Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts

Saturday, March 8, 2025

My Birthday

It was my 41st birthday on the 19th of January. I can't believe it's been a whole year since my big parties! Time goes so quickly. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do for the occasion, and as I've said my mum was diagnosed with cancer at the very beginning of January. On the 17th she and I had been to the hospital for a load of info and decisions on what would happen next. She had a surgery date of the 28th of January which was SO soon, which was good. Due to her previous breast cancer, the consultant felt the only option was to perform a full mastectomy. This is what we expected, but it was still awful and stressful. I had an absolutely huge coldsore and did not feel like celebrating my birthday at all. But I had organised for nine of us to meet up in Sheffield, so off we went. 

Lee and I got to Sheffield at about midday and headed to Costa to meet Sam and Jodie. I was properly sad and had a little cry and Sam and Jodie made me feel better. Jacqui arrived and then Sarah did too, and I took the selfie of myself and posted it to instagram because it was just real. I looked a mess and I'd been crying but I was surrounded by love and my friends, so actually, I was fine. 

Just before 1pm we trooped off to Pho in Leopold Square and my mum, stepdad, and my friend Ros arrived very soon after. I opened a bunch of really lovely presents and we ordered food and drinks. I had a spicy margarita which was REALLY spicy to drink! I had summer rolls with peanut sauce, of course, because I always get that Pho. Then I went for the spicy tofu curry which I've only had once before and thought it was a bit too spicy, but this time it was more sweet than anything? I would get it again though. 

One thing I will say is that service was REALLY slow. They could have easily sold us more drinks but there appeared to be only one member of staff on the entire floor. It took them forever to clear our starters and bring out our mains, and then the mains came at different times and Lee's wasn't right so he had to wait even longer. It was really annoying because usually service in there is really good. 

I had bought a cake from M&S that Lee and I had picked up the day before, and to be fair a staff member did bring out plates and spoons for us. So I cut it and we all had a piece or took one home. I had made party bags for my friends - they were just gift bags with sweets and stationery and stuff inside. They were cute though! 

By this time Jac had to rush off for her train and Sarah and Ros needed to get home too. so we said goodbye to them and then Sam, Jodie, my mum, stepdad, Lee and I headed to All Bar One for a drink. Sam and I shared some two for one cocktails which were nice. It was such a nice afternoon out. 

Lee and I got home about 6pm I think. I was wearing my new snowflake tights which were still giving off glitter everywhere. And I was wearing my new dress. Let me tell you about this dress! My mum made it for me for Christmas. The pattern is based on my Sprinkle of Glitter dress that I absolutely love but which I have worn to death. It's breaking apart! So I asked my mum if she could make a pattern of it. I also gave her this fabric that I had picked up at craft club. It turned out to be a duvet cover! I just love the pattern of it. My mum gave me it for Christmas and I was SO surprised because I really wasn't expecting it! She was really proud of the bands around the bottom and the sleeves, and the pattern matching in the pockets! It is so gorgeous and I will wear it a lot over the summer, but I also wanted to wear it on my birthday because it was from my mum and I love her. What do you think about it? 

In the evening Lee and I watched The Godfather. It's one of my favourite films ever but you have to really plan to watch it because it's so long. I really enjoyed it. Plus it was a nice calm ending to my birthday which I really needed. 

Here I am in Costa after being so knackered and after a cry. As I said, I'm surrounded by love and that's amazing

Super spicy cocktail! Sam had two of them!

Summer rolls and peanut sauce to start with

Then since we had soooo much time between the starters and main course, I made us take photos round the table which I haven't done in forever!

Me and Sarah; I love this girl with all of my being

Lee and I, he cannot take a serious picture 

Lee and my stepdad

My mum and stepdad

My mum and Ros. I don't get to see Ros often enough so I'm really glad she was able to come

Jodie and Ros

Jac and Jodie

Sam and Jac, my bestests

And finally Sarah and Sam, a bit awkward across the table

My spicy curry when it finally arrived

My lovely cake, it was really delicious too

Some kind of something I was drinking in All Bar One

Tights and boots - these boots are from Pavers and they're so comfortable and just look really fancy

And finally here's the beautiful dress! I just love it

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Lee's Birthday 2024

On the 21st of August it was Lee's 42nd birthday and he and I spent the day at a spa! For his birthday in 2023, my mum and I both bought him vouchers to Woodland Spa in Burnley, and we hadn't had chance to use them yet. We talked about using them in April or May of this year, but when I rung them, the spa wasn't fully open because they were doing a huge refurbishment. So we decided to go on Lee's birthday and make a day of it. We could get in from 10.30 so we set off nice and early at 8.30 in case there was traffic. 

