Showing posts with label green. Show all posts
Showing posts with label green. Show all posts

Oct 20, 2013

A newer digital painting...

It's called "King Bird" and yea,  I does have me a story that goes with it.

Jan 10, 2010

Radek Karkulowski, Green City for ESS

Lahti is aiming at becoming the eco capital of Finland – illustration for ESS.

Radek Karkulowski:

Aug 1, 2009

Castle Crashers! Collect all 4!

Below are my first contributions for the "8-bit & Beyond!" show by the Autumn Society. If you haven't played Castle Crashers yet, you really should! Specially if you own an Xbox 360. I'm not much of a modern gamer, but this game was an exception! This game is a mix of my SNES days with nice animations, great humor, and some good butt kicking action! The characters and art in the game are simple and genius! My hat goes off to Dan Paladin for creating such a wonderful game with his company, The Behemoth. Dan was also responsible for the popular Alien Hominid a few years back. There should be more people like Dan in the world making these kind of modern / old school gems! Anywho, here's my version of these awesome little butt kicking dudes. Finals will be 6"x8" on Wood, will post pics later in the week.

Feb 24, 2009

Two Parrots

Was working on this over the weekend and was really happy with how it turned out- submitting it for a group art show themed  around the color "Green"- planning on mounting it (ink/colored pencil on paper) on a wood panel and varnishing it (thinking of perhaps lightly staining the paper so it's not pristine white, but not 100% sure yet)

Aug 20, 2007

Vote for the Green Boogie Monster

Hi, I submitted Green Boogie Monster for the Mojizu character competition.
Please vote for him here: Vote for Green Boogie Monster

***Warning, if he doesn't win he will eat you up****

Apr 7, 2007

Environmentalists wear organic underwear

Are you a Greenie or concerned about the environment? Then support your cause and wear organic underwear because all the environmentalists do. Made from 100% green leaves and fresh flowers! It’s a great gift for the greenie in your life.

Have a look at our store for more interesting and unique designs.