and he had invited us over for a drink. He's the bass player in Lee's band and their ex bandmate Leah was there too. Brian's girlfriend Lisa was there too, and another friend called Holly who I haven't met before but it was really nice to meet her! We sat in the pub and had a few drinks and some snacks and chatted and stuff. It was really good fun and the bar is lush, really cosy. 

We got back about 11pm after taking Leah back to Sheffield. Lee doesn't drink alcohol which is very useful so he can drive! It was a fun, friend filled day 

Mock duck bao buns with hoisin sauce. The vegetarian selection in Mr Miyagi's is extensive and everything I've had has been so good!

Vegetarian sushi platter - it was also lovely

I also had a beer outside the pub; I love drinking beer in the sunshine!

My brownie in the pub

The bar at Brian's. The pumps don't actually connect to anything but they do look the part!

And here we all are - Brian took this photo. I was wearing my galaxy print dress but didn't get a close up photo of it