The traffic was fine though and we had a bit of time so we stopped to get some coffee and breakfast at one of the services. We got to Burnley about 10.15 and were allowed into the spa straight away which was good. We got changed - the women's changing rooms were absolutely huge and definitely needed some signs for the numbers - and into the spa. 

I am not joking when I tell you that this is probably the best spa I have ever been to. It is huge, it just keeps on going, and it is SO fancy and special. We had an absolutely brilliant day and we're already making plans to go back sometime because it's definitely worth it. We could have stayed until 9.30pm when it closed, making it excellent value for money, and we also got a two course meal and a drink included so it's worth it. I want to take everyone I know!

We started off in the Vitality pool, which was so warm. It has a big waterfall at one end, and two areas with different jets and seats. It has two hot tubs attached which were nice and warm too. Around this pool are experience showers, an ice lounge, and lots of loungers. 

We then moved on to the middle pool. This is called the Hydrotherapy pool. It is circular and it again has lots of jets and things in it. Around it are steam rooms and two saunas, and treatment rooms. There are loungers here, too, although the heated ones weren't yet working with heat (but obviously you could still sit on them). There were foot spas here too. 

We went into the Serenity pool too, which is all dark and kept quiet. The water seemed to be salty which keeps you buoyant and which was lovely. Then we headed outside - the swimming pool starts inside and goes outside. It's heated but it wasn't hot. Also outside are two hot tubs and an infinity hot tub. We went in that one. 

By this time it was about 12 o'clock so we headed up to the roof terrace. On the way we past the mezzanine floors, which has a bunch of comfy beds to lie on. The lift wasn't working on the day we visited - which to be fair I did get an email about - so we went up the stairs. We had a dressing gown and flip flops each, and we also used about three towels each. Outside on the roof is an infinity sided hot tub with a beautiful view of the countryside, and plenty of loungers. The weather wasn't brilliant on that day, but the hot tub was so warm that it was fine! 

Our lunch was booked for 12.45 in the restaurant on the terrace. Part of the ongoing refurbishment is in the other restaurant, but the roof one is really nice too. There were plenty of vegetarian and vegan options. We shared some bread and dips to start with and then Lee had fish and chips and I had a vegan 'duck' hoisin wrap which was really nice. It came with chips, too. For dessert Lee had sticky toffee pudding and I had a vegan brownie with ice cream. I also had both glasses of wine - one pink and one fizzy!

They knew it was Lee's birthday because he had had to fill in his details before we arrived, and there was a birthday card in his locker which was nice. Then at lunch they brought him a small piece of brownie with a sparkler in it! It was really fun and cool, I was glad he got a bit spoilt. 

In the afternoon we went round all the areas again! Because why not! We stayed outside upstairs for a bit, then went back downstairs. We went into the terrace hot tub and then into the bar there. It has tapas which would be perfect if you were staying all day, but we were really full so didn't bother. I had a Kir Royale which was gorgeous. There are two areas with fire pits so we sat around one of those for a bit too. 

We honestly just had such a good time. Around 5.30 more people arrived because they do a 'twilight' experience from 5.30 til 9.30, but it still wasn't too busy. It felt fine. We left not long after that though because we wanted to get back for the cats. I had a shower and used all the free toiletries, and we set off about 6pm I guess. Lee then talked to some friends for the rest of his birthday!

I really cannot gush about this place enough, though. We will definitely go back, it's pure luxury!

The Vitality pool just as we arrived. The Ice Lounge is on the left there

View of the Vitality pool from the lounger I was lying on

The Hydrotherapy pool which had many buttons to press

The Serenity pool which was dark and warm and just gorgeous

This is the swimming pool which starts inside and leads outside. You can see the hot tubs beyond it

This is the outdoor hot tub on the terrace, it had a bunch of seats

These comfy things were on the mezzanine on our way up, but we didn't stay there

Looking down on the Vitality pool from the mezzanine

The hot tub on the roof

Always love two glasses of wine, me

The bread and dips we shared to start with

My hoisin wrap, which was really nice

Lee's sticky toffee pudding

And my brownie

Lee's brownie and sparkler. I realise the flame doesn't look real in this photo, but I promise it was!

