Showing posts with label snakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snakes. Show all posts

Mar 11, 2008

SFG: Wicked

Oh Eve ...

I'm experimenting with ink jet prints printed as drafts so they come out rough and illustrating on top of them with markers and colored pencil. Then scanning and adjusting in photoshop using texture layers and experimenting with color treatments.


Feb 14, 2008


For someone who's not all that big on Valentine's Day, I seem to have quite a few of these images floating around my brain.
Happy Valentine's Day, again!
Sketched Out

Jan 10, 2008

Renaissance Robot!

Sci Fi art is some of my favorite, especially retro. Funny I don't care to read Sci Fi anymore but the images can be very cool. I'll be posting some more Sci Fi art later today...