The fire pit on the roof terrace

And the fire pit inside the terrace bar

Here we are sitting by that enjoying a drink

I had a gorgeous Kir Royale

Lastly, the Hydrotherapy pool not long before we left

The rest of the photos are Lee's, but I'll include them anyway

Sign on the terrace. The spa is attached to a hotel which is part of a chain that we've been to before, so I know it would be good if you wanted to stay over too

The outside part of the swimming pool

Lee and I in the pool

The fire pit inside the terrace bar, where we sat for a drink

Me in the roof terrace hot tub

And here I am in the swimming pool, you can see where it goes inside

The view from the roof hot tub

And here I am in the pool again

Friday, July 5, 2024

My Mum's Birthday Weekend

My mum's birthday this year fell on the Bank Holiday weekend, and my aunt and uncle were visiting her house after their holiday near Whitby (and as it turned out after our outing together to see Bruce Springsteen). She decided to hire a hot tub for the weekend which I didn't even know was something you could do! It wasn'tr a 'big' birthday - she was 66 - but it did mark her officially becoming an OAP so she decided to hire the hot tub. It arrived on the Thursday morning after Bruce while I was still at my mother's house, but of course it wouldn't be warm enough for at least 24 hours.

So for most of Friday I just hung out at home. Then Lee finished work and we packed our stuff and headed to my mum's. We took both our cars because my friend Gemma is borrowing mine for a little bit. We got there about 5.30 and my mum and step cousin N were already in the hot tub. My mum told me to get changed immediately, so I did! 

It was lovely and warm and it had different seats and jets so it was really lovely. It was under the car port so not in the rain when it did rain. We had wine in plastic glasses of course. It was so nice! We got out about 6.30 and ordered some pizzas for tea. After we had eaten the three of us and Lee got back in. We stayed there until late and that was Friday!

On Saturday I had some writing to do so we hung about the house for a while. Lee decided he was going to a festival that day, which was fine, so my mum and stepdad picked me up about 2.30 and took me back to theirs. My aunt and uncle arrived about half an hour later. We went in the hot tub! (This is a recurring theme, obviously...) My stepdad was keeping us well hydrated with wine and drinks. We got out for a bit and had pies and dauphinois potatoes for tea. Lee had made the potatoes for us so we made sure to keep some for him for the next day. My mum and I went back into the hot tub and then I had a shower at about 9pm. We went to bed quite early but I read for a bit and messaged Lee, who was still at the gig, before going to sleep.

On Sunday morning my mum, stepdad, aunt and uncle all went to church, so I was by myself in the house. I stayed in the little spare bedroom, which used to be Lee's bedroom when he lived with me and my parents when I was at sixth form! It's a cute cosy bedroom. I had some breakfast and then got ready, just about the time everyone got home and Lee arrived. 

We had some lunch and then my mum, Caroline and I did some crafting. I had recently found some tiny tags and asked Caroline if she would decorate them with me, and she said yes, and we gave some to my mum. It was a nice hour or so of using some of my lovely supplies! 

Then hot tub time! About 4.30 my stepdad started the charcoals for a barbecue so about 5.30 we got out and I got dressed again so I could eat. My mum and I shared some pornstar martini that my step cousin had sent her; it was delicious. The barbecue was lovely too - I had veggie sausages and halloumi kebabs which were both really good. I love barbecues. Plus there was lots of salads and onions and stuff. My mum opened her birthday cards and presents - we had given her cash for a watch she really liked. 

After tea my mum and I got back in the hot tub and Lee, Neil and Caroline went for a quick walk. We got out about 9pm and I got dressed again and then we played a game until late! I was glad to get home but it had been such a lovely time with my family.

Here's my mum and N and me on Friday evening

My mum's birthday cake which she picked up on Saturday morning before fetching me

Here she is cutting it later that evening; you can't exactly see here but she's wearing a cardigan over her swimming costume and nothing else haha

A robin on the grass!

Here I am lying in what used to be Lee's bedroom in my mum's house. It's a cosy bed, it was warm though so I slept with the window open which was lovely because I can't do that at home as it's too loud

Sunday morning being a rebel and eating Shreddies out of a Frosties bowl

Here's some of my craft supplies for us to use

And here's one of the tags I made

My mum and her sister in the hot tub

The four of us - Lee didn't get in fully, he just sat on the side with his feet in as it's too hot for him

My mother and I with our martinis

I got this t shirt at the Bruce gig, I love it!

And here's the two of us about 8pm on Sunday evening when it was just the two of